Article by Veronica Tkachenko, Russia
Astrological forecast 2012 for fashion designers
What will 2012 bring for designers? Until March 2012 the planets do not promise birth of completely new, viable ideas. Many designers continue to look for inspiration in retro fashion. So I hasten to reassure our fashion creators: if in 2011 you did not create successful collections, do not despair, the best is yet to come. Jupiter, the planet of the «great happiness» will be in Gemini in June 2012 and will mark a new stage in the work of designers who were born under air signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.
Marc Jacobs (09.04.1963) in 2012 will continue his activities in line with the traditional classics. For John Galliano (28.11.1960) the coming 2012 year will be less smooth. Now he no longer will go away with his ethical violations. But he was lucky at birth: Uranus trine to Saturn in his horoscope is an indicator of the longevity of his fashion inventions. In this scenario, the designer can create «rarely, but neatly». Betsey Johnson (10.08.1942) brand, which differs with calling courage and irony, will be in demand by many people, young in body and soul. In 2012 Stella McCartney is likely to propose complicated constructive solutions, which, however, will be in demand by consumers.
Look at new 2012-2013 fashion trends using examples of new collections. Fashion of the next year bright line of Aries epoch: optimism, brightness and transparency will be presented. However, the degree of openness in this case does not correlate with long skirts. New (or well-forgotten old) maxi length was designated by Neptune, which entered Pisces in 2011. This sign represents the feet in human body. Neptune will remain in Pisces until 2025. Does it mean that we will wear maxi during all of 14 years? Certainly not! Observation tells us that a planet’s entry into a sign gives birth to sharp trends in fashion, but more adaptations appear later. Consequently, the lifetime of maxi length will be no more than 1-2 years. Quite practical suggestions present now in Zac Posen, DKNY collections.
In mid-2011 there is a «mirror» trend (reversal design for 180 degrees). This effect is of Uranus and Saturn opposition on the horizontal axis of the Zodiac (Aries-Libra). All the interesting details of the product exhibited retrogression of trends (as in outerwear and underwear). Now the trend is losing its relevance.
Trends of 60s are still cited by many designers, even though there has been some delay in response to consumer demand. The need for intense color combinations, discordant visual perception increases: red and grass-green, indigo and orange, fuchsia and brown. This tendency is reflected in the new collection by Julia Dalakian for ModaMo.
Jupiter in Gemini (the sign of the dual nature of man) is the «zone of generosity» for fashion experiments: in this case, shoulder girdle, wrist and ankle area. Therefore, variations in the length of pants, sleeveless design of the bottom, as well as fur cuffs from elbow flounces and foot straps on trousers, socks with fur cuffs, knitted and leather leggings, shoe laces and decorative elements illustrate this fashion trend.
Similar offers we find in Moschino, Alena Akhmadullina (pants with ruffles on the bottom) collections. The boundaries of gender differences in clothing will become even less visible. Frill (originally men’s item of clothing), and bows, bright colors, complex patterns, heels will be widely distributed in menswear and shoes. However, it does not mean a new flowering of metrosexuals. Uranus in Aries helps to find quite adequate expression of masculinity.
A period of the women’s waist triumph comes. Now basque, waist-belt, long pleats at the waist and hips do this task perfectly, but dresses well below the waistline. In 2012-2013 Saturn stays in Scorpio and emphasizes the «zone of sex». In the women’s clothing it is expressed in a shift of the composite center for the area below the waist, of course, in a socially acceptable form. Skirt and dress, cutting through the waist, acquires an additional temptation by wedges, sections, complicated flirtatious tailoring, simulating a belt for stockings, etc. This trend in casual wear correctly implements by Vera Wang.
In menswear emphasis on the codpiece is done with lacing, rivets and leather finishing seams. Codpiece as holsters was offered by Cristopher Decarnin, a former creative director of the Balmain Fashion House, in 2009, however then the idea was premature, and now haute couture in fashion.
During the next three years popularity of knitted fabrics, including outerwear will raise. This explains the transit situation at the end of 2013: Neptune in Pisces, Saturn in Scorpio, Jupiter in Cancer. Knitted fabrics are very good for draperies and playing with unbalanced volumes at the hips and shoulders. Patterns have gained a new depth and 3-dimensional volume. Reptile skin prints in blue, green and crimson colors are often used.
In the key shapes of fashionable footwear there is a clear division on the sock and heel accessories that are connected by straps, webbed, textile inserts.
In shoe making industry, textile materials (textiles refer to Gemini sign) are frequently used. Mercury, the ruler of this sign, is the God of trade and brokering deals, portrayed in the winged sandals. An adaptation to the theme where we do not sew the wings to fashionable shoes, but now the heel of the shoe seemed to hover above the ground, with no firm support under your feet. United Nude offers us such model.
Saturn in its transit journey of the Zodiac marks different height heels in shoes. I predict not only high heels in women, but also in men’s shoes during 2012-2013. On October 2012 Saturn moves into Scorpio. It is a sign of woman’s nature, tending to some excesses in its characteristics. The shoe design now observes an evolution toward a more feminine silhouette: oval and round capes shoes, big bows and a wide stable heel. Luxurious materials (colored satin, decorated with lace) and precious stones are used most often. Also feminine interpretation of army and hiking boots are more noticeable.
In 2012 very relevant gloves with an extended flare, mitts, clutch with mount for hands will be (here again subjects of Gemini and the projection of this sign — hand repeat) observed.
Uranus in Aries (Aries sign represents the head) over the next 7 years will bring a lot of hairstyles and headdresses. Let’s go back 84 years ago (in 1928), according to the cycle of Uranus. At the time, small hats were worn. They remind us of glamorous film stars images of a bygone era. Removable hood with fur trim also illustrate this trend.
We used to think that a woman’s bag is the perfect invention for placing essential items. Men usually prefer to evenly distribute things in various pockets, but it does not always look good. German designer Dayne Jewell has found an interesting solution to the problem by inventing the holster Y01. Mobile phone, keys, cigarettes, lighter, credit card, wallet with cash, headphones and possibly a firearm – Colt.45 — all these things calmly arranged in an unusual fit holster.
Saturn is the main indicator of lingerie fashion, because the cut and design solutions of underwear defines how outerwear looks. In Fashion Astrology to describe the influence of Pluto, we look at sign occupied by the planet and body part signified by the sign itself. Certainly, Pluto in Capricorn enhances any construction of design clothes, gives them the necessary stiffness. So, in 2011 we celebrate the incredible development of corrective underwear and the emergence of fundamentally new corset models. Pluto is also responsible for the application of new space age technologies. Modern women’s corset is like a spaceship; new materials with different functions are focused in one garment: flexibility, support, slimming, heat and anti-cellulite effect. Stressful aspect of Saturn to Pluto is reflected in the design of the waist line, which emphasizes using laces, crossed elements. With the entry of Saturn in Scorpio experiments with lingerie form and structure do not come to an end. In the period from October 2012 until the end of 2014 we should expect more harmonious patterns, combined with a strong theme of eroticism. The objects of our desire will become models of retro glamour, with deep intrigue and sexuality, telling us its seduction story. Ritratti lingerie brand already offers such models.
But let’s not forget that, ultimately, the consumer decides everything. On his choice depends whether or not a particular model will become popular. I wish you all a successful and fashionable the coming New Year!
About Author: Veronica Tkachenko — is a known astrologer, the Member of Russian Journalist Union, a participant in International Congresses, the author of many articles and four books. She holds a Diploma from the Academy of Astrology and works in European tradition. Veronica Tkachenko is the founder of Fashion Astrology and has international priority in this area. Her successful fashion forecasts have helped many designers and Fashion houses.
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