Article by Iranganti Rangacharya
Jaimini Rasi dasa are classified into two categories. They are (1) Anataranga Dasaa (2) Bahiranga
Dasas. Antaranga dasas are Ayur Dasas and Bahiranga Dasas are Phalita Dasas. Some of the Ayur Dasas are Hora, Atmanadi, Sthira, Darpana, Niryana Sula, Brahma, Varnada, Drekkana, Padanadhamsha, Jayabhavapamsa, Atmanobhavapamsa, Lagnamsaka, Chandramsaka, etc.
Some of the Phalita Dasas are Chara, Trikona, Charaparvyaya, Sthiraparvyaya, Karaka, Yogardha, Manduka, Drig, Tara etc. In both the category of Dasas, each Dasa again differs from the other in their modes of reckoning and predictivity. Some are dealt with in some Jaimini Sutras and some are exposed in different Snskrit commentaries and some in Vriddha Karikas. An intensive study of all these three, with proficient knowledge of Sanskrit, will help in our proper comprehension and application.
Antaranga Dasas or Ayur Dasas are meant to have their secret exposition and are not to be used as freely and openly as Bahiranga or Phalita Dasas. Some Ayur dasas relate to the timing of death event of not only the native, but also of the native’s parents, wife, brothers and sisters etc. Discretion may be used in selecting the proper Dasas.
It is necessary to properly understand certain pointers or principles discernible in Sutras and Karikas.
Niryana Sula Dasas:
Niryana Sula Dasas is one among Ayur Dasas. It is one of the most valid and authentic Ayur Dasas. It is dealt with in almost all published editions of Jaimini
Sutras, but without going into its comprehensive predictivity. My attempt in this article is to give a complete exposition of Niryana Sula Dasa.
Reckoning of Niryana Sula Dasa (NSD):
पितृ लाभ प्रथम प्राण्यादि शूल दशा निर्याणे २–३–१८
pitṛ lābha prathama prāṇyādi śūla daśā niryāṇe 2-3-18
Pitru (61/12 = 1) means Lagna Labha, (43/12 = 7) means the 7th house. Hence Niryana Sula Dasa begins from Janma Lagna or its 7th house whichever is stronger. The strength of Janma Lagna and its 7th house should be decoded by the first category of strengths as exposed in sutras 5 to 12 in the 3rd pada of the 2nd Adhyaya, in the following way:-
- The one which is occupied by a planet is stronger than the one which is vacant.
- The one which is occupied by more umber of planets is stronger than the one which is occupied by less.
- If both are occupied by equal number of planets, judge the strength according to the planetary strength like exaltation, Moolatrikona etc.
- If both are unoccupied by the planets, judge the strength of Lagna and its 7th house according to the strength of Lagna lord and 7th house lord, by their exaltation, Moolatrikona etc.
- If the lords of Lagna and its 7th house are equally strong, by exaltation etc., the one between Lagna and 7th house, whose lord attains more degree is stronger than the other.
- If the degrees are equal, judge by the Prativeshika strength which means thus: An odd sign is stronger if its lord is in an even sign, than the odd sign whose lord is in an odd sign. An even sign is stronger if its lord is an odd sign than the even sign whose lord is in an even sign.
Succession of Dasa Signs:
The commencing Dasa sign is Janma Lagna or its 7th house whichever is stronger as ascertained by the above-mentioned principles. Dasa signs run directly from the commencing Dasa sign if the commencing Dasa sign is an odd sign. Dasa sign reversely from the commencing Dasa sign if it is an even sign.
Dasa Varsha:
In Niryana Sula Dasa, each Dasa sign carries 9 years and each Antardasa sign carries 9 months.
Death-inflicting Dasa signs:
Judge the following death – inflicting Dasa signs to presage the probable period of death of the natives of the horoscopes.
- Sula Dasa signs(5, 9) of Janma Lagna or its 7th house whichever begins.
- The Sula Dasa signs (5, 9) of Rudra planets.
- Dasa sign occupied by Prani rudra.
- Dasa sign occupied by Aprani Rudra.
- Dasa sign occupied or aspected by Mars and Moon.
- Dasa sign aspected by Saturn and Rahu.
- Dasa sign aspected by the Moon placed in Vrischika or Mesha.
- For Mesha Lagna, Vrischika Dasa sign occupied by a malefic.
- Strong benefic association of any of the above-mentioned Dasa signs connected with the malefic other than the Sun, may sometimes avert fatality. The above principles are deduced from the sutras.
Rudra Planets:
Find out the 8th house lord of Janma Lagna and the 8th house of the 7th house of Janma Lagna. The stronger of the two is called Prani Rudra. The weaker if associated with or aspected by any malefic becomes Aprani Rudra. The malefic are Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, waning Moon and the Moon in Aries or Scorpio. Ascertain the strength of the 8th house lords as follows:-
- By their placement in exaltation etc.
- If they are equally strong by the above, decide by their degrees etc. That which attains more degrees is stronger than the other.
- If by degrees they are equally strong decide by their natural strength. Saturn is the weakest and the Sun is the strongest. The increasing order of strength is Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Moon, Sun.
Chart 1: Born on 10-11-1936; Died on 21-5-1975
The Janma Lagna is Makara. Both Janma Lagna and its 7th house are vacant. Hence the strengths of their lords should be judged. Saturn, the lord of Janma Lagna, is in his Moolatrikona, Kumbha. The Moon, the lord of 7th house, is in neutral sign, Kanya. Hence, Janma Lagna is stronger than its 7th house, since Lagna Lord is stronger than the 7th house lord. The 8th lord from Janma Lagna is the Sun. The 8th lord from the 7th house is Saturn. Evidently Saturn is stronger than the Sun who is debilitated. Hence Saturn becomes Prani Rudra and the Sun becomes Aprani Rudra since he is aspected by the malefic Saturn.
Niryana Sula Dasa begins from Janma Lagna since Janma Lagna is stronger than its 7th house. Janma Lagna, makara, is an even sign. Hence Dasa signs, reversely are Makara, Dhanus, Vrischika, Thula, Kanya, Simha, etc. and each Dasa sign carries 9 years. The native of Chart 1 died on 21-5-1975 in Kanya-Dhanus. Kanya is occupied by the Moon and mars, while Dhanus is occupied by Jupiter and Rahu, and aspected by the Moon and Mars (Rule 5).
Chart 2: Born on 23-8-1896 at 11-04 pm; Died on September 1962.
The Janma Lagna is occupied by Mars while its 7th house is vacant. Hence Janma Lagna is stronger than its 7th house. So Niryana Sula Dasa begins fronm Janma Lagna, Vishabha. Janma Lagna is an even sign. Hence the Dasa signs are reckoned reversely viz., Vrishabha =9, Mesha = 9, Meena = 9, Kumbha = 9, Makara = 9, Dhanus = 9, Vrischika = 9, Thula = 9, Prani Rudra = Mercury, Aprani Rudra = Jupiter.
The native of Chart 2 died in Thula Dasa. Thula is occupied by malefic Saturn and aspected by Rahu (Rule6). Thula is aspected by the Moon and Mars (Rule 5). The native died in September 1962 in Thula-Kumbha. Kumbha is occupied by the Moon and Rahu and aspected by Saturn (Rule 6).
Chart 3: Born on 26-6-1877; Died October 1927.
In Chart 3, Janma Lagna is occupied by Mercury while its 7th house is vacant. Hence Niryana Sula Dasa begins from Janma Lagna, Vrishabha being stronger than its 7th house. The dasa signs are Vrishabha = 9, Mesha = 9, Meena = 9, Kumbha = 9, Makara = 9, Dhanus = 9. Prani Rudra is Jupiter. Aprani Rudra is absent., since Mercury, the lord of 8th house from the 7th house, is neither associated with nor aspected by a malefic.
The native of Chart 3 died in October 1927 in Dhanus-Kataka. Dhanus is occupied by Prani Rudra, Jupiter, and is aspected by the malefic Sun (Rule – 3). Kataka is aspected by Saturn and Rahu (Rule – 6).
Chart 4: Sri Abhinava Vidya Teertha Swami: Born on 13-11-1917.
In Chart 4 Janma Lagna is occupied by Mercury while its 7th house is occupied by Jupiter. Mercury is in his neutral sign while Jupiter is in his inimical sign. Hence Janma Lagna is stronger than its 7th house. Niryana Sula Dasa begins from Janma Lagna Vrischika and the Dasa signs are reversely Vrischika = 9, Thula = 9, Kanya = 9, Simha = 9, Kataka = 9, Mithuna = 9, Vrishabha = 9, Mesha = 9, Meena = 9, Prani Rudra = Mercury, Aprani Rudra = Jupiter.
The native of Chart 4 gave up his body on 21-11-1989 in the beginning of Meena Dasa. Meena is the 9th Sula Dasa sign of Janma Lagna and the 5th Sula sign of Prani Rudra. Meena is aspected by the malefic, Rahu and Ketu (Rules 1, 2).
Chart 5: Pandit Nehru: Born on 14-11-1889. Died 27-5-1964.
In Chart 5, Janma Lagna is occupied by the Moon while its 7th house is vacant. Hence Niryana Sula Dasa begins from Janma Lagna, Kataka, being stronger than its 7th house. Dasa signs are reversely Kataka = 9, Mithuna = 9, Vrishabha = 9, Mesha = 9, Meena = 9, Kumbha = 9, Makara = 9, Dhanus = 9, Vrischika = 9, Prani Rudra = Sun, Aprani = Saturn.
Nehru died on 27-5-1964 in Vrischika-Simha. Vrischika is occupied by Prani rudra, Sun. Vischika is the 9th Sula Dasa sign from Janma Lagna, the commencing Dasa sign (Rules 1,3). Simha is occupied by the Aprani Rudra, Saturn.
Chart 6: Mahatma Gandhi: Born on 2-10-1869.
Janma Lagna is occupied by three planets, while its 7th house is occupied by one planet. Hence Niryana Sula Dasa begins from Janma Lagna, Tula and the Dasa signs are Thula = 9, Vrischika = 9, Dhanus = 9, Makara = 9, Kumbha = 9, Meena = 9, Mesha = 9, Vrishabha = 9, Mithuna = 9, Prani Rudra = Venus, Aprani Rudra = Mars.
Gandhi was assassinated on 30-1-1948 in Mithuna Kumbha. Mithuna is the 9th Sula Dasa sign of Janma Lagna and of Rudra planets.Kumbha is the 5th Sula Dasa sign of Janma Lagna and Rudra planets. Besides Kumbha is aspected by Rudra planets (Rules 1, 2).
Chart 7: Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. Born on 5-1-1928.
In Chart 7, Janma Lagna is vacant while its 7th house is occupied by two planets. Hence Niryana Sula Dasa begins from the 7th house, Dhanus, and the dasa signs are Dhanus = 9, Makara = 9, Kumbha = 9, Meena = 9, Mesha = 9, Vrishabha = 9. Prani Rudra = Moon (exalted), Aprani rudra = Saturn (in inimical sign associated with malefic).
Bhutto was hanged in April 1979 in Vrishabha-Makara. Vrishabha is occupied by Prani Rudra, Moon, associated with the malefic Rahu (Rule 3). Makara is the 9th Soola sign, of Prani Rudra, and is aspected by Rahu, Saturn, mars and Ketu. (Rules 2, 6).
About Author : Iranganti Rangacharya is one of the oldest authorities on Jaimini alive today, born in 1927, he started astrology at the age of 25 in 1952. Later in 1960 he started meticulous study of Jaimini astrology & thus has 48 rich years of experience in Jaimini at this age of 81. Author of numerous articles since 4 decades, 9 books & an extremely humble soul who inspite of weak health contributes to the cause of Jaimini. His work Jaimini Sutramritam published by Sagar Publications, New Delhi is considered a classic by the serious student of Jaimini Astrology.
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