Article by Saptarishis Astrology
The Late Yashodhar Mehtas rules were brought out by Shri Jitendra Trivedi in Saptarishis Astrology Magazine Vol 10 pre release. This article is being written for the sole purpose of encouraging the young ones that they should look into each and every line in any astrological work and test it and then only accept it.
On Page 11 of that article it was mentioned that Mr Mehta said that
Technique: There would be sudden death if the 8th and 12th lords are connected
Before we embark on this technique some stray thoughts must be brought into focus, though it has been written by us before in various forums.
Scientific Thinking
Due to the legendary B V Raman many educated English reading people came into the arena of astrology and Dr Raman pushed scientific thinking into astrologers. In science, statistics plays a very vital role yet Dr Raman was smart enough never to write a single article showing the validity of a technique on 100 charts and showing percentages in its application, which he never said a particular technique worked 75% or so on. No one remembers a statistical article by Raman and we can be wrong here. Yet the point is a man who promoted scientific astrology, how come he never wrote a statistical article. Maybe because he had a real Guru and one can see that in his immortal book ‘My Experiences In Astrology’ which is a bible for modern astrologers especially for ego checks.
When a modern astrologer reads the technique of Mr Mehta as mentioned above the first thing he would do is test this technique on ALL the charts where sudden death has happened. Then he would probably find 5 charts where it works and 5 where it does not and he would then throw the technique in the dust bin. This scribe has seen this mentality among 99% of the educated & even senior most astrologers and must beg them to change their mindset.
Anyone who has ever had a Real Guru & learnt astrology especially at the feet of the Guru would know this way of testing a technique is the most erroneous thing to do. Everyone complains that there are no Gurus today, incidentally the stage has come where all are Gurus and there are no students at all. One must realize that for every aspect of life whether it is sudden death, wealth, poverty etc etc the Rishi has given not ONE but numerous rules/shlokas. Which means that a single rule/technique on wealth, given by the Rishi will not work on ALL the charts of millionaires, it can never. This is so since God is very very creative and cannot be limited to a single rule, why is God mentioned here since Astrology is the Methodology of Working Of God. He functions through his creations the planets and stars through which he imparts justice to all.
Let us test Mehtas technique on few charts and even if this method works on 10 charts pls do not take it as a 100% method, whether one tests a technique on 10 or 100 charts, it does not matter, what matters is when it fails and why it fails, we all want the exception rules which few are aware of. This author is not aware of exceptions rules for each shloka in the shastra nor are most Gurus aware of it, yet we are told that Mantriji (from Canada) is one of those few astrologers who is aware of some such secret exception rules. Unfortunately his parampara has hundreds of followers yet not a single one has brought it out.
Sudden Death
These words have various interpretations, one can die suddenly due to accident, assassination, even sudden death due to a disease undetected, the interpretation in a later case depends on individual to individual.
Technique: There would be sudden death if the 8th and 12th lords are connected
From 1936 of astrological journalism one finds astrologers complaining that a particular yoga (Mahapurusha or Gajakeshari or any other yoga) sometimes work and sometimes does not work in a chart. The point is how to test the potency of a yoga; if it has strength or not to give results. There are many ways. Given below is one way. This scribe has evolved his own methodology of using a particular verse of BPHS especially when quickly looking at a horoscope, that is
‘Testing if a Yoga is replicating in Rasi Chart (D1), Navamsa Chart (D9) and in Shastiamsa Chart (D60)’. That Yoga is something that is formed from natal Asc in D1 and from Moon Asc in D1, which is to be tested in all the divisional charts, the more repetition happens, more is the conformity of that yoga, that is how a yoga is to be tested and not just in D1 alone. Then see if yogabhangha is happening.’
If a combination (yoga) repeats in most of these 3 divisional charts or especially in D60 in a very crucial manner then more points are given to it. Here we will look in cases of sudden death if the 8th lord and 12th lord were connected in D1 or D9 or D60 or in most of them together. Sometimes it can connect in only one divisional chart but the planet is so strong that it will give event, sometimes other yogas of sudden death (if one is aware of such yogas) support this one combination and most of us fail to see these other yogas, usually there are imprints (yogas) given by planets but unfortunately most of us know only a few yogas. Yogas are the absolute backbone of astrology, yet no institution of astrology has tried to unearth the thousands of yogas in astrological texts.
Chart 1: Bruce Lee
His death was sudden and a great shock to the world, he died on 20 July 1973 (aged 33)
From Asc in D1: The 8L is Mer and 12L is Venus, both of them ‘Connect’ in the 12H of Exit
From Moon Asc in D1: The 8L is Venus and the 12L is Mer, both of them are conjoined thereby forming a ‘connect’.
In D9: The two planets in D1 that is Mer and Venus form a connect in D9 by being in trine to each other and the dispositor of Venus is Jupiter who aspects Mercury, thereby forming a double connect.
In D60: The two planets of D1, Mer and Venus are in trine to each other in D60, Venus being in maraka house and Mer being in 6H of akala mrityu (untimely death) with lord of Venus being Saturn aspecting Mer and other co lord Rahu conjoined with Mercury, thereby forming a connect.
Chart 2: Indira Gandhi – Assassination
From Asc in D1: The 8L is Saturn and 12L is Mercury, both are in trine to each other thereby forming a Connect, plus Saturn aspects Virgo. The other co lord of 8H is Rahu and it forms an aspect on Mer the 12L.
From Moon Asc in D1: The 8L would be Sun and 12L would be Jupiter, both aspect each other in the D1 chart thereby forming a Connect.
In D9: The 8L and 12L of D1, Saturn and Mer are connected in D9 by Saturn aspecting Mer who sits in the 8H of Death in D9. The 8L and 12L of D1 from Moon Asc are Jup and Sun and they do not connect in D9, except if one takes retro Jup and takes it from previous house then it forms a trinal connect.
In D60: The 8L and 12L of D1, Saturn and Mer are connected in D60, by Mer occupying Saturns sign (note most astrologers do not take this connect but many village astrologers do). The 8L and 12L of D1 from Moon Asc are Jup and Sun and they do connect in D60 by being in trine to each other.
Chart 3: John F Kennedy, Jr – Died in Flying Accident
From Asc in D1: The 8L is Jup and 12L is Moon, the dispositor of Moon is Saturn who is with Jupiter and 3L of flying Venus, this Saturn in turn aspects Moon, thereby forming a strong connect. Moon is water, he died why flying his plane over water. Note Moon is in 7H and he was with his wife/partner Carolyn.
From Moon Asc in D1: Mer and Saturn becomes the 8L and 12L from Moon Asc, dispositor of Mer is Venus who is conjunct Saturn thereby forming a Connect, note Mer is in 3L of flying.
Now note in all divisional charts the 8L, 12L from natal Asc and Moon Asc, in this case it becomes Jupiter and Moon & Mer and Saturn.
In D9: Jupiter Moon are in trine to each other with Jupiter in Moons sign forming a connect and Saturn Mer do not form a connect direct but dispositor of Saturn Venus forms a connect with direct aspect to Mercury.
In D60: Moons dispositor is Venus conjunct Jup forming connect and Jupiters dispositor is Saturn aspecting Moon, forming another connect. The next combo Mer and Saturn, Mer is in Saturns houses forming a semi connect.
In further examples we will explain it very briefly and leave it to the readers to do further connects.
Chart 4: Mahatma Gandhi
D1 Asc: Venus is 8L and Mer is 12L, both are conjoint in Asc with Mars (bullet)
D1 Moon Asc: Saturn is 8L and Mer is 12L, both do not connect directly but dispositor of Saturn is Mars who is with Mer.
His time of birth has been a dispute hence Varga Asc might not be correct yet we can see aspects and connections in Vargas
In D9: Venus and Mer are in trine and Saturn Mer are conjunct, both forming connect
In D60: Venus Mer do not form connect but Saturn Mer are aspecting each other thereby forming connect
Chart 5: Late R Santhanam
One of the most brilliant astrologers to come out of the last century especially from a very poor background it was only his hard work that he created a wave in astrology. Unfortunately a bit of rash nature created huge road blocks for him. He died at a young age and it was sudden, if I remember well it was on a trip to Varanasi he died.
From D1 Asc: 8L is Mer and 12L is Venus, both are conjoint in 6H of akala mrityu (untimely death)
From D1 Moon Asc: 8L is Mars and 12L is Jupiter, both are conjoint thereby forming a connect.
Now note Mer and Venus & Mars and Jupiter, these two planets and see what they do in D9 and D60
In D9: Mer Venus are trine to each other, dispositor of Venus aspects Mer. Then Mars and Jupiter aspect each other in D9 thereby forming a connect
In D60: Mars and Jupiter are in trine
Chart 6: Murder By Muggers
From D1 Asc: 8L is Jup and 12L is Moon, Jup aspects Moon and Moons dispositor Saturn is conjunct Jupiter.
From D1 Moon Asc: 8L is Sun and 12L is Jupiter, Jupiters aspects Sun and Suns dispositor is Saturn who is conjunct Jupiter.
In D9: Jupiter and Moon are 2/12 to each other but dispositor of Moon is Mars which directly aspects Jupiter and also Jupiter aspects Mars, thereby forming a connect. The next combo Sun Jupiter do not associate directly but Saturn is with Jupiter who aspects Sun.
In D60: Jupiter and Moon are connected by dispositor of Moon being Mars is aspected by Jupiter. Then Jupiter Sun are not connected in D60
Chart 7: John F Kennedy
This is now a quick one, 8L is Mars and Sun is 12L, both do not connect in D1 but in D9 they aspect each other in the 3/11 axis. 3H is house of short travels and it has Moon another karaka for short travels and he died in that.
Readers are requested to test this aggressively before accepting this method & combine it with other methods to arrive at conclusion.
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