Predictive Techniques
The history of astrology begins with Creation and it is said that the Creator himself i.e. Brahma handed it down to Sage-Garga. Astrology has been in existence even during the Babylon Civilisation i.e. nearly 5000 years ago and is evident from the early tablets in the British museums.
Astrology today is being done by a lot of incomplete data and quick methods. The branches of astrology start from Natal, Horary, Electional, Mundane, Nadi etc.
Natal astrology is related to the life of human beings. A chart is made for the moment of birth and for the particular place of birth (latitude and longitude taken for calculations). A large number of events can be read from the chart created and as such Natal Astrology gives an overview of the various facets of life. This aspect of Natal astrology has to be co-related to transit, strength, dasha, and other predictive techniques.
During my interactions with many people and programs on the electronic media, I found that astrology was being used as a tool for prediction by those who do not apply the basics.
My endeavour in this book titled “Predictive Techniques” is to give an understanding that is needed to be applied to get a broad understanding of the parameters in predicting the events of a native. I have tried to deal from the characteristics of signs, strengths of planets, planetary combinations, karaks, tithi, application of division charts, transit and varsha phal. These have been explained in an easy manner which both beginners and those doing research would find useful.
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