When someone asks a question or whenever Astrology comes to know about the question, we cast a horary horoscope according to that time and place. Ancient and modern Astrologers have also mentioned the casting of horary horoscope with the given numbers, for example, determining the ascendant by asking a number between 1 to 108 and 1 to 249 from the person concerned.
First of all, in horary horoscopes, the indication of question has to be seen. Many a times, the client does not talk about his concern/question specifically or sometimes in order to test the Astrologer, client may not reveal his mind. In such a situation, there are certain rules in the scriptures to know about the question likely to be asked. I am not intending to write horary scripture here but still we will discuss dictums of scriptures, wherever needed.
There are three kinds of questions: Dhatu, Moola and Jeeva
Aries, Cancer, Librra, Capricorn – Moveabe signs or Navamsas signify Dhatu
Taurus, Leo, Scoprpio, Aquarius – Fixed signs or Navamas signify Moola
Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces – Dual signs or Navamas signify Jeeva
- Prashna (Question-based astrology): The practice of answering specific questions using astrology.
- Horary Astrology: Another name for Prashna, which is based on the time a question is asked.
- Ascendant (Lagna): The rising sign at the time of the question, which plays a key role in Prashna astrology.
- Nakshatra (Lunar Mansions): The position of the Moon in a specific Nakshatra at the time of asking the question can provide significant insights.
- Prashna Kundali (Question Chart): A horoscope drawn for the exact moment when the question is asked to analyze and provide answers.
- Time of Question: The moment at which the question is posed, which is crucial for the astrological analysis.
- Planetary Positions: The location and aspects of planets at the time of the question, which influence the outcome of the query.
- Astrological Houses: The 12 houses in a chart, where the placement of planets at the time of the question can guide the answer.
- Dasha (Planetary Periods): The planetary periods in the Prashna chart that help in determining the timing and outcome of events.
- Divisional Charts: Specific charts used for analyzing particular aspects, such as the D-9 (Navamsa) or D-10 (Dasamsa), which might be used for detailed Prashna analysis.
- Rahu and Ketu: The shadow planets, often important in determining the outcome of a Prashna question, especially if the query involves hidden matters or obstacles.
- Moon’s Position: The Moon’s position in Prashna astrology is considered critical for assessing emotional, mental, and situational influences at the time of the question.
- Planetary Aspects: The influence of one planet on another, which can alter the result of the query.
- Panchang: The five elements of the Hindu calendar—Tithi, Nakshatra, Karana, Yoga, and Vara—which can help interpret the answer to the question.
- Astrological Remedies: Prescriptions based on Prashna readings, including gemstones, mantras, or rituals, to help improve the situation or address the query.
- Timing of Events: Determining when an event or outcome is likely to occur, which is one of the main applications of Prashna astrology.
- Success or Failure Indicators: How Prashna astrology can reveal whether the question at hand will lead to success or failure based on planetary positions and aspects.
- Bhava (House) Significations: Interpretation of the different houses in Prashna astrology, each representing various life aspects like career, marriage, health, etc.
- Karma and Fate: The role of karmic influences in answering the questions posed in Prashna astrology.
- Prediction Methodology: The techniques and principles used to interpret the Prashna chart and provide an accurate, actionable answer to the question.
- Transits: The movement of planets through the zodiac and their influence on the current situation related to the question.
- Simple Interpretation Techniques: Easy and practical ways to interpret the Prashna chart and provide effective solutions.
- Sage Parashara: The Vedic sage who laid the foundation for much of Vedic astrology, including question-based astrology (Prashna).
- Debilitated Planets: How weak or debilitated planets influence the outcome of a Prashna chart.
- Benefic and Malefic Planets: The role of beneficial (like Jupiter and Venus) and malefic planets (like Saturn and Mars) in shaping the outcome of the query.
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