Article by Saptarishis Astrology
This is not a 100% method, this is more of a method ‘In Testing’. The problem with nadi techniques is they are simple to use and too broad and has to be coupled with other factors. Unfortunately most astrologers forget the word other factors when analysing an article or a technique whereas the professional predictor does not forget that. There are very few astrologer who can think like a professional predictor.
When does a person quit a job, below are some of the conditions, it is repeated some and not every transit should be interrelated as one would quit the job (for eg govt employees normally don’t quit their jobs or they are never (almost) thrown out), maximum what could happen is troubles in job
This is obviously seen more easily in charts where the natal chart has promise of ups and downs in profession
- Tr Saturn aspecting natal Ketu or dispositor of Ketu
- As this is nadi method one would have to take also trines to Ketu or dispositor of Ketu and this unfortunately increases the parameters, here is where one would not like this method.
- Tr Saturn over Natal Saturn or Sun
- This obviously is more pronounced if natal Saturn and natal ketu are afflicted, one has to see if it would work for a beneficial Saturn or ketu.
Step 1: Tr Saturn is in Libra in the 3H of unlocking of Karma & naisargik badhak house of 10H of profession
Step 2: Tr Saturn forms Sambhandha (association) with Ketu by being in trine with it, thus satisfying the condition of our technique.
This is what his father wrote – ‘My son was earning a very handsome salary while he was working in Bhopal. In spite of advise, he left that job and came all the way down to Chennai as the salary and other benefits are better. For 4 months it was a honeymoon. That is all the Sun has started setting down. During last 3 months, the company for whom he is working has no money and no salary.
As i did not have the chart of his son when that email came to us, i wrote to his father to send his chart as i wanted to see if Tr Saturn is in trine to natal Ketu and you can see thats the case.
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