Article by Iranganti Rangacharya
For the purpose of timing of any event from the horoscopic charts, it is only Vimsottari Dasa, in general, in Parasara that is perforce welcome. Apropose, in Jaimini, a number of signDasas are seen to have been deducted and given exposition to, in ancient Sanskrit verses, called Vriddakarikas, and Sanskrit commentaries based on the aphorisms of the sage, Jaimini. These several signDasa can be conveniently classified into two groups, viz., Phalita (Bhiranga) Dasas and Ayur (Antaranga) Dasas. The presage of timing of spiritualistic events or such events pertaining to longevity, health, disease and death etc., is found appropriate from Ayur Dasas, while that of materialistic events is found to be successful from Phalita Dasas. But the plurality of signDasas from both the groups behooves us to choose adroitly the proper Dasas, depending on the class of events and planetary configuration. This is surely a novel, but a little hard and cumbrous feature of Jaimini which necessitates a good grip on the entire gamut of Jaimini aphorisms.
In the present article, I shall take up marriage according to Jaimini. Since the marriage event has to be judged and timed from Phalit Dasas, I would like to take up two signDasas from the group of Phalita Dasas. They are Chara and Trikona Dasas. Before dealing with these two methodic nuances, I feel it essential to make an exposition of some of the clues to time the event of marriage from Dasa/Antar Dasa signs of the following:-
- The 7th house of Janma Lagna if the 7th house is occupied by natural benefics, preferably in own house or exaltation.
- The 7th house of Janma Lagna if the 7th house is occupied by Ketu.
- The 7th house of Arudha Lagna, if the 7th house is occupied by natural benefics or occupied by variable Dara Karaka. The same can be expected in case of malefics if they are in own house or exaltated.
- Sign occupied by Dara Karaka in own house or exaltation.
- Sign occupied by Ketu in Chara Dasa.
- Upapada or its 2nd house occupied by benefics or Ketu.
- Dara pada if it is 7th from Janma Lagna or Arudha Lagna.
- Dara pada occupied by benefics or exalted planets.
- Sign occupied by Venus.
- The 7th of Dwara and Bahya Dasa-signs, occupied by benefics, or exalted planets in Trikona Dasa.
- The 7th of the sign occupied by Atma Karaka.
Hints for Choice of Dasas
- Choose Neelakanta’s method of Chara Dasa if you are to commence from Janma Lagna which is a cardinal sign. It is better if its 5th and 9th houses are not occupied by planets.
- If there is a tie among Janma Lagna, 5th and 9th houses as regards their strengths due to the occupancy of the planets therein, commence from Janma Lagna only to reckon Chara Dasa, according to Raghava Bhatta and Nrisimha Suri.
- If one of Lagna, 5th and 9th houses is decidedly strong and if it is a cardinal sign commence Trikona Dasa from itself.
- If it is a fixed or dual sign, commence Trikona Dasa from its Sammukha
- Apply Chara Dasa according to Raghava Bhatta and Nrisimha Suri, in a female nativity.
Illustrated Charts
Sun |
Jupiter Venus
Rahu | Mars |
Mercury | Male Chart – 1
21.3.1929 3.30 A.M. |
Moon | |
Ascdt | |||
Saturn | Ketu |
Date of marriage of the native of Chart 1 is 29-4-1959. The Ascendant is Capricorn which is cardinal sign. Neelakanta’s method of Chara Dasa is applied. Dasas are Makara (Capricorn), Dhanus (Sagittarius), Vrischika (Scorpio), Tula (Libra), Kanya (Virgo), Simha (Leo), Kataka (Cancer), and so on. Dasa years from Makara to Kataka are respectively 1, 4, 7, 6, 5, 12.
Date of birth : 21-3-1929
12 Kataka
So it is seen that the marriage occurred on 29-5-1959 in Kataka Dasa. Kataka is the 7th from Janma Lagna. It is occupied by a benefic, the Moon. Kataka is Dara Pada, occupied by the Moon, in own house, the 7th of Janma Lagna. Because of such clear indications, marriage took place in the beginning of Kataka Dasa, as the Native had already attained 30 years of age.
Ascdt |
Ketu | |
Male Chart – 2
1-10-1954 6.15 P.M. |
Jupiter | ||
Mars |
Moon | Saturn
Mercury Venus |
Sun |
In Chart 2, Janma Lagna is Meena (Pisces). Its 5th house, Kataka is strong being occupied by exalted Jupiter. Since Kataka is a cardinal sign, Trikona Dasa should begin from Kataka only. Since Kataka is an even and a cardinal sign, Dasas are reversely, Kataka, Mithuna, Vrishabha, Mesha and so on. Dasa years are 7, 4, 7, 8 respectively.
Date of Birth: 1-10-1954
8 Mesha
Marriage took place on 18-5-1979 in Mesha Dasa. Mesha is the 7th from the sign occupied by Atma Karaka, Venus. The 7th of Mesha is occupied by benefics and exalted Saturn. Mesha is Dwara Dasa-sign and its Bahya Dasa sign is Makara. Note that the 7th houses of both Dwara and Bahya are occupied benefics. In Trikona Dasa this is one of the pre-requisites that should be considered for timing of events. It can also be seen that the marriage took place in Makara Bhukti of Mesha Dasa. Thus clear indications are for marriage to take place in Mesha Dasa only. But according to Neelakanta’s Chara Dasa, to predict the same whether in Mithuna Dasa or in Kataka Dasa becomes controversial.
Moon |
Jupiter | |
Male Chart – 3
15.12.1953 10.30 P.M. |
Ketu | ||
Rahu |
Mercury Venus |
Saturn |
Date of marriage of the native of Chart 3 is 15-5-1981. Janma Lagna is Makara, occupied by Rahu while its 5th house is occupied by Jupiter in inimical sign. Both are aspected by four planets. Thus in case of tie, Janma Lagna is preferred for commencement of Dasa. Since it is a cardinal sign, Chara Dasa, according to Raghava Bhatta and Nrisimha Suri is chosen here, (vide hint 2 given for male chart). Dasas are Makara, Dhanus, Vrischika, Tula, Kanya, Kataka, and so on.
Dasas years ( insert Sanskrit ?? ) are to be counted from the lord of Dasa-sign. The order of count is direct if the lord of Dasa-sign is in odd-sign, or reverse if he is in even-sign.
Hence Makara = 4 years, Dhanus = 6, Vrischika = 2, Libra ?? , Kanya = 3, Simha = 5, Kataka = 9.
Date of Birth: 15-12-1953
9 Kataka
Marriage took place on 15-5-1981 is Kataka Dasa and Mithuna Bhukti. Kataka is the 7th of Janma Lagna. It is occupied by Ketu. Neelakanta’s Chara Dasa does not suit this chart, as has already been hinted since it is also found here that, according to Neelakanta’s method of Dasas, it is hard to predict marriage whether in Vrischika Dasa at the age of twenty years or in Kanya Dasa.
Jupiter |
Mercury |
Venus Rahu |
Male Chart – 4
21.5.1927 6.30 P.M. |
Moon | |||
Ketu | Ascdt
Saturn |
Date of birth of the native of chart 4 is 21-5-1927. Janma Lagna in Vrischika occupied by Saturn, ?? Jupiter in own-house in Meena. Hence the 5th house , Meena is stronger than Lagna. Since meena is a dual sign, Trikona Dasa commences from its sammukha sign, Dhanus. Hence Dasas are :
Dhanus (Sagittarius), Mesha (Aries), Simha (Leo), Makara (Capricorn), Vrishabha (Taurus), Kanya (Virgo), and so on.
Dhanus = 3, Mesha = 2, Simha = 9, Makara = 2, Vrishabha = 11, Kanya = 4.
Marriage took place on 9-2-1957 in Kanya Dasa. The 7th of Kanya is occupied by Jupiter. Kanya is Dwara Dasa-sign and its Bahya Dasa-sign is Kataka. Thus the 7th houses of both Dwara and Bahya are occupied by benefics, viz., Jupiter and the Moon. Hence marriage happened in Kataka Antar Dasa of Kanya Dasa. Kataka is Darapada and the 7th of Arudha Lagna.
Moon | Ketu | Ascdt | |
Female Chart – 5
4-11-1957 7.17 P.M. |
Venus | Saturn | Sun
Mercury Mars Rahu |
Jupiter |
In the female chart 5, Janma Lagna is Vrishabha.
R.B. & N.S. methods of Chara Dasa is here applied vide hint 5 given.
The 4th house is Kumbha. Hence Chara Dasa commences from Kumbha and the order of Dasas is reverse, as Kumbha is odd and a fixed sign. Dasas are Kumbha, Kanya, Mesha, Vrischika, Mithuna, and so on. Dasa years are to be counted from the lord of Dasa-sign to Dasa-sign as shown in chart 3. But the difference is that the order of count is direct if Dasa-sign is odd, or reverse if it is even, while in a male chart the order of the count depends on the sign occupied by the lord of Dasa-sign. For Vrishabha and Vrischika, the order is direct and for Simha and Kumbha the order is reverse. This exception according to Karika
(Insert Sanksrit text ??)
is found valid in female horoscopic charts. Hence Dasas are Kumbha, Kanya, Mesha, Vrischika, Mithuna, and so on. Dasa years are 10, 2, 7, 2, 9 respectively.
Date of birth : 4-11-1957
Marriage took place on 15-5-1981 in Mithuna Dasa and in Kanya Bhukti. The 7th from Mithuna is occupied by Venus, Kanya is Darapada occupied by Jupiter and its 7th Meena is occupied by the Moon.
Ketu | Female Chart – 6
18-10-1961 2.50 A.M. |
Saturn Moon |
Rahu |
Mercury Mars |
Venus |
In the female chart 6 Janma Lagna is Simha. The 4th house is Vrischika. Hence Dasas are Vrischika, Meena, Kanya, Kumbha, and so on. Dasa years are 2, 7, 2, 12
18-10-1961 + 11 = 18-10-1972
12 Kumbha
Marriage took place on 18-5-1979 in Kumbha Dasa and in Simha Bhukti. Kumbha is occupied by Ketu. Kumbha is the 7th house of Janma Lagna. It can be noticed that three signs, viz., Kanya, Tula and Makara are occupied by debilitated planets. Hence the only alternatives to indicate the auspicious event of marriage are Kumbha and its 7th, Simha, being Janma Lagna, though occupied by Rahu.
Readers interested in Jaimini, should apply these concepts to a number of horoscopic charts. They are sure to get a greater percentage of success in timing the event of marriage than through applying purely Parasari methods.
CHART 1 :- Sun – 11° 7’ 28” ; Moon – 3° 11’ 32” ; Mars – 2° 11’ 7” ; Rahu – 1° 20’ 15” ; Jupiter – 0° 17’ 13” ; Saturn – 8° 7’ 15” ; Mercury – 10° 14’ 15” ; Ketu – 1° 20’ 15” ; Venus – 0° 13’ 23”
CHART 2 :- Sun – 5° 14’ 36” ; Moon – 7° 3’ 40” ; Mars – 8° 24’ 36” ; Rahu – 8° 17’ 23” ; Jupiter – 3° 3’ 24” ; Saturn – 6° 14’ 51” ; Mercury – 6° 9’ 44” ; Ketu – 8° 17’ 23”; Venus – 6° 27’ 26”
CHART 3 :- Sun – 7° 29’ 43” ; Moon – 11° 19’ 48” ; Mars – 6° 3’ 37” ; Rahu – 9° 1’ 26” ; Jupiter – 1° 28’ 2” ; Saturn – 6° 12’ 48” ; Mercury – 7° 13’ 21” ; Ketu – 9° 1’ 26”; Venus – 7° 18’ 46”
CHART 4 :- Sun – 1° 6’ 19” ; Moon – 9° 2’ 35” ; Mars – 2° 27’ 34” ; Rahu – 2° 6’ 39” ; Jupiter – 11° 3’ 51” ; Saturn – 7° 12’ 47” ; Mercury – 1° 8’ 23” ; Ketu – 2° 6’ 39”; Venus – 2° 17’ 40”
CHART 5 :- Sun – 6° 18’ 36” ; Moon – 11° 14’ 36” ; Mars – 6° 4’ 1” ; Rahu – 6° 17’ 21” ; Jupiter – 5° 25’ 21” ; Saturn – 7° 19’ 33” ; Mercury – 6° 25’ 37” ; Ketu – 6° 17’ 21” ; Venus – 8° 4’ 12”
CHART 6 :- Sun – 6° 1’ 56” ; Moon – 9° 24’ 13” ; Mars – 6° 18’ 28” ; Rahu – 4° 2’ 6” ; Jupiter – 9° 5’ 2” ; Saturn – 9° 0’ 2” ; Mercury – 6° 11’ 22” ; Ketu – 4° 2’ 6” ; Venus – 5° 7’ 42”
About Author : Iranganti Rangacharya is one of the oldest authorities on Jaimini alive today, born in 1927, he started astrology at the age of 25 in 1952. Later in 1960 he started meticulous study of Jaimini astrology & thus has 48 rich years of experience in Jaimini at this age of 81. Author of numerous articles since 4 decades, 9 books & an extremely humble soul who in spite of weak health contributes to the cause of Jaimini. His work Jaimini Sutramritam published by Sagar Publications, New Delhi is considered a classic by the serious student of Jaimini Astrology.
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