Article by Saptarishis Astrology
The need of the hour is for astrologers to test each and every technique on several charts and to see the chart as a whole rather than coming to conclusions based on aphorisms. This article reveals some of the unbiased testing of techniques taken from the works of the late astrologer named S.K. Mehta. The purpose here is to stimulate minds to find out the underlying principle behind the aphorisms rather than to predict the event.
Greatest Untold Secret
The greatest untold secret of astrology relates to the interpretation of astrological aphorisms (shlokas), in that one brief verse is not leading toward an instant conclusion, but is pointing toward a particular facet of the chart, so that it does not escape the astrologer’s attention, and so that later, it can be used with other tools to triple check, verify and view the chart ‘holistically’. The ancient sages, who performed severe austerities and were closely guided by the gods, would offer simple, short verses that were often criticized later on by modern readers because they did not lend a foolproof interpretation. The verse is only a clue giver, and no sage or author is ever going to stress this, as it is a common-sense approach. These verses were not given for astrologers to be able to make blind predictions yet most of us land up doing that inspite of our seniority. This untold secret that has not been mentioned in any book is a concept taught through the oral tradition by the guru to the student. Yet, it is a concept that appears to be misunderstood, as professional magazine articles often characterize a particular dictum as a blind rule. Incidentally its more the reader who assumes it to be a blind rule and lands up criticizing the author. In the yet-to-be published Last Book Of Astrology, the sage explains this concept and more:
A chart is like a human body, where, in order for a human to walk,
the body has to co-ordinate hundreds of muscles and other elements
for the simple action of walking. For an event to be seen from the chart,
it’s never a lone planet that gives the result, it’s every force in the
chart coming together to make that one simple event, and this can
never be forgotten while reading the classics of the sages…each aphorism
[is given] either to underline a principle or to point the reader’s attention
toward a probable event, so that other tools can be brought in to verify
if that event will happen.
The Last Book of Astrology is very clear in stating quite a profound idea in the above verse: “In order to understand how astrology works, observe the human body.”
Here are some rules from Mehta’s book New Rules and Combinations in Hindu Astrology:
Technique One: “If Saturn and Mars are in association in the 8H of the horoscope, the native will be a big criminal in his life time. The native may commit robberies, dacoities and even murders” (p 124).
Obviously all charts with Saturn and Mars in the 8H will not give the same result, but let’s see if it comes true even on one chart from database. What must also be remembered is that among 92 charts with Mars and Saturn in the 8H, no such thing occurred. Though robbery need not happen, sometimes it is observed that natives with this combination might steal someone’s work for personal profiteering; or in order to advance in one’s life, natives with this combination might be conniving, and some kind of cheating could occur.
In order to maintain brevity, this author has taken five charts where this technique works, and five charts where this technique does not completely work.
Understand the holistic meaning of the word ‘murder’ and ‘burglary’ and you would hit the key of the underlying meaning of the aphorism.
Chart 1: Harry Tracy
American killer, cattle rustler, burglar and holdup man. In 1893, Tracy shot a sheriff. He was captured in 1901, convicted and given 20 years prison. He killed four guards during an escape on 9 June 1902 and also shot his partner. When cornered on 5 Aug 1902, Tracy killed himself rather than be captured again.
Here are the criteria of Rule One that are being met in this above chart:
- Saturn and Mars in the 8H.
- He committed burglary and was a dacoit.
- He even committed four murders.
- The last event of committing suicide is not mentioned in Rule One, but please see read Mehta Saheb’s books for some rules on suicide, one of which can be modified and used in the above chart.
Chart 2: Gilbert Colzin
The native has Mars and Saturn in the 8H, which satisfies Rule One for murder. According to ADB, this Frenchman strangled his wife on 25th Oct 1986.
Chart 3: Christian Didier
French assassin of Rene Bousquet, a political figure. Didier was an unsuccessful writer who drew some attention through demonstrations which he orchestrated during civil events. On 6/08/1993, Didier murdered Bousquet in his apartment, at 8:45 AM. Bousquet had been convicted of crimes against humanity in 1991 for his role as General Secretary of the Vichy police during WW II, 1942-1944.
As you can see Mars and Saturn are in the 8H, and he committed murder.
Chart 4: Luc Jouret
Belgian-Canadian cultist, born in Zaire, the charismatic leader of the Solar Temple Order. He was held responsible for the violent death, a mass murder of collective suicide, of 53 of his following, 48 in Switzerland and 5 in Canada, on 4 Oct 1994. A handsome physician, he worked with a colleague, Joseph di Mambro, a French-Canadian known as “the dictator,” and the financial mastermind of the cult. Believed to be about ten years old, the Order had an estimated 300 members to whom they preached a hodgepodge of Catholic conservationism and apocalypse.
On 1/05/1994, police found what was first considered to be a mass cult suicide in Switzerland, 23 bodies in the half-burned-out ruins of a farm in Cheiry, 45 miles north-east of Geneva. Another 25 bodies were uncovered in three chalets at Granges-sur-Salvan in the Swiss Alps, and five more in a villa in Morin Heights, Canada, about 50 miles northwest of Montreal. It was soon found to be mass murder, not suicide. Three of the Quebec victims, including a three-month-old baby, were stabbed to death. Those in Switzerland had been shot, suffocated with plastic bags over their heads or burned to death. The fires had been set off with timers.
On October 13th, Jouret’s and Mambro’s bodies were found. Jouret had died in Granges the evening of 10/04/1994. It was believed that rising tensions between the two men over cult control and over vast sums of money invested in properties may have been the motive.
Kindly note that Mars and Saturn are in the 8H, but there is a possibility that this chart representation given above might be wrong as the place of birth is Kitwit, Zaire which is not listed in Jhora, the software we use to display charts, but we are relying instead on Kala for accuracy, which is showing 9.38 Sagittarius as the Ascendant.
Chart 5: Leonardo Marino
Italian homicide accomplice, a member of a political group, Lotta Continua, who were implicated in an assassination. Police Chief Calabresi had been shot to death on the morning of 5/17/1972, c. 9:15 A.M., when he left home in Rome. He was shot by a young man in a Fiat with another person driving. In July 1988, Leonardo Marino, a member of the group, turned himself over to the police and declared that he was the driver of the car from which Ovidio Bompressi shot Calabresi on the orders of Sofri and Stefani, executives of the party. In January 2000, the courts of Venice confirmed the guilt of Sofri, Bompressi and Pietro Stefani for his murder.
One can note that Rule One is satisfied with Mars and Saturn in the 8H.
Technique “Not Working” Charts
Now let us take charts where the technique is not working, before that one should note that the AstroDatabank was originally compiled by Western astrologer Lois Rodden, whose greatest service to the world astrological community was to give out all her records for the benefit of research, which not a single Indian astrologer has been able to do in spite of the computer age in India. Astrological community must encourage Indian astrologers to bring out their records for the benefit of astrological research since astrology is based on Desh, Kala & Patra and just Astro Data Bank will not suffice . For her service, Lois Rodden is considered by many to be one of the greatest sages of astrology in the past 100 years. She followed the footsteps of Indian sages who worked for the benefit of mankind and not for themselves.
There are several possible reasons that this technique is not working with some of the AstroDatabank charts:
- The technique truly might not be working.
- Professional readings are done once or twice with the same astrologer unless it’s a regular client, and after the first or second reading, feedback may not have been given related to certain predictions. In other words, the birth time might not be accurate and might have not been correctly rectified by Rodden or others who contributed charts to her data bank.
- As mentioned earlier either, the aphorism states murder or burglary, or, as per the experience of this author’s mentor, it could be related to professional deceit.
Understand the holistic meaning of the word murder and burglary and you would hit the key of the underlying meaning of the aphorism.
Chart 1: Bernadine Rae Dohrn
This lady has Mars and Saturn in the 8H but did not commit any murder or burglary, so the technique does not work “to the T,” but read below and form your opinion on the type of events that happened, as you reflect back on the aphorism.
American political activist of the ’60s, a member of the Weather Underground and at one time on the FBI’s ten-most-wanted list. She spent 11 years as a fugitive after serving a seven-month prison term for refusing to cooperate with a grand jury investigation. She was indicted for leading the October 1969 riots in Chicago and later, cleared of charges. The daughter of a Jewish Hungarian father and a Swedish mother, she went to work as a young secretary. Later, she married a former Weatherman, who is now a teacher. They had three children. She lives in Chicago where she lectures and works for the welfare issues of kids.
Chart 2: Lynn Goodchild
This lady has Mars and Saturn in the 8H but did not commit any murder or burglary, so the technique does not work “to the T,” but read below and form your opinion on the type of events that happened, as you reflect back on the aphorism.
Worked as an American administrator at Putnam Investments in Norwood while working her way toward her Master’s degree at Providence College. She and her boyfriend, Shawn Nassancy of Pawtucket, were on their way to a vacation in Hawaii on board United Airlines flight No. 175, when it was hijacked and flown into the World Trade Towers on 9/11/2001 at 9:02 A.M., killing all on board instantly.
See how the aphorism worked here, in that she did not commit burglary and murder, but became the victim of it.
Chart 3: Cheryl Jacques
This lady has Mars Saturn in the 8H but did not commit any murder or burglary, so the technique does not work “to the T.”
American politician; the openly gay mother of two boys, Jacques has been a member of the Massachusetts Senate since 1993. In November 2003, she was appointed head of Human Rights Campaign, a gay and lesbian advocacy group based in Washington, D.C., a position she assumed on January 1, 2004. She left the position a year later for reasons that she was not at liberty to discuss.
An attorney early in her career, she earned a B.S., Boston College (MA), 1984; J.D., Suffolk University School of Law (MA), 1987. She held a variety of public positions at the municipal levels from 1986 to 1990 and became a ten-year Democratic State Convention Delegate in 1988.
On November 30, 2004, Jacques announced that she was resigning from her position as head of the Human Rights Campaign. She would not reveal the specifics of her departure, saying only that she and the board had “a difference in management philosophy.”
Chart 4: Robert Levy
Mars and Saturn are in the 8H satisfying the condition of Mehta, but the native of this chart did not commit any murder or burglary. American physician, the father of Chandra Levy, who was missing from 5/01/2001, and her skeletal remains were found in a Maryland park a year later. She was murdered by a stranger, but her murderer was not implicated until almost ten years later. See how the aphorism worked here, in that he did not commit burglary and murder, but became the victim of it in the loss of his daughter.
Chart 5: Sarah Miles
This lady has Mars and Saturn in the 8H but did not commit any murder or burglary so the technique does not work “to the T,” but read below and form your opinion on the type of events that happened, as you reflect back on the aphorism.
British actress who was first noted in the U.S. film, “Ryan’s Daughter,” as well as the film “The Servant.” While filming the movie “The Man Who Loved Cat Dancing,” in 1973, she was embroiled in a scandal in which her business manager beat her up. In response to the beating, Sarah fled to actor Burt Reynolds’ room and the manager committed suicide. After her 1967 marriage, her husband said, “Many men have loved my wife.” She has one son. She was not a burglar or murderer, but was a victim of violence.
One can easily show 100 charts proving that burglary, murder or theft happened with Mars and Saturn in the 8H, and we do have around 74 charts from ADB and in our collection that can be used, but here an unbiased view is presented so that readers do not go astray being impressed with the first write up of the Guaranteed Astrologer, yet we must bow down to an astrologer like him who had the guts to write what he wrote, not many of us have that including this scribe. Normally in the West and in Modern India it is considered professional suicide to write techniques like that of Mehta Saheb, the Guaranteed Astrologer and no sane astrologer or famous writer would ever do that but what must be mentioned here is that he was the greatest in terms of writing from the heart of what he experienced and believed. Future generations are going to ridicule attempts of writers such as Mehta Saheb when they come up with aphorisms such as that of Mehta Saheb, especially when they use statistical testing but one must remember that for someone to write these kind of aphorisms he is non but the Sage of ancient times who we just value on paper and speech but not from heart, whose techniques work to the T in some charts but not in the complete gamut of statistical testing since he never meant it that way. Any professional brilliant astrologer has a ‘Genie’ attached to him which is his ‘Intuition’ and he knows that every chart is a fresh plan of God having millions of combinations which an astrologer can see only 5-6 of those combinations. Also, when the professional astrologer sees his own researches that has proved over hundreds of charts in a new chart, his Genie tells him not to predict if the event is not going to occur and he would never rely on his emotions or statistical testing of techniques to predict whereas in contrast the theoretician will rely on statistical and scientific astrology. Astrology can never be scientific in the modern term since it is a shastra and this is what the Sage Parashara hinted in the first two chapters of his BPHS yet we all have committed the biggest blunder in ignoring those two chapters which can take a lifetime to truly understand. One must dedicate himself to the memory of the greats of yesteryears.
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