Article by Saptarishis Astrology
SJC Gurus D-60 Analysis via BCP
The following as an analysis done via email to an SJC Guru from America who had provided some of his life events earlier.
These are the comments on your D 60
- If Capricorn Asc is correct, LL Saturn is in the 8H of occult with 9L in the 8H (change of religion or religious beliefs) along with Venus the 10L of Karma, so your karma was and is in fields of the occult and religion. In the dasa of Saturn/Venus (ruler of the 5H of mantra) there has to be transformation as both Saturn Venus are in the 8H of occult and transformation sitting with Mer (Vishnu), the dispositor of this being in the 12H of abroad. You traveled and joined Guru’s ashram (9L is Mer with Saturn Venus) and got diksha of mantra. Venus the AD is 5L of mantra aspected by Mars from the 5H and this 8H has A5. Ketu the planet of Spirituality was in transit in your 8H during June 5, 1970 and in your own words “I Received Hari Nam Diksa from my guru – Age 23”. Age 23 would mean the 11H of the chart as per BCP & in the 11H Jupiter (Guru) is placed and its lord Mars is in the 5H of mantra so you got mantra.
SJC Guru: Yes, everything is very good so far. Age 23 was the most important year of my life, given the meeting with my guru and receiving Diksha from him. This, by the way, was very, very disconcerting and difficult for my mother, as she had no idea who Hare Krsna’s were, and thought I had gone mad. See Jupiter/Sc in the 8th from Moon, with both rulers of Sc having Papa-kartari with 4th house and Moon.
- Jup is in the 11H of jyotisha making you an astrologer apart from 10L in the 8H which is one (not necessary) of the combinations for astrologers along with Rahu in the 9H for foreign influences. The karakatwa of Jupiter is Guru and, as it is in your 11H, it is Jyotish Guru – this Jupiter is the 3L of writing and 12L of spirituality aspecting the 5H of authorship where 11L of Jyotish, Mars, is sitting causing Guru mangal Yoga. As Jup is in the 11H, the ages of 47 and 59 (as per BCP) give something to do with Jyotish writing and authorship and spirituality and you wrote: “October 5, 2005: Book on __ dasa was released”. The book on __ dasa was on spirituality but since Mars is aspecting this 11H of 59th year, there has to be some jealousy involved and some blockage. To be noted: the sign of Jupiter is Sc – of the occult. The Chara dasa of KNR was Cancer Dasa. 5th from there is Jupiter making you an author – and during this Cancer dasa, you would become a bigger Guru since Jupiter is the 9L sitting in the 5H from Cn Dasa, also making you a sishya and making you meet your guru. The only unfortunate thing is this Jupiter is aspected by Rahu (remember the article I wrote on Rahu implements itself in the 3rd from it Vol 2 or 3) and it is unfortunate that whenever you become a guru or get a guru, some cheating or bad name will happen eventually (I am using true nodes, but if mean nodes were used, then Rahu will be conjunct Jup which explains it easily I presume). Jupiter in the 11H, jyotish or guru can become a badha (big obstacle) in life at some stage.
SJC Guru: This actually happened in the earlier two rounds, i.e. in the 47th year, and earlier than that, in the 35th year. In the 35th year (again 11H as per BCP where Jup the priest is placed) I became the head Pujari at the Seattle temple of ISKCON, and as a result had to deal with jealousy and anger from one of the leaders in that temple. I persevered in spite of it. In the 47th year (11H as per BCP), I started teaching Jyotish and that aroused envy from a well-known local Jyotishi who lived in Seattle at that time (still does). So in this ways, Mars’ influence showed itself strongly in those years. The latter effect also continued in the following year too, i.e. 48th.
- Sun is in the 12H so something to do with 12H matters would have happened in the 25th year, please see if it happened. Any feedback would be nice
SJC Guru: Yes, during the 25th year – right at the beginning of it in fact – my guru asked me and 4 other brahmacaris to go to Salt Lake City and open a temple there. This was a difficult task, as I was still a new devotee, and we had to go two states over from where I was (LA, California). That was a tough year, as the winter in 1970 was extremely harsh and we chanted Hari Nam in the streets every day in spite of the cold. At first there was no place to stay, and we stayed in the homes of sympathetic people. Finally we got our own building and started a temple (SUN)!
- An event regarding your mother or 4/5H in the 32nd year
SJC Guru: I don’t remember anything specific. Then again, I was not in touch with my mother at that time, having renounced family.
- May 20, 1989: Left temple life for good and started supporting myself doing Jyotish readings – Age 42, this would mean the 6H: its lord Mercury is in the 8H of transformation along with the 10L of karma and 2L of vocation so something new started in your life related to Mer (9L of dharma) and 2nd series of your dharma started.
SJC Guru: In the following year (43rd), which began 9/18/1989, a significant relationship started, and this corresponds to the 7th house/Cancer. Cn and its 7th are aspected by DK as well as natal 7th lord Mars. This, however, did not last more than 6 months. See 12th lord Jupiter aspecting 7th lord, and also Bandana yoga forming onto the 7th house by Mars and Rahu.
- March 12, 1986: Started illicit affair while still pujari in the temple – this lasted a year and 1/2 – Age 39 – this would be the 3H where Ketu (mistake) and AL (image) is placed and its lord Jupiter is in the sign of Sc (sex scandal) and in the 11H of wife (woman) and Jyotish. This relationship would eventually lead you to Jyotish I guess, think you mentioned that earlier, many years back to me. Ketu the 39th year is in the 3H of new karma opposite the 9H of temple and aspected by Rahu (scandal) – you mentioned that this lasted 1.5 years which makes it 40th year where Moon (one’s name) and A8 (scandal and sex) is placed in the 4H of ones prestige, causing some scandal. The woman must have been feminine I presume.
SJC Guru: Not sure what you mean by “woman must have been feminine”. She was very beautiful, if that is what you mean. Anyway, up until that time she worked in the Deity department of the temple and we became friends. At the time, Saturn transited Scorpio, which is where DK and lord of Pisces is placed.
- July 3, 1994: Met Sri K.N. Rao and Jyotish reached a new level as a result – Age 47 – this would be the 11H of Jyotish as per BCP where Jupiter (Guru) is sitting who is 3L of travel and 12L of abroad. K. N. Rao traveled from abroad (to where you were placed) and you met him and this changed your life since 3L is the house of unlocking of Karma (mentioned this in the previous editorial Vol 6 or 7). You should have stuck to K. N. Rao as this was Jupiter’s 4th round – the result would have gone into the 8H and he might have unraveled quite a few secrets, especially since you have the intelligence to understand.
SJC Guru: What do you mean “this was Jupiter’s 4th round, the result would have gone into the 8thH? But yes, in retrospect I feel that I got distracted when I joined the parampara. Now I am back to using all of KN Rao’s techniques, especially with regard to Jaimini, and it is working wonderfully well.
- January 1, 1995: Started relationship with ___ at – Age 48 – it is 12H of bed pleasures as per BCP and 8L of sex, Sun, is sitting there and this is a very very past life karma for you.
SJC Guru: It was also the Chara dasa of Ar/Sg, Aries being 7th from lagna, and Sg being 7th from 7th lord and UL. Me/Ju/Ma Vimsottari dasa was very appropriate. On this date, when we consummated the relationship, transit Venus was in the exact degree conjunction of DK Jupiter.
- March 16, 2005: Life-threatening illness started: I was sick until July that year – almost died – Age 58 –
See Age 58 would be 10H where A6 (disease) is sitting and its lord Venus has gone in the 8H of chronic diseases – remember in last issue I revealed a Bhrighu Technique: where Venus sits one has to spend on diseases/health issues; using that with BCP, the lord of the 58 year has become Venus so you spend on disease and it being in the 8H, it would be chronic and concerning your longevity (since 8H is house of longevity as you know and you wrote that you almost died).
SJC Guru: This was a very bad situation, as not only was I deafly ill, but I started to have serious problems in my relationship with Dana also. Transits of nodes + Saturn all converged strongly onto the natal 7th lord which is also the AK at this time.
- 7L is Moon sitting with A8 (bad) and 6th from it is Rahu – the 6H is the natural house of black magic and Rahu is spirits. This Rahu from spouse 7L Moon becomes badha and also 6H is the house of badha. Around age of 62 (2nd house) the spirit problem would have enhanced as Rahu lord of Aq sits in the 6th of badha of 7L of wife.
SJC Guru: It actually started getting really bad the year before when the dasa rasi was in the 12th house. There you see Venus’ dispositor in the 12th aspected by nodes + Mars also. There were some very unhappy events, crises in fact, which became very intense in the summer of 2007. This indeed continued to be bad in 2008. Now, recently this has become even worse, now with Rx Saturn transiting on natal lagna lord Venus. There are, however, good signs as of today. Yesterday she went into a new Tithi Pravesh year and which is altogether better than it was in the previous two years. So already improvements are being felt and I am thankful for it. Still, she is unstable, but becoming more desirous of approaching God for shelter.
- Based on our article presumably titled ‘Timing Kala’ written few years ago on D60 and sent to ACVA and BAVA to be published there we used that same technique and asked the chart holder what happened when Tr Saturn around 17 Ar 27 transited the Moons degree in D60 (earlier only one software, Goravani, used to give (years back) and now Jhora also gives this option of degrees in Shastiamsa – obviously this is a hypothetical degree and not the actual degree of planet). Moon is with A8 (occult) and it is the 7L of PadaPrapthi (Public Platform and Status) & 7L of wife/partner. The lord of Moon is Mars and goes in the 5H of fame in D60 and is aspected by Jupiter (being Guru).
“Also when Saturn was at 17Ar 27 what happened in your life”?
SJC Guru: This occurred on 2/14/2000, and I was in the Ketu MD and Moon AD (Vim.). It was in this month/year that I travelled to Sedona, AZ for the ACVA conference and gave a lecture there. I was also a guest speaker at a workshop on spirituality at the same conference, as a result of which I gained great ground in reputation as a “spiritual” astrologer. My wife also met me in Sedona afterward, and we had a vacation. Shortly thereafter, however, in May, 2000, I declared bankruptcy.
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