Article by Saptarishis Astrology
Dear Visti, all SJC Gurus and learned members, namaste. Please, kindly clarify the question bellow.
As Maharishi Parashara says, D-60 is everything. I wanted to know more about this subject.
This question arose while studying my own Shastyamsa: if I pick Lahiri Ayanamsa, ketu would be in twelfth house mithuna sign yuti Guru, Sani and Surya. On the other hand, if I chose Jagannatha ayanamsa, ketu would be in Karka (Which is the lagna) and fifth from AL.
Knowing how the curse (of twelfth house) would work on this life and how to make it at least a little bit less painful if possible is very important, right? With lahiri ayanamsa the nodes would take part on the curse in twelfth house. With Jagannatha, it is different, as the nodes would change its position to another sign and rahu and mars would be affecting Moon.
Please, clarify: which ayanamsa to chose, and based on which judgement should we do so? The results from picking one or another would differ much in many vargas and ultimately could mislead the astrologer in applying the right remedy for each situation. Should we chose the ayanamsa based on intuition, or the tradition is the final word on which one should be chosen?
Best wishes,
Ps: My tob and pob – 07:00:10 – Time Zone: 03:00/ Lon 47W54 Lat 15S47
SA: Hi
ralmsilva82: hi there
SA: this is with reference to your mail on Srijagganath forum, i seem to have done some work on D60 since 2004 and wanted ur chart details if its ok with u, the message posted did not contain DOB
ralmsilva82: oh sure, it’ll be of great help, thanks
SA: most welcome
ralmsilva82: i was born in 09/02/82
SA: is it 9th Feb 1982 ?
ralmsilva82: yes
SA: Time
SA: location and country
ralmsilva82: 07:00:10
ralmsilva82: Brasilia/ Brazil
ralmsilva82: 07:00:10 am
SA: what is the 10 seconds ? in the time of birth
ralmsilva82: this tob i found by rectification
SA: no no rectification pls
SA: what is there in ur birth certificate
ralmsilva82: ok, 7:00:00
SA: oh ok thanks
ralmsilva82: ten seconds changed the d-24 chart
SA: Sir u would be male female (for dasas)
ralmsilva82: male
SA: are u the Raphal from SJC Guru list ?
ralmsilva82: no, im Raphael
ralmsilva82: the SJC Guru list is Rafal ji
SA: there are many lats long
SA: which one should i take pls guide
ralmsilva82: yes, the right one
SA: timezone too
ralmsilva82: is
ralmsilva82: time zone 3
ralmsilva82: 47w54
ralmsilva82: 15s47
SA: ok pls hang on i will check in other softwares too
ralmsilva82: k
SA: Jhora gives 1 timezone ?
SA: in which name should i save the chart (full name pls if possible)
ralmsilva82: its wrong, its 3 timezone
ralmsilva82: u should save the chart as Raphael Silva
SA: just a sec
ralmsilva82: ok
SA: next to Brasilia, I get Acre, another option Maranhao and many others
SA: which state would it be
ralmsilva82: its Brasilia DF
ralmsilva82: let me check it
SA: distrito federal
ralmsilva82: its the lat/long i sent u sir
ralmsilva82: yes
SA: got it
SA: 8 Aq 42 ?
SA: Asc ?
ralmsilva82: yes
ralmsilva82: u see, ten seconds later would fit better on D-24 chart
ralmsilva82: and also fits on kunda principles
SA: kunda principles do not work i am sure u are told that by experienced astrologers, meaning if u are using kunda for birth time rectification
SA: re D24 lets see
ralmsilva82: ok
SA: ur Navamsa lagna is Sagi ?
ralmsilva82: yes
SA: D 60 lagna is Cancer ?
ralmsilva82: yes
SA: do u have younger brothers sisters?
ralmsilva82: yes, both
SA: do u get along with them ?
ralmsilva82: but sisters r just related by father
ralmsilva82: i’m not close to sisters and have some kind of enemity towards my brother
ralmsilva82: sisters live in another city
SA: so Ketu is in the 3H of siblings in D60 is confirmed
ralmsilva82: well, i love my brother
ralmsilva82: ketu in D-60?
SA: u said earlier u got enemity towards ur brother ?
ralmsilva82: we have lots of arguments
ralmsilva82: but i dont hate him or anything like that
ralmsilva82: i just get too angry at him
SA: thats ok
SA: anyone of them having any mercury related problems
SA: like skin diseases or too mercurial in nature
ralmsilva82: from jhora i see ketu as being in geminni twelf house?
SA: or some accident happened to them
ralmsilva82: oh ok, u see rashi dhristi from there
SA: no
ralmsilva82: ok, they don’t have skin desease as far as i know
SA: i am using True nodes in D60 (at times mean nodes work) but mainly true nodes work far better
SA: with true nodes Ketu should be in the 3H in D60
ralmsilva82: ok
SA: Rahu should be in the 9H of higher vidya (knowledge) and that should give you either learning of some knowledge that is foreign to u (rahu) or a foreign Guru kinds
ralmsilva82: on this life?
SA: did u do any technical education
SA: yes this life
SA: I see some problem regarding father on a broad sense
ralmsilva82: I study social history at master’s degree level
ralmsilva82: yes, u see right
SA: ooh history
SA: is it related to war and fights and struggles, ( i do not know meaning of social history)
SA: ?
ralmsilva82: hmm, its pretty broad field of history
SA: ok
ralmsilva82: u can say i started studying it to understand about my own identity
SA: ok
SA: at the age of 25 anything happened concerning 12 H matters (in D60)
SA: if u are busy we can talk later whenever comfortable
ralmsilva82: am not sir
ralmsilva82: my wife just arrived
SA: oh ok
SA: ok
ralmsilva82: well, i felt like a huge weight was taken of my shoulders
SA: ?
ralmsilva82: my first relationship ended
SA: in ur 25th year ?
ralmsilva82: and i started searching for spirituality
ralmsilva82: yes
SA: pls wait
ralmsilva82: k
ralmsilva82 has signed back in. (03/25/2010 7:40 PM)
SA: 25th year would be Feb 2006 to Feb 2007, so did that spirituality search start during this period ?
ralmsilva82: yes, it increased on this period
SA: when did it start
ralmsilva82: i think i broke up with the first spouse on 2005 not 2006
ralmsilva82: then it was a year being single
SA: k
SA: when did the spirituality search start
ralmsilva82: i think in 2005 up till now
ralmsilva82: it was not so much like now
SA: in 2005 after Feb 2005 ?
ralmsilva82: but i wanted to know more about philosophy and things like that
ralmsilva82: yes, certainly
ralmsilva82: the nature of men, etc
SA: when did God start ?
ralmsilva82: 2008
SA: its the key to ur D60
ralmsilva82: end of 2008 i started searching for Him
ralmsilva82: since i started learning jyotish
SA: bang on ur Ketu is in the 3H confirmed
SA: end of 2008 means ur 27th year which means 3H of ur chart and in 3H there is Ketu (spirituality real one ) and also Jyotish since Mer Ketu there
SA: in 25th year i see some Peeda (internal strife), Sun (soul) is activated and suffering (Saturn) and internal search, 9L in 12H
ralmsilva82: nice
ralmsilva82: it fits a lot
SA: 28th or 29th year i see some women related activity or education activity strongly
SA: let me see ur age now
SA: u are in ur 29th year now
ralmsilva82: 28th sir
ralmsilva82: 28th to 29
SA: but in 28th year since there is A8 i see a lot of occult (jyotish) activity
ralmsilva82: i got it
SA: 28th year what u got ?
ralmsilva82: i understand what u say of me being in 29th year
SA: ohh ok
SA: its the nadi way
ralmsilva82: ok
SA: thats how it is calculated
SA: 25th year something to do with wife or children ?
SA: 25th year lord is in the 5H and retrograde hence it could be a year of mental turmoil
SA: i can be wrong
ralmsilva82: hmm
ralmsilva82: i met my actual wife when i was 24yo
SA: 24th year running ?
ralmsilva82: yes
SA: that means Feb 2005 to Feb 2006 ?
ralmsilva82: i met her in 2006
SA: month ?
ralmsilva82: may 2006
SA: that is not 24th year but 25th year
ralmsilva82: ok
SA: reproducing what i wrote above
SA: SA: thats how it is calculated
SA: 25th year something to do with wife or children ?
ralmsilva82: oh yes, indeed
ralmsilva82: my wife is close and is medling on the subject, that’s why
SA: since 25th year is 1H and its lord Moon is in the 11H of wife and children and it is aspected by Venus from the 5H
SA: medling on the subject means ?
ralmsilva82: she was telling me which age i had and things like that
ralmsilva82: and talking to me at the same time
SA: oooh ok
ralmsilva82: now she left
SA: is she round faced or clam composition, am trying to assess how much the moon is spoilt by Venus retrogression or not
ralmsilva82: clam?
SA: or is she motherly ?
SA: calm sorrry typo
ralmsilva82: oh ok
ralmsilva82: she’s very hot minded in disposition
SA: Moon being with Neptune could give fleeting thoughts
ralmsilva82: but yet she’s motherly in nature
ralmsilva82: but she complains on that
SA: ooh so Venus being the dispositor of Mars aspecting this Moon has done it, i was hoping it did not
ralmsilva82: it’s not an issue, we can get along well most of times
SA: thats nice
SA: we must be thankful to God for the good things he has given
SA: well my job is done
SA: ur asc is Cancer in D60 there is no doubt about it
ralmsilva82: do u see curse in 12th house?
ralmsilva82: and i didnt know it was possible to see such things on D-60
SA: D 60 is the chart of past present and future
ralmsilva82: its great sir
SA: what was not possible to see in D 60 ?
ralmsilva82: i thought it was related to previous birth (AL) and the embodiment of all life u passed through (Lagna itself)
ralmsilva82: but i didnt know it would have such weightage in prediction as u showed
SA: the above statement is difficult for me to comprehend as it sounds a lot of theorization if u dont mind me saying
SA: K N Rao has done phenomenal work on D60 some decades back when no one was even looking at D 60
SA: full life predictions can be done via D 60 dear Raphael
ralmsilva82: that’s very nice to know
ralmsilva82: will keep that in mind
ralmsilva82: sir, mind asking u
SA: ur 30th year would be a very important year
ralmsilva82: related to spirituality?
SA: 30,31,32,33
SA: lot of changes, lots and lots in all areas
ralmsilva82: maybe i’ll have a kid by then?
ralmsilva82: i think a kid would trigger many changes
SA: yup a kid does
SA: u wrote mind asking u ? what did u want to ask
SA: pls ask as i will have to take ur leave in few mins
ralmsilva82: ok
ralmsilva82: do u see if i have any chances of learning more on jyotish?
ralmsilva82: and if my previous assumption that i studied it in previous life is correct
SA: a advice i give to everyone when they ask this question is not to do more jyotish
SA: its not good for everyone except a select few and householders should generally avoid is my honest advice
ralmsilva82: ic
SA: the problem is ur D 60 shouts loud on spirituality and occult so i cant stop u
SA: 9L in 12H with Sun and Saturn
SA: in D1 u see 11th lord of Jyotish in the 9H
ralmsilva82: do u think if i further on it i could leave my family or something like that?
SA: pls do not ask that
ralmsilva82: ok
ralmsilva82: yes, depending on the answer
SA: i wish u well but do not worry about
ralmsilva82: i see, ur very responsible sir
SA: if u did jyotish in previous life
SA: from D60
SA: its not easy to see that from Rasi or D60, all else is theorization and many of us on the internet forums have wasted years and more than a decade on such theorizations
SA: wouldnt want u to waste urs
ralmsilva82: sir, im completely into jyotish anyway
SA: if i am permitted to give any good advice
ralmsilva82: and about past lifes, my only objective is to know them so i can get rid of them
ralmsilva82: and be forever in the present
ralmsilva82: jyotish is a mean to achieve that i think
SA: actually Jyotish is a means to learn about ones pending karma so that we excute it in this life and move on in our soul cycle
SA: predictions about future was only a tool to attract the common man to learn about his pending karma
SA: unfortunately it has now become a tool to make a person addictive towards the astrologer and obsessive to know about the future
ralmsilva82: yes, that’s not what i seek
ralmsilva82: i just want to be in peace
ralmsilva82: and to that i need to learn about myself – and my pending karma
SA: one of the Bhrighu methods of finding One of the major pending karmas is by observing the 6H and its lord
ralmsilva82: rather my Self
ralmsilva82: on rashi?
SA: see it in the D1 and D60, observe it and mull over it for some time and u urself will
SA: be able to decipher it
ralmsilva82: thanks a lot sir
SA: now i must take ur leave, i rarely come on chat or on forums but i somehow managed to see only one mail which was yours and i am pleased to having seen it
SA: wishing u all the best
SA: u have 3 retro planets so take it easy in life Raphael
ralmsilva82: i think its a great niimita that we met sir
ralmsilva82: what about the 3 retro planets sir?
SA: that is kind of u to say that and i wish i had more time and knowledge to give u more predictions via D60 without using transits or dasas which is what i do
SA: i should not be saying this but when 3 retro planets are there , there are many many indications one of them is a tough life or a superb successful life, Venus in ur 5H in D60 u would have suffered a bit in love
ralmsilva82: i did
ralmsilva82: learned a lot from it
SA: something to do with love would have happened in the 16th year of ur life or the 17th year of ur life
ralmsilva82: exactly sir
ralmsilva82: 16 and 17 were major years
ralmsilva82: in love matters
SA: I am sorry u went through that
SA: but all of us need to go through that
ralmsilva82: yes…
SA: see ur D60 lagna is no doubt correct
SA: i hope u did not spend money trying to figure out which is ur D60 lagna or trying to correct ur birth time
ralmsilva82: nope, not at all
SA: good good
SA: unfortunately everyone i meet lands up spending some 200-500 dollars trying to rectify their birth chart and i feel so bad hence i felt i should help u before u land up spending that kind of amount
ralmsilva82: i dont even have this kind of money with me atm
SA: Saturn aspects ur 2nd house so be careful of negative events u predict they can come correct
ralmsilva82: but i felt id be able to do that on my own sooner or later
SA: good
ralmsilva82: ok sir
SA: Jupiter is in the 12 H and it will implement itself in the 10H of career, so be careful that u do not do too much Jyotish or it will spoil ur career
SA: or too much spirituality
ralmsilva82: it might happen indeed
SA: I rarely advice anyoen to become an astrologer due to what i see happening in the name of astrology
SA: thats a non jyotish advice i give
SA: and then i discourage people who are about to get fooled by the astrology of curses
ralmsilva82: lol
SA: there is no such thing as strong as curse, for curses there are different combinations, what u see
SA: if a benefic aspected or in association with 2 malefics is just pending karma regarding it
ralmsilva82: ic ic
SA: struggles very hard ones due to malefics thats about it
SA: but then its easier to fool foreigners with jargons like curses and they feel so strong about it, but its unfair to play with someones feelings and emotions
SA: anyways this is not the intension of this discussion and not needed so i must take ur leave
ralmsilva82: ok sir
SA: May the Force be with u
ralmsilva82: i appreciate ur concerns
SA: u are most welcome
ralmsilva82: and also what u said
ralmsilva82: may the force be with u too
SA: thanks
ralmsilva82: have a nice time sir
SA: u too
SA: bye for now
ralmsilva82 is typing a message.
ralmsilva82: byeBookmark
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