Article by T. Stokes, U.K
T. Stokes is regarded as one of the finest palmists in the west; T Stokes is known worldwide as the “Consultant Palmist” & is regarded as one of the finest palmists in the West. He has many years of combined practise and blending from an array of diagnostic skills coupled to 10 years training in the Harry Edwards school of spirit mediumship and guidance, and accessing the wisdom of the multimedical and multispiritual arenas of the Indo/Pak subcontinental energy flow disciplines such as Hasthricka and Il-Mul-Kaff, have meant a sharpening and honing of clairvoyant skill ranges which can take a subject from pre-birth through the main events of the life, to the present day.
Looking at a rather poor picture of his hand in the newspaper the following becomes evident. His entry into the world was not easy, my guess is that he was possibly premature, maybe even caesarian, this can mean the personality is unready for birth, and can leave them with partial entry trauma.
A baby must go through certain stages known to psychology, in order to progress, and a negative paternal construct, is perhaps from a missing father figure at this time, this can have knock on effects which are well documented, but which show here, as a crushing lack of self-confidence, and later over powering emotional needs, this missing father figure effect climaxes at Age 4.
This guy is a deep thinker, but does tend to over rationalize and intellectualize yet paradoxically can act with rashness and impulse, this rift between thinking and action was an essential part of Jungs 4 quarters, feeling thinking intuition and sensation, and corresponds to the palmists view of Earth Air Fire and Water, and any imbalance here can mean later life difficulties.
Age 13 we have some rebelling against authority figures, this is often a sign seen with problem juveniles, not an easy time for him as identity issues surface soon after. We all need a sense of belonging, a feeling of roots and being part of something bigger, but this is missing here, but luckily he has very good communication skills, which will help him all through his life, he may even have singing ability.
Age 17 just after Christmas we have a fateful meeting, a first romantic event which could show the beginnings of a relationship, culminating at age 21-22 in a period of emotional growth, which is shown giving him care warmth and a depth of feeling which will help him to empathise with those less fortunate, but during this period of fast inner growth, there may be a dislike of authority figures and organisation’s which may draw him to examine extremist political or religious ideas.
Age 30 and culminating at age 31 in the months of February and December we have a period of feeling alone and misunderstood, perhaps a split up in a relationship, as some emotional upheaval and depression show at this time
Age 40 shows a big step up with many changes in this time period.
He was seen recently on British T V and was impressive, he certainly scored over his rival Hilary Clinton, who came across in her attacks on him as vindictive cold and cunning, negative politicking eventually must kill off the exponent.
Next year his 49th, is a karmic one for him with big challenges, he may have to swap some principles for the political support he may need, and this will grate with him deeply.
In order to get big business money behind any politician, deals have to be done and corruption is part and parcel of getting this backing, his only weakness is this lack of self confidence where he feels hurt deeply, he questions where he is constantly, and is a perfectionist.
He could just be the man to reunite America, sweep out the stench from the political stables and give America back its sense of leadership, pride in itself and all its peoples, but I doubt it, as anyone speaking outside the box will usually get the backing stopped from the big investors.
This man could well be in the chair next year, and I think he will.
Biggest year of challenge for him will be his 57th, where long forgotten chickens come home to roost.
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