Article by V.K Shridhar
Exponents of Vedic Muhurt (electional) astrology have prescribed Abhijin / Abhijit Muhurt, Vijay Dashmi, Ravi Yoga, Sade-Teen Muhurt, Sarva-Karya-Arambha Muhurt, Gow-Dhuli, Vijay Muhurt & Amrit Ghatis as powerful & efficacious Muhurtas; & have general acceptance for initiating a wide spectrum of life activities. They alone have power to annihilate / dilute numerous Doshas in Muhurt. However their efficacy is enhanced by presence of special Muhurt Yogas, prescribed beneficial Panchang elements, luminous Moon, fortified & purified ascendant, specific disposition of Muhurt related planets, special planetary combinations applicable to Muhurt, favourable transits of the planets to the aspirant etc. etc. These Muhurtas are so powerful that some exponents have praised them to the extent that when a suitable Muhurt is not available, either of the said Muhurtas can be selected for fruition of the desires. However, certain powerful adverse elements (Dushta Muhurt) do annihilate even these powerful Muhurtas.
Consistency in logic & uniformity in application of Muhurt rules is the hallmark of Hindu electional astrology. Deeper study of the subject makes the reader numerously bow his head with admiration of the exponents, as the brilliance of hidden logics is perceived. Even the most powerful Muhurt has limitations / exceptions in its application. These exceptions are described at different places in authoritative treatises on Muhurt, & aspirants have been adequately cautioned. For in-depth grasp of the subject it is essential that the logic of the exceptions are understood to enable the astrologer give effective guidance, as there may be exceptions in the said exceptions, or antidotes to the malefic Yogas. Here limitations in application of Abhijin Muhurt – one of the most powerful Muhurt – are examined culling out the hidden logic, as understood by the author.
Abhijin Muhurt starts from 24 minutes before the Local Noon Time (LNT) & remains till 24 minutes thereafter (total nominal duration 48 minutes). It has emanated from “Do-Ghati Muhurtas” wherein it is called ‘Brahma Muhurt’. Its Puranik name is ‘Abhijit or Kutup Muhurt’. It is also called ‘Vijay Muhurt’. It is ruled by Abhijit constellation, a benefic one. It is opined by the majority of the exponents that its duration should be calculated proportional to non-nocturnal (daytime) length. Thus at a place of activity on a given day the Muhurt shall be current during:
= LNT ± [(proportional Muhurt time) ÷ 2 ]
= [(Sunset time + Sunrise time) ÷ 2 ] ± [(Sunset time – Sunrise
time) ÷ 30]
Most of the authoritative writers have eulogized this Muhurt as suitable to initiate all types of works, & as the most powerful & efficacious Muhurt capable of removing plurality of Doshas.
Aspirants (not having in-depth knowledge of Muhurt astrology) may select this powerful election for day to day life activities without going into intricacies of the knowledge regarding election & ephemeris. In the corresponding duration during night-time, equally auspicious Muhurt prevails which is called; ‘Brahma or Dhata Muhurt’.
Lord Ram was born during Abhijit Muhurt, and lord Krishan was born during the above said Brahma Muhurt during nighttime. Lord Shiva killed a powerful demon named Tripurasur in this Muhurt. This Muhurt has blessing of Lord Vishnu who destroys innumerable Doshas with His Sudarshan Chakra during the currency of this Muhurt.
But this powerful Muhurt is not suitable for Manglik (auspicious / sacraments like marriage, Upanayana etc.) functions on Wednesday & travel in the South direction. It forms a Dusht Muhurt when coincides with Wednesday, & is thus prohibited (Varjit / Nindit).
Sage Narad has advised that a particular ascendant found fully benefic & auspicious in all respects (Sarva Guna Sampanna) but coinciding with a Dushta (malefic) Muhurt, on a particular weekday, should be shunned for Manglik works (Narad Samhita– 29/62). Even a strong & fortified ascendant & the most radiant & powerful planet, the Sun, is not an antidote to the such Dusht Muhurtas. Knowledge of the Dushta Muhurtas (malefic / prohibited time) is fundamental in Vedic / Indian electional astrology, which is blessed by our Trikaal Darshi sages. It has proven test of the time for the last many millenniums.
Junction points (Sandhi Kaal) are prohibited in elections & different lengths of times before & after the junction points like junction of two rising signs, two rising Navamshas; day & night (morning & evening twilights); adjoining constellations in the triad of the Zodiac; Poorna & Nanda Tithis; two lunar months; two solar months; two seasons; two solstices; two Samvatsaras; are prohibited in good elections. They constitute weak links resulting in malefic effects, depending upon the nature of the adjoining elements. When more & more junction points are present in an election, miseries shall multiply. Acharya Ramdevygya (Muhurt Chintamani–1/32) and Acharya Chaturthi Lal (Muhurt Prakash-2/10) have opined that ± 4 minutes of time (total 8 minutes) from the junction of fore-noon & after-noon (mid-day), and also the first & latter part of night (mid-night– Mahanisha) are malefic & should be refrained in a benefic Muhurt.
On average one degree of the ascendant & M.C. changes every 4 minutes of the time. Thus the zodiacal degree occupied by the Sun should not be within 1º from the M.C. (or I.C. in case nocturnal Brahma Muhurt is to be considered) of the election chart. It is felt that prohibited durations (Tyajya Kaalas) have been given in units of time to simplify the subject, which should be converted into zodiacal parameter for practical applications. Midpoint of an astrological element is generally considered as powerful, but not in the application of length of Abhijin Muhurt.
Another limitation of the powerful Abhijin Muhurt is that travel in Southern direction is prohibited during its currency.
According to the dictums on travel, travelling in the Southern direction is prohibited on Thursday (due to Vaar Shoola, & Kaal / Pash), 5th & 13th Tithis (due to Yogini), Poorva Bhadra (Nakshatra Shoola), Ashvani & Panchaka asterisms; asterisms from Dhanishta to Ashlesha (according to Parigh Danda); in the rising signs of Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces; & / or when Mars is in 10th house of the Muhurt chart (Lalaatika Yoga). In addition to the above fundamental dictums, especial advice has been given to refrain from travelling in the Southern direction during the Abjijin Muhurt, has a logic which is consistent to the dictums on Muhurt related to travel & Swar Shaastras.
Luminaries play a significant role in deciding direction of travel. A travel made in absence of strong & efficacious Moon is fruitless, aimless & meaningless (Anarth). The Moon in the direction of travel brings success & wealth, & in the right direction bestows comforts; in the back direction causes death (not literal meaning as demise, but 8 kinds of deaths; viz., Vyatha, Dukha, Bhaya, Lajja, Roga, Vandhan, Apmaan, Mrityu; according to Panchswara): & the Moon in the left direction to the direction of travel, results in loss of wealth. Here direction of the Moon is generally considered from the direction signified by the sign occupied by the Moon. In addition, the direction of the Moon is also considered from Maas Chandrama, Paksha Chandrama, Dina Chandrama, Sub-divisions of sign occupied by the Moon, Tatkaalik Chandrama & Udya Chandrama for the purpose of Sukshama (precise) Muhurt. The Moon in the front has been eulogized in travel by all the exponents, as she alone is capable to bestow the fruition, & destroys plurality of Doshas. Front Moon is benefic while the Sun on the back is beneficial; however, the both are beneficial on right side to the direction of travel, in accordance with Muhurt & Swar Shaastras.
Direction of the luminaries is also considered from the Ayana occupied by them. Consistently when both the luminaries are in Uttrayana (Northerly course of the Sun), travel in the direction of North is fortuous; & when both are in Daksinayana (Southerly course), travel towards South is beneficial. As per the rules, when North direction is beneficial, East direction is also considered as beneficial, like wise West is beneficial along with South direction. But when the luminaries are in different Ayanas then, it is beneficial to travel in the direction of the Sun’s Ayana during daytime & in the direction of the Moon’s Ayana during night-time, as the Sun & the Moon have temporal strength (Kaal Bal) during daytime & night-time respectively. According to this rule, during daytime travel in the direction of South & West is also beneficial when the Sun is in Dakshinayana, & not when the he is in Uttrayana. So there is an exception when travel towards South can be made. This is a general aspect of Muhurt in travelling & one has to explore Sukshma Muhurt in day-to-day beneficence in specific Muhurt considering host of other factors & the purpose of the travel.
According to dictums regarding travel, travelling is prohibited in the direction of the Sun. During Ushaa Kaal (before the Sunrise) travel in the direction of East should be refrained, due to Kaal Bal. During 8 Pahars (each of 3 hours duration) of a day, the Sun is considered to be ruling the 8 directions starting from the East in clockwise direction. Thus travelling towards South in 3rd Pahar (mid-day), towards West during the 5th Pahar (around Sunset time–Gow-Dhuli), towards North in at mid-night & towards East at Ushaa Kaal is prohibited (Muhurt Chintamani–1/54). Consistently further according to Lalaatika Yoga, travel in the East direction is to be shunned when the Sun occupies ascendant in the Muhurt chart. According to Lalaatika Yoga, travel should not be made in the direction ruled by a planet when he occupies identical position in the election chart. Like Mars who rules the South direction should not be in the 10th house of the election chart, & travelling towards East direction should be refrained when the Sun is in ascendant in the travel election chart. Thus travelling towards East when the Sun is in ascendant multiplies miseries due to adverse effects of the above dictums–on Lalaatika Yoga & Kaal Bal. However severity is comparatively less if travel is made towards South in 3rd Pahar around mid-day according to these dictums, but degree of severity shall increase during the length of Abhijin Muhurt occurring during 3rd Pahar (± 1.5 hours of LNT) as observed in the following.
Mercury rules North direction. On Wednesday (ruled by Mercury) travelling in the direction opposite to its rulers does not give favourable results. Importance of weekday lord in Muhurtas has been eulogized by the exponents. Thus when Mercury is with the Sun in the same sign, travel in south direction shall be opposite to the Direction ruled by Mercury, causing adverse effects (Lalaatika Yoga). Like front Venus, front Mercury is also prohibited as per dictums on Muhurtas in travelling.
Swar Shaastra exhaustively deals with the subject on travel, especially travels in connection with war / battle & the like. Among the numerous factors, position of luminaries & mode of breathing has been given significant importance to attain victory in travel. According to Samrasaar (santanza 21), for attaining victory in war, the Sun should be either in the back or in the right side of the aspirant traveller. Here position of the Sun is taken by mode of forming shadow. The Sun is considered at the back when shadow of the aspirant is formed in his front, & in the right when shadow is formed on his left side. Contrary to the above results in defeat. Further to ensure victory the aspirant attacker should run his right Swar (inhale & exhale from his right nostril).
When an aspirant shall travel towards South direction during Abhijin Muhurt, his shadow shall be precisely towards his back & the Sun precisely in his front, irrespective of the Sun’s declination. Such a situation shall not be conducive to aspirant’s victory. This is consistent to the dictums on Kaal Bal in its full & effective application.
Thus travel in the direction of South in 3rd Pahar around mid-day during Uttrayana shall be unfavourable; & if it coincides with adverse elements like Tithi, Nakshatra & ascending sign, adversity shall increase; & if it coincides with Abhijin Muhurt then, the severity shall further increase; & if Wednesday also coincides then, the miseries shall multiply; & further more if the running Swar is adverse. Certainly, the aspirant must shun the Abhijin Muhurt, when longitude of the Sun is within one degree of the M.C. in the election chart for all the activities, & is totally prohibited when Wednesday coincides. In the opinion of the author this powerful Abhijin Muhurt should be chosen for initiating materialistic activities and may not be used in Mangalik (spiritual related) activities. Consistency of logics in Muhurt branch of Vedic astrology complying rules of other branches like Swar Shatra is hall mark of Vedic electional astrology.
Muhurt of India’s Independence : India got independence on 12.00 A.M. of 15.8.1947 (Thursday, Pushya constellation, 13th Tithi). It is thus far believed that that learned astrologers Shri Hardeo Shastri & Surya Narain Vyas selected nocturnal Abhijit Muhurt for India’s independence. It appears there is an error.
The Sun-set at Delhi on 14.8.1947 was at 19h 02m IST & the Sun-rise on 15.8.1947 was at 05h 49m IST. Thus duration of the night was 10h 47m, & length of one Muhurt was 44m (fifteenth part of the nocturnal length). Mid-night (local at Delhi) was at 00h 26m IST on 15.8.1947. Thus night ‘Brahma or Dhata Muhurt’ was from 00h 04m to 00h 48m IST at New Delhi on 15.8.1947. Its prohibited length was from 00.22 IST to 00.30 IST – ignoring seconds in these calculations.
Thus at mid-night (12.00 A.M.) of 15.8.1947, Agni Muhurt (also at its fag end), also called Rakshas Muhurt (a malefic Muhurt) ruled by Krittika nakshatra (of mixed/ordinary nature) was prevailing, and according to Narad Samhita, the same should be avoided on Tuesdays & Fridays. However, there were auspicious Muhurt Yogas like: Amrit & Sarva Siddhi Yogas due to combination of Thursday and Pushya constellation; Sudha Yoga due to combination of Thursday, Pushya and 13th Tithi; Amrit Yoga due to combination of Thursday and 13th Tithi – as saviours. But the day lord Jupiter was badly placed in 6th house. Especially rising Navamsha and Dashamsha also could have been better selected by using beneficial length of the then prevailing ‘Brahma Muhurt’– however it is a matter of debate now.
About Author: V.K. Shridhar is author of compendium on Vedic Muhurt astrology titled “Hindu Electional Astrology”. A voluminous book containing all aspects of Muhurta that cannot be found in any other book. His work has received rave reviews and has been proclaimed as the best work on Muhurta so far compiled by any Indian author.
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