Article by Mohan Das, Kerala
“The planets control and govern the Universe and Pancha Bhootha. So it is very clear that the astrology is the Master Science”
Disease diagonosis through Astrology :-
Varieties of diseases suffered by man can be diagnosed by keenly analyzing the Zodiac in which the position of planets and seven angas are marked and remedy for the same can also be found. Making use of the zodiac analysis, it is possible to predict untimely deaths, natural deaths and other sorrows and miseries and appropriate
solutions can be arrived at. This subject has been deeply discussed in great Astrological texts such as ‘Prasana Margam’, Skandha Hora’, ‘Parasara hora’, ‘Soura hora’, ‘Prajapathyam’, ‘Vasishtam’, ‘Badarayana hora’ and ‘Ashtanga Hridayam’.
Varahamihiran has done extensive studies on the subject referring the above books and came out with strong insight in his text ‘Horashasthram’.
Prediction of all the above said topics depends on horoscopical zodiac position, prasnam, Aroodam, Udayam, Thrisphudam, Pancha Soothram, Chathuspudam and Amsakam.
Shastram :
“Adhare pradhanam Sahasra kiranam tharadhipanSwashreye
Mahaye mani poorakam hridibudham Kantecha Vachaspidam,
Bhroomadhyae Bhrigu nandanam dinamani puthram thrikoodasthale
Nadie marma surrahu kethu gulikan nithyam pranamamiyaham”.
According to the above mentioned scientific verse, Sun who is the root cause of all represents mooladharam, the moon represents the buttocks and thighs, stars
represents the digestive system, Mercury represents cardiac or heart, Jupiter represents throat and associated parts, Venus represents ‘bhroomadhyam’, Saturn represents brain and its associated nerves, ‘Rahu’, ‘Sikhi’, and ‘Manni’ represents eyes, dental, feet nerves and ‘marmas’ respectively.
Through prasanam, based on planets and its associates as mentioned earlier, disease and disorders can be diagnosed very sharply.
According to the opinion of Acharyas, the source of disease depends on Thrinadi.
Sasthram :
“Proktham thridosh sambandh Varaha mihiroditha :
Grahanam pragadhe daneem Vachmuktham Sarasam grahe”
[This verse is taken from Prasnamargam Chapter – 12, 10th verse – Sarabodhini Vyaghyaman]
Thrinadis are (i) Vatha (ii) Pitha and (iii) Kabha. Science of Ayurveda argues that the adverse effect (Kopas) of these Thrinadis are the reason for any disease. Even the Badha (affliction) causes disease by provoking these nadis.
We can predict the healthy and unhealthy conditions of mind, heart, lungs, liver, digestive system with glands, bones, brain nervous system, blood, muscles, hydration, stomach, reproductive organs, stimulation, erection, audibility, sight, touch, taste,
respiration etc by making use of astrological datas. Here I do explain exclusively the psychic condition and menstruation.
Psychic Condition :
There are a lot of persons who suffer from psychic disorders and diseases:
Researches were carried out by Indian Rishis, thousands of years ago, and prescribed proper remedies. According to the Rishis psychic problems are mainly divided into two:
i) Hysteric (Apasmara)
ii) Madness (Unmadam)
Shasthram :
“Mande shtamasthe Bhujageshwareva
Papagraha Veerya yuthastrikone
Kurvanthy apasmaramasadhaya rogam
maannyannvithasche subha dwaira drishtya”.
According to the above verse, In zodiac, if saturn (mandan) or rahu (sarpan) or both together at the eighth house and be any one of the powerful (with the position) papagrahas at fifth and ninth house, then powerful hysterical disease is to be predicted.
It is to be noted that if any one of the yoga or dristi of ‘manni’ is there for the above mentioned planetary situation without any Subha yoga prospects, then the resultant hysteria will be very very severe.
Hysterias (Apasmaras) affect in three different ways :-
i) Badha
ii) Disease
iii) Disease and Badha
There are three different hysterias (Apasmaras)
i) Hanthu kaman
ii) Ranthu kaman
iii) Bhokthu kaman
Hanthu kaman
According to the Acharyas, this kndkind of apasmaras never leave the body once entered, and will continue in the body till death. They exhibit severe and diabolic hysteric activities. They will harm and attack others. They shout at people very angrily.
Ranthu kaman
This kind of ‘apasmara doothies’ or evil spirit enter only into the body of adults. They do intercourse in the dreams of the victims with utmost feelings and get even orgasm. After this they feel very very tired. They loose all the youthfullness and charmness in them. Later this disease can be cured by medicine or manthras.
Bhokthu kaman
This kind of apasmara doothies can be eliminated from the body by proper ‘Balis’, and ‘Tharpanas’.
As we know modern medical science makes use of the application of computers for diagnosing and supporting the effectiveness of treatment. Not even 70% success has been achieved inspite of advancement in technology. So I am of the view that if we use the application of astrology along with modern medicine, the rate of success will be surprisingly high.
Apasmara doothies (Trouble by Spirits) are further divided into three kinds :-
(1) Siva doothies – Apasmara
(2) Vishnu doothies – Gandharvas
(3) Brahma doothies – Brahma Rakshasa
As per the astrological version the above said diseases are bound to happen in their previous birth. Salvation from this disease is possible by rependencerepentance and refuge in the most appropriate God in all respect. Along with the above means if one taketakes proper medicines the diseases can be cured.
Sasthram :
“Janmandara kritham papam
Vyadhi roopena jayathe”
Astrological procedure of cure from Apasmaras
As we examine zodiac and planeteryplanetary positions, we can predict what kind of sins and the kind of apasmaras are there with the body. Now convince the patient and their relatives and tell them what course of action to be carried out for cure. FndFind the sins done in the former birth and do kriyas proposed by Acharyas for rependencerepentance. Next balis, tharpanas and dharas are to be performed. One can also have medical opinion and take medicine and shall also undergo surgery if necessary by a surgeon who is blessed by God.
Establishing disease through Astrology
Sasthram :
“Aroode prabale vadanthi sudhayo
Rogolbhavam badhayam
Praglegne prabale thadamaya gane
Vachya thridosholbhavam”.
In the ‘prasanam’, if aroodam is powerful , it shows the affliction (Badha). If Udayam is powerful then thrinadi doshams (diseases).
This doctrine must be followed for all kinds of disease finding ‘prasanas’. On astrological analysis, ‘Unmadam’ and ‘apasmaram’ may feel alike, but care should be taken since they are different. In the divine text “Prasnamargam” 12th Chapter, apasmaras and unmadas and their differences are clearly explained. Its authenticity and effectiveness is proved beyond doubt.
Shasthram :
“Mande randra gathe how chitrakona baline shubham
Yogo pasmara do bhanoor bhoumach gada dow yadi”
The curing method of apasmaras and ‘unmadas’ are explained from 31st verse to 62nd verse of Acharya in the same book and the same chapter.
“swasana malina nidra Jrumbhikanasana thadha…..”
According to the above ‘Sasthra’, all the 12 doothies are siva doothies
i) Swasana – produces gasping
ii) Malina – producing pollution or dirt
iii) Nidra – producing sleepness
iv) Jrimbhika – producing yawning
v) Anasana – Reluctance to food
vi) Thrasini – producing startling
vii) Mohini – unconscious state
viii) Krodhini – producing anger
ix) Thaapani – producing burning grief
x) Rodani – producing crying sound
xi) Shoshani – producing leanliness
xii) Dhwamsini – perishing of body
When such diseases affect the persons due to planetary positions and if long life due to ‘Mahayogams’ are there in the horoscope, the disease can be cured making use of medicines and surgery beyond any doubt.
Menstruation & Associates :
“Kujendu Hethu prathimasamarthavam
Gathendu peedarshmanushna deedhithoh
Athonya dhasthe Subha pum grahekshithe
Narena Samyoga mupaithi kamini”
The above Sasthra verse is taken from Varaha mihira hora (4th chapter)
Menstruation is the biological process of protecting the womb and keeping it clean and tidy for a lady. There are many factors which may adversely affect the above
process. This depends totally on their zodiac planetary positions. Hence these defects can be found out by analyzing their horoscope or by prasnam and remedies can be proposed for the same by astrological acharyas.
‘Astanga hridayam’, ‘Brihat Prajapathyam’, ‘Vasishtam’, ‘Skandha hora’,
‘Soura hora’, ‘Saravali’ are some of the popular texts which authentically describes about the above mentioned subject, and vividly describe, methods of curing such disorders.
Acharyas explain with the aid of Shasthras that a girl who attains puberty is capable of motherhood and crave for sex at the age of 15. Capability of motherhood and inclination towards sex slowly starts on 15 declining after the age of 51.
By analyzing the planetary positions, dasas and apaharas, we can clearly
understand the age or period during which one can be blessed with an offspring. In spite of having yoga for an offspring, some might not get issues due to some other external problems. For such couples, by having their names, star and time of birth astrologers can find out the hindrances and propose remedies through ‘prasanam’. Then they will surely get issues.
There are some other situations which also hinders reproduction. It may be due to former birth sins, bad activities of the present life, Curse of father or mother,
provocations of ‘paradevathas’, serpental Curses and diseases.
It is experimentally proved that a fitting and rewarding remedy can be proposed for such disorders by making use of prasanam. In the ‘prasana’ on analysing the aroodam, Udayam, Amsakam, Thrisphudam and the pancha soothras the above said can be done.
According to Acharyas, a foetusfetus need nine months, nine day, nine nazhikas and nine vinazhikas to mature from the fertilized day onwards. Acharyas are very keen to explain the growth stages of foetusfetus of every month, every week and every stage. They also exhort the mothers what to do and what not to do for the proper growth of the foetusfetus in corresponding months and weeks together with the use of medicines at the right time and right amount.
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