Article by Pt. Satyadev Sharma
Creation of perfect birth chart depends on the accurate birth time, co-ordinates of birth place of native as well as time of sunrise (at that location of birth). At any place, the ascendant’s time period will be governed by the latitude of that place and time of sunrise in turn depends on the latitude- longitude as well as declination (kranti). Ascendant depends on time of sunrise and latitude of swasthana. Every place experiences rise of ascendants of 12 rashis in 24 hours i.e. 60 ghatis.
At any place in India (for that matter on earth at particular moment), all planets have same spashtha (true) rashi, degrees, kala and vikala. Any location is not able to influence these factors. But planets which are spastha (true) as per local time (dhup ghadi) will be dissimilar at different places. On the other hand, Indian Standard Time (ISI) is same.
Different dashas like vimshottari, ashtottari, yogini, kalachakra etc. reckoned on the basis of moon in a particular nakshatra (bhukta bhogya kaal of moon in a nakshtra) will be same at any place i.e. those will be of same planet and of same (time) period. For example, at 22nd May’1948, in morning at 00HRS 45 MIN (after midnight), if someone is born, then at this particular time true moon will be 6|22|20|51 rashyadi and Jupiter’s bhogyadasha will be of 13 years 2 months and 5 days. Janma Nakshatra will be Vishakha with 1st charana (pada) and ascendant will be Aquarius at Jaipur, India. All subjects born on this day and time will have same dasha of Jupiter, same dasha period, same Nakshatra
and same charana. All true planets all over India will be same (rashi. Amsha. Kala. vikala) but their ascendants will be different as per longitudes.
In India at all places (on earth for that matter) planet dashas reckoned from nakshtras as well as from rashis and their dasha period, shodash vargas of planets, states (avastha) of planets, vyaparadi, graham rashmi, grahapada (Jaimini and Parashara), awakadaha di, uccha bal, yugmayugma bal, vargabal, dreshkana bal, paksha bal, varsha-mas-din bal, ayana bal, cheshta bal, drugbal, nisarga bal, etc will be similar at abhishta time and day. All other calculations which involve true planets and moon Nakshatra will also be same irrespective of ascendant.
In this manner, at abhishta time where same ascendant is rising, (mesh or vrishabha or mithuna etc.) such places will have similar calculations in addition to other calculations like chara dasha, ashtak varga, Kendra bal, digbal etc.
In case of different ascendants (shodash vargadi) in varga kundalis and chakras, only rashi placed in varga lagna (for varga kundalis) will be unlike. This is because it depends upon the ascendant as well as its rashi. Amsa.kala.vikala. Varga kundali is an indicator of varga position of planets, so position of different vargas of planets will also be similar.
Summary of the above commentary is that, subject born at any place in India at any typical time (as per Indian standard Time), will have all similar calculations stated above where same ascendant is rising. On virtue of this fact, each subject with that (particular) lagna will have bhavishyaphal (future) similar to those people who have same ascendants. For example, if at any particular time at such places where Aries ascendant is rising, then all Aries ascendant persons will have similar future. If it is a Taurus, then (Taurus) ascendant persons will have similar future. This will be true also for people with other ascendants. Even though (at moment) ,at different places same ascendant is rising, the rashi amsa kala vikal of lagna (ascendant) will vary on virtue of their (individual) latitudes and longitudes.
Jaimini sutras are different style of phaladesha (system of prediction), which will be described in other write ups. It considers aspect (drishti) of signs as well as aspect of planets placed in them at the same time. In similar manner other things are also based on sings. Generally all astrologers make predictions as per Jaimini Sutras by considering complete rashi as ascendant as well as bhava, even in Parashari system. It is incorrect as per above commentary.
So, we can say that, all subjects born on a particular time will have future i.e. life cycle only of 12 types, as per individual ascendant. Each (subject) with similar ascendant will experience similar incidents in life and their time of happening will also be same as well (dasha period and dasha).
In the period of a particular ascendant, unless the planetary positions in rashis and navanshadi (9th harmonic) varga get changed, everyone will have similar bhavishyaphal. This is because, our sutras of phalit scriptures (references or books), doesn’t provide any deeper information in this aspect.
In the system of Ashtak varga, irrespective of ascendant’s degree, kala, vikala, shubhata of planets and rashis will only depend on count of rekha and bindus. Most of the phalas (calculated) as per this technique, has no connection with ascendant or degrees of planets. That’s why, as per system of Ashtak varga, for subjects with similar ascendants, shubha-shubhata of planets as well as bhavas will be similar. Ashtak varga takes into consideration bindus and rekhas of rashi or planet for phalit and gochar phaladesh. In nutshell, as per the technique of Ashtak Varga phaladesh technique, sukshmata (minute details) of planets, ascendant or bhava spashtha is not required.
As per gochara (transit) system, there will be no difference in phala (result) as per ascendant’s of planet’s ra. Am. Ka. vi. Gochar vashat planet predictions are made according to Chandra Lagna, Janma lagna has no importance in this system. So in gochar vashat , till moon placed in particular rashi for 2.5 days, and other planets are also not changing their positions, subjects born in this period will have similar phalakathana. This is as per commonly used system of phalakathana (method of predictions).
Speed of all planets other than moon is very slow for one day. So in a particular day (abhishtha) in the period of ascendant, there will be difference of few seconds (kala and vikala) only. Consequently planets other than ascendant and moon will have same shodashadi varga and the same tara chakra. In this manner in ashtak varga bhinnashta, prastarashtaka, sarvashtaka, trikonashodhana, ekadhipatyashodhana and shodh panda will be completely alike (with no difference).
The inference of this discussion is that , if the difference in birth time is minute, then other than ascendant there will be similarity in shodasha varga, ashtaka varga, most of the dashas, graha bala, of planets etc (as stated earlier).
Then, why subjects born under such situations experiences different kinds of jeevan chakra? (life cycle/ future) Or how separate (different) charts can be made for them? Acharyas have answered to this problem in following shloka:
Shloka: Surya Jataka
यात्राविवाहचौलान्नप्राशने जन्मनि व्रते।
नृपाभिषेके कर्त्तव्या भावा द्वादशसारथे॥
yātrāvivāhacaulānnaprāśane janmani vrate |
nṛpābhiṣeke karttavyā bhāvā dvādaśasārathe ||
Interpretation : Dear sarathi (charioteer), at the time of yatra (journey), marriage, Chaul, Anna Prashana, birth, yadynopavit (Sacred Thread ceremony) and inauguration to throne (Rajyabhisheka), phala of planets should be known (calculated) by true (spashta) bhava.
Shloka, Sudha Nidhi
जन्माऽब्दपृच्छादिशुभाशुभेषु भावाः विधेया सुधिया यतोऽत्र।
तत्तद्वशेनैव दिशन्ति नित्यं शुभाशुभं भावफलं नृभोगाः॥
janmā’bdapṛcchāadiśubhāśubheṣu bhāvāḥ vidheyā sudhiyā yatoo’tra |
tattadvaśenaiva diśanti nityaṁ śubhāśubhaṁ bhāvaphalaṁ nṛbhoogāḥ ||
Interpretation: As specified in Sudhanidhi, at the moment of query of birth, year etc., for shubhashuba phal of bhavastha (planets placed in bhava), (one should) make 12 bhavas spashta. Since, planets give shubhashubha phal on virtue of their bhava vash (bhava positions).
Shloka, Shripati & Manasagari
एवं हि भावाः परिकल्पनोयास्तैरेव योगोत्थफलानि यस्मात्॥
janmaprayāṇavratabandhacaulanṛpābhiṣekādikaragraheṣu |
evaṁ hi bhāvāḥ parikalpanoyāstaireva yogotthaphalāni yasmāt ||
Interpretation: Shripati has stated yogadi on the basis of bhavastha planets in janmadi. For example, at the time of birth, yatra (journey), upanayan (sacred thread ceremony), chaul, inauguration to throne (Rajyabhisheka), and marriage phala from combinations (yogas) of planets wil be as per bhava spastha.
राशिभिरेव निर्णयो विधेय इति राश्याद्यतः भावांशसमग्रहस्य पूर्णं फलमिति। तेनैवोक्तम् —
rāśibhireva nirṇayoo vidheya iti rāśyādyataḥ bhāvāṁśasamagrahasya pūrṇaṁ phalamiti | tenaivoktam —
॥भावोनके चाभ्यधिके च खेटे त्रैराशिकेनात्र फलं प्रकल्प्यम्॥
भावप्रवृत्तौ तु फलप्रवृत्तिः पूर्णं फलं भावसमांशकेषु।
ह्रासः क्रमाद्भावविरामकाले फलस्य नाशं कथितो मुनोन्द्रैः॥
bhāvonake cābhyadhike ca kheṭe trairāśikenātra phalaṁ prakalpyam ||
bhāvapravṛttau tu phalapravṛttiḥ pūrṇaṁ phalaṁ bhāvasamāṁśakeṣu |
hrāsaḥ kramādbhāvavirāmakāle phalasya nāśaṁ kathito munondraiḥ||
Interpretation: Here also it is specified that, bhavajanya phala (phala produced by bhava) will be by bhavastha planets (planets present in the bhava). The summary of this (discussion) is that, Phalas that are given by bhava or planets from which generally (on basis of positions) bhava phala, raja yoga, and immediate friendship chakra (tatkalik maître chakra) etc, phala should be fixed by considering the bhava. At instance where phala is described from the indication of rashi in ashtaka vargadi, their decision should be finalized on the basis of rashi bala i.e. rekha bindu.
If rashi, degrees etc are equivalent to degrees of bhava, then bhavastha planet gives complete result (phala). If it is less or more than degrees (anshadi) of bhava, then phala should be known by equation i.e. proportionately. Planet gives results only after entering into bhava and it doesn’t give any result, if it is (placed) in sandhi (border of sign).
आरम्भसन्धेद्युचरोयदोनः फलं ददात्यादिमभावजातम्।
विरामसन्धेर्राधकस्तदानीमागामिभावोत्थफलप्रदः स्यात्॥ इति
ārambhasandhedyucaroyadonaḥ phalaṁ dadātyādimabhāvajātam |
virāmasandherrādhakastadānīmāgāmibhāvotthaphalapradaḥ syāt || iti
Interpretation: As per Bhavsandhi, if planet is less than the start of the house, then it will give the result of previous bhava (prathama, purva) and if end (viram, anta) of house is more than degrees of planet then it gives results of next bhava.
Bhavakundali Prayojanamuktam Vamannen:
लग्नादिभावा विन्यस्ताः खचक्रे द्वादशारके।
lagnādibhāvā vinyastāḥ khacakre dvādaśārake |
udayairgrahayoogādyairvyañjayantīṣṭamaḍginām ||
Interpretation: In the purpose of bhavakundali, Acharya Vamana explains that amongs 12 rashis, diffrernt rashis in rashichakra should be placed / configured (Nyasa) and on the basis of planets present (in them), ishtha phala of jeeva (individual) should be fixed (thought upon). Off course, one should know that planets present in houses of the bhava-kundali (house chart) presents results to jeeva (individual / prani).
Bhavaphala Prashansamah Bharadwaj:
सीमन्ते जन्मचौलोपनीये यात्राप्रवेशने।
अभिषेके विवाहे च शस्तं भावफलं विदुः॥
sīmante janmacaulopanīye yātrāpraveśane |
abhiṣeke vivāhe ca śastaṁ bhāvaphalaṁ viduḥ||
Interpretation: Maharrishi Sage Bharadwaj has appreciated bhavastha planets (planets present in bhavas). (In his commentary he says that) at the time of seemant ( crossing of the border of town or a city), birth, chaul, sacred thread ceremony (upanayan), journey, pravesh (ingress), abhisheka and marriage, bhavastha planets have good (comfortable) results.
Bhavaspastha Vidhi – Parashar:
Verse : BPHS Chp 5: Shloka 10- 11-12
उक्ता लग्नादिभावानां दीप्तांशास्तिथिसम्मिताः।
तस्माद् भावात् पुरः पृष्टे तिथ्यंशैस्तत्फलं स्मृतम्॥१०॥
लग्नात् तिथ्यंशतः पूर्व भावारम्भः प्रजायते।
तिथ्यंशैः परतस्तस्य पूर्तिसन्धी च तौ स्मृतौ॥११॥
भावारम्भो फलारम्भो पूर्ण भावसमे ग्रहे।
फलं शून्यं च भावान्ते ज्ञेयं मध्येऽनुपाततः॥१२॥
uktā lagnādibhāvānāṁ dīptāṁśāstithisammitāḥ |
tasmād bhāvāt puraḥ pṛṣṭe tithyaṁśaistatphalaṁ smṛtam ||10||
lagnāt tithyaṁśataḥ pūrva bhāvārambhaḥ prajāyate |
tithyaṁśaiḥ paratastasya pūrtisandhī ca tau smṛtau ||11||
bhāvārambho phalārambho pūrṇa bhāvasame grahe|
phalaṁ śūnyaṁ ca bhāvānte jñeyaṁ madhye’nupātataḥ ||12||
Interpretation: 15-15 degrees of these lagnadi bhavas are known as ‘dipransha’. Every lagna and bhavamadhya begins from 15 degrees rear of spastha and gives phala to 15 degrees front. And in totality every bhava is of 30 degrees. In this way respectively by adding each and every rashi, lagnadi bhava and 15 degrees in them (it gives), sandhis of bhavas to give true (spastha). If planet is spashtha equivalent to bhavaspastha, they will give purna phala (complete results), and from the start of bhava sandhi, phala (result) will respectively lift up. Planet in combination with last sandhi will not give any result (nishphala). If graha spashta lies in the centre, then one should judge it proportionally.
This is the arsha samabhava method, which should be used.
Other Method of Bhavaspashtha: Verse: BPHS Chapter 5, Shloka 15-16
लग्नं सुखात्सुखं कामात्कामं खात्खञ्च लजनतः।
त्र्यंशमेकद्विगुणितं युञ्ज्याल्लग्नादिषु क्रमात्॥
पूर्वापरयुतेरूध्र्वं सन्धिः स्याद्बावयोर्द्वयोः।
एवं द्वादशभावाः स्युर्भवन्ति हि ससन्धयः॥
lagnaṁ sukhātsukhaṁ kāmātkāmaṁ khātkhañca lajanataḥ |
tryaṁśamekadviguṇitaṁ yuñjyāllagnādiṣu kramāt ||
pūrvāparayuterūdhrvaṁ sandhiḥ syādbāvayordvayoḥ|
evaṁ dvādaśabhāvāḥ syurbhavanti hi sasandhayaḥ||
Interpretation: Subtract spashtha lagna (True Asc) from chaturtha (fourth), subtract chaturtha (foruth) from saptama (seventh), subtract saptama (seventh) from dashama (tenth) and subtract dashama (tenth) from asc , (then) lagnadi bhava madhya will be spastha respectively if tritiyansha (of result of subtraction) are arranged as lagna, chaturtha, saptama, and dashama bhava respectively with one, two and three times (of tritiyansha). Sandhi of two bhavas happens when half of equivalent (tulya) of back and front of the bhavamadhya combines (yoga).
In this (calculation), Madhya of fourth bhava is known (calculated) by configuring (putting) six rashis in first lagna and six rashis in dashama bhava. (Now after this calculation one should) place planets as per rashi, anshas and bhava after calculation of bhava sadhana along with their sandhis. In this manner, bhav chalit kundali of this samabhava should be created for phaladesha. Ashtaka varga and gochar should be considered as per this kundali. While taking into consideration the gochar, bhava kundali should be created as per instructions given above by taking Chandra lagna Madhya equivalent to Chandra spashtha. Gochar planet positions should be calculated as per bhava kundali of Chandra and knowing their (gochara planet’s) entry and exit timings in bhava, gochar phaladesh should be specified.
By following this method of creation of bhava kundali, children born under the period of same ascendant with the difference of 2-3-4 etc. minutes will have different bhava kundali as well as positions of planets changed in them (bhava kundali). This is because, the speed of the lagna is 30 degrees in the period of 1, 1.5, 2 hrs of lagna kala (asc period). So, lagna spashtha gets changed in 2-3-4 minutes of the lagna kala (period) timings, consequently the places / positions of bhava Madhya and sandhis gets modified . But in such a short period, in most of the cases positions of planets gets altered in bhava / chalit kundali on virtue of very slow speed of planets. As a result of this, subjects born with the time difference of few minutes will have separate future (phaladesha). Also the gochara and ashtaka varga gets modified.
So, as per the principles of Astrology (Jyotisha Shastra), phaladesha of a subject should be given (calculated) from bhava / chalit kundali. Phaladesha technique where complete rashi is considered as bhava is brief and against the science (of astrology). Bhava kundali is created in the birth chart, but neither is it considered for phaladesha nor is it used for calculating ashtaka varga, for the knowledge of gochara Chandra / bhava kundali is created. As a result of this practice, predictions become further inaccurate.
Other than all this said above, Sage Parashara has given a strong key that proves true in the modern scientific realm, by which many other gunas (positive aspects) of subjects gets augmented.
Shloka: BPHS Chap: 79 Shloka 14
वीर्यं क्षेत्रं प्रसूतेश्च समयः सङ्गतिस्तथा।
उत्तमादि जुणै हेतुर्बलवानुत्तरोत्तरम॥१४॥
vīryaṁ kṣetraṁ prasūteśca samayaḥ saṅgatistathā |
uttamādi juṇai heturbalavānuttarottarama ||14||
Interpretation: Gunas (qualities/traits/genes) related to father, mother, birth time and circumstances (sangati, persons accompanying an individual) respectively gets stronger in ascending intensity in a native. So, other than phaladesha given as per the kundali created from communicated birth time, subject gets more and more influenced by the race (vansha) of parents and the conditions under which he was born and brought up. From this shloka of Sage Parashara, many queries/ questions related to disparity of predictions given by the astrologer and actual incidents/ happenings in reality gets answered.
Considering the above discussion it is also very much essential that for correct predictions of future by natal chart, the time of birth of the subject should be most accurate. A little difference in it can completely alter the predictions in many cases from the actual event.
By adopting bhava/chalet chart method different birth charts, ashtakvarga, prashna charts, gochar charts etc can be obtained for subjections born or questions asked, at short intervals of time, which is the only correct method of astrological predictions as per original texts. For more details of casting of bhava charts kindly refer to book ‘Brihad Bhartiya Kundali Vigyan’ written in Hindi by this author.
About Author: Pt. Satyadev Sharma, born in 1948 has pioneered the spreading of jyotish in the western parts of India. Apart from being a simple & humble human being he has authored & also translated some rare works which includes Siddhanta Shiromani, KetkiGrahan Ganitam, Brihad Bhartiya Kundali Vigyan, Saral TrikonaGanitam, Aryabhatiya, Dridhavrath Lakshanam. He is expected to contribute some interesting articles in time to come.
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