Article by Anita Khandpur
Technique: Saptarishis Astrology
Yogakarak is a planet which has the ownership on one house in Kendra and another in trines. Placement of yogakaraka tells us about the profession of a person or where his Interests are. Some Lagnas have natural yogakaraka and the lagnas where a planet does not own a Kendra and Trine together, we take the trine lord whichever is a close friend of the Ascendant lord.
In Mesh Lagna, no planet has ownership over both the Kendra and trine, so we take Surya as Yogakaraka for Mesh lagna.
Vrishabh Lagna has Saturn owning the 9H and 10H, so Saturn is a Natural yogakaraka for Vrishabh.
Mithun Lagna—Shukra.
Kark Lagna—-Mangal.
Simha Lagna—–Mangal.
Kanya Lagna—Shukra
Tula Lagna—–Saturn.
Vrischik Lagna—Chandra.
Dhanu Lagna—Surya.
Makar Lagna—–Shukra.
Kumbh Lagna—-Shukra.
Meen Lagna—–Chandra.
Note: Guru and Budh are not yogakarakas in any lagna.
Chart 1. Male 2 June 1982. 08:32:00. Mumbai
Mithun Lagna, This native is in the film industry making short films. He is also into script writing and a Director of photography. Rahu in Lagna indicates behind the camera as it’s a shadow planet, lagna mithun so art of writing and Venus as the yogakaraka placed the 11H in Mesh. Tula owning the 5H, 5—11 axis indicates Entertainment, Media.
Chart 2. Male 25 February 1976. 15:15:00. Ambad (Maharashtra)
Mithun Lagna. Yogakaraka Venus in 8H with Mercury in Makar rashi. This person has many secret affairs, which is his main interest. Twists his words to cheat people, also into property dealings. His main profession is slaughtering of animals and selling meat. Rahu in 5H in Libra and Mars in 12H in Taurus.
Chart. 3. Female 2 November 1973. 11:00:00. Mumbai
Dhanu Lagna. This female has her Air Ticketing, Tours and Travel Business on a large scale. Yogakaraka Surya in 11H, owning the 9H of long journeys. Rahu, Venus in Dhanu Lagna, again the Natural 9H with Rahu in it, a karak of abroad travels.
Chart 4. Male. 27 September 1984.03:30:00. Mumbai.
This native is a commercial pilot flying international. Yogakaraka Mars in 6H with Jupiter in Dhanu rashi, a sign of long journeys. Mars owning the 10H of action.
Chart 5. Female. 18 June 1969. 20:46:00. Kerala
This Lady is at a managerial post in a well known pharmaceutical company.Since the beginning of her career she is into pharma. Makar Lagna. Yogakaraka Shukra in 4H with Saturn in Mesh rashi. Mesh, the first house of kaal purush kundli indicating self. Saturn a karak of disease.Venus owning the 10H of profession.
Chart 6. Female.24 September 1987. 11:20:00. Delhi.
This female works in T.V. serials on daily soaps. Vrischik Lagna.Yogakaraka Chandra in 11H with Sun(fame), Venus(glamour, art), Ketu(obsession).She is an actress wanting to make herself a big name. 5-11 axis operate related to media.
Chart 7.Female.2 May 1985. 01:20:00. Delhi.
This female is concept and screenplay writer for Television serials. She has many famous daily serials to her credit. Makar Lagna. Yogakaraka Shukra in the 3H of writhing with Budh.
Chart 8. Male 1March 1964. 05:00:00. Mumbai
This native is a Lawyer by proffession and in his free time he helps his friend by teaching students at his coaching class daily. Makar Lagna. Yogakaraka Shukra in 3H of upadesh, communication with Jupiter, karak of knowledge.
Chart 9. Male29 April 1962. 23:12:00. Trichur/Kerala
This gentleman works as a personal secretary to the CEO of a well-known firm. Dhanu Lagna. Yogakaraka Surya in 5H in mesh rashi.Surya a planet related to higher authority and Discipline and mesh a sign of discipline ans management.
Chart 10. Female. 15 December 1969. 09:30:00. Mumbai
This lady is a housewife. Makar Lagna. Yogakaraka Venus in 11H of gains with Sun in Vrischik rashi. She is very much egoistic about her social status and obsessed with accumulating more and more assets in her name.Vrischik sign a sign of possessiveness and generating under stagnant water. She always has an insecurity of her husband leaving her, so she tries to extract as much as she can from him.( property, Jewellery,etc). her husband is a owner of a construction company with many projects in the market.
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