Article by Rakesh Soni
Auspicious and inauspicious energies from the cosmos impact the entire mobile and immobile world. Our bodies are also not immune to it. Positive impact makes us feel happy and healthy and negative impact makes us feel unhappy and ill. In astrology Lagna is considered as the body and the Moon as the mind. Thus, it can be analysed through the position of the Lagna and the Moon i.e. through the auspicious and inauspicious impact on them, whether a person would be healthy, happy or worried and sickly.
If the birth Lagna has auspicious impact and Moon has inauspicious impact then a person may seem to have a healthy body but may be mentally weak, pained, uneasy and mentally sick. Similarly, auspicious impact on Moon and inauspicious impact on birth Lagna may give enthusiasm to a person, good mental abilities and a creative mind but physically he may have problems, worries and sickness. Thus, it is necessary for a person to have auspicious and strong birth Lagna-Lagna Lord and Moon. If any of them is weak or has negative impacts on it then the natal chart
is in the weak category and the Rajayogas in the chart are unable to give their full results, this is scribe’s view.
In astrology, analysis of inauspiciousness and illness is done on the basis of the following:
- Malefic impact on birth Lagna,
- Lord of Lagna is weak, malefically associated, debilitated, combust, in 6, 8, 12 houses,
- If a house, lord of the house, sign pertaining to Kaalpurush, lord of such a sign and significator, all of these are malefically associated then the body part pertaining to such a sign and house will have illness.
- Scribe’s view is that this illness is possible in the dasa-antardasa of the planets of 6, 8, 12 and marak house or the planets associated with them. This should be confirmed from Trishansh.
रोगस्य चिन्तामपि रोगभावस्थितैग्रहैर्वा व्यय मृत्युसंस्थैः।
रोगेश् वरेणापि तदन्वितैर्वा द्वित्रयादिसम्वादवषाद्वदन्तु॥
Phaldeepika Rognirnay Chapter 14 Shloka
This means that if a planet is placed in either of 6, 8, 12 houses or is associated with the lords of these houses then it may show illness associated with itself.
Normally we view auspicious or inauspicious events from Lagna chart and confirm with the Navamsh chart. Navamsh may be analysed for matters related to spouse and capabilities of a planet. Generally it is noticed that Navamsh is not always capable of confirming all the events. Parashar muni has mentioned about Varga charts for analyzing different aspects of life. An event indicated in the birth chart can be confirmed through the related Varga chart. Trishansh or D-30 is one such Varga chart. As per त्रिशांशे निधनफलं this is used to know of evils in the life of a person. Trishansh means thirtieth part of any sign.
Calculation of Trishansh
Most of the classical texts have divided each sign – 30 degrees each – into five parts for determining the Trishansh. These five divisions are unequal in even and odd sign. In all odd signs every 5, 5, 8, 7, 5 degrees are Trishansh of respectively Aries, Aquarius, Saggitarius, Gemini and Libra. In all even signs every 5, 7, 8, 5, 5 degrees are Trishansh of respectively Taurus, Virgo, Pisces, Capricorn and Scorpio. Trishansh degrees are referenced from Jatakdeshmarg and Jatakparijat translated by Shri Gopesh Kumar Ojha.
Tirshansha Table
Degrees | Odd Signs | Lord | Degrees | Even Signs | Lord | |
1,3,5,7,9,11 | 2,4,6,8,10,12 | |||||
0-5 | Aries | Agni | 0-5 | Taurus | Megh | |
5-10 | Aquarius | Vayu | 5-12 | Virgo | Kuber | |
10-18 | Saggitarius | Indra | 12-20 | Pisces | Indra | |
18-25 | Gemini | Kuber | 20-25 | Capricorn | Vayu | |
25-30 | Libra | Megh | 25-30 | Scorpio | Agni |
Majority of available scriptures have considered only five parts of any sign as Trishansh. However, Pandit Ramyatna Ojha has given a table of thirty parts of Trishansh in his book “Phalit Vikas” published by Chowkhamba Surbharti Prakashan, Varanasi.
कुजरविजगुरुज्ञशुक्रभागाः पवन समीरणकौर्पिजूकलेयाः।
अयुजि युजि तु भे विपर्ययस्थाः शशि भवनालिझषान्तमृक्षसन्धिः॥
According to him Trishansh has five parts and there is no harm in calling it Panchmansh (Five Parts) because five planets are their lords. Only, there are some minor changes in degrees.
Utility Of Trishansh
Generally, Trishansh chart is used to know of character of a woman and her nature. According to Brihat Jatak, chapter Stri Jatak, Shlok 3-6 commented by Pandit Kedardutt Joshi and Saravalli, chapter Stri Jatak 45, Shlok 5-12 commented by Murlidhar Chaturvedi Trishansh of various planets reveal character, characteristic or ability and nature etc. of a woman.
त्रिशाशंकेरिष्टफलंऽ एवंऽ त्रिशांशेऽ निधनफलंऽ शुभाशुभंऽ सर्वजन्तूनाम्॥
According to Dr. Sureshchandra Mishra, the commentator of the chapter on Vargas of Parashar Hora Shastra, evils i.e. illness, accidents and severe problems can be confirmed properly through Trishansh chart.
It is possible that according to Brihat Jatak or Saravalli thirty parts of Trishansh were used as a base to know of character and nature of a woman. Commentator of Jatak Parijat published by Motilal Banarsidas is Shri Gopeshkumar Ojha. In the book, in the chapter Rashisheeladhyaya page 50-52, he has quoted Laghuparashari published by Navalkishore Press and edited by Pandit Girirajprasad Dwivedi, the Head of Astrology Department of Maharaja Sanskrit College, Jaipur about Pure Trishansh i.e. thirty Trishansh of one degree each and that it may be known from Trishansh about the manner in which a person would meet his death. Whether to use Trishansh for analysis of character and nature of a woman or to analyse it for inauspicious matters is something that requires research and I am doing studies on this. It is accepted that according to ancient methods given by rishis there are thirty parts to Trishansh that are used for analysis of many specific matters.
Trishansh Table From “Phalit Vikas” by Pandit Ramyatna Ojha | ||||
Degrees | Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Saggitarius, Aquarius | Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces | ||
1 | 13 | 25 | 1 | 7 |
2 | 14 | 26 | 2 | 8 |
3 | 15 | 27 | 3 | 9 |
4 | 16 | 28 | 4 | 10 |
5 | 17 | 29 | 5 | 11 |
6 | 18 | 30 | 6 | 12 |
7 | 19 | 7 | 1 | |
8 | 20 | 8 | 2 | |
9 | 21 | 9 | 3 | |
10 | 22 | 10 | 4 | |
11 | 23 | 11 | 5 | |
12 | 24 | 12 | 6 |
It is also accepted that if a planet has strength in Vargas then the possibility increases of auspiciousness and confirmation of results of such a planet.
According to Parasharji Trishansh is used to analyse evil or inauspiciousness. So, if a planet is strong in Trishansh then it should be considered to give evil.
Keeping in view this statement of Parasharji, I have found amazing results on examing many charts with prevelant Trishansh under the direction of my respected Guru Shri Shaktimohan Singhji (Author of Kaalchakra Dasha book). It confirms the notion that if any planet in Trishansh chart is
- Exalted or
- Debilitated or
- Vargottam or
- In own house
- Associated with 6, 8, 12, houses or marak houses or their lords
then a person should become careful in the dasa-antardasa of such a planet. There is a high possibility of evil during such a period. Such a planet may give illness, deathlike trouble or even death in its dasa-antardasa. It can do so even if it is Lagna Lord or participating in Rajyoga.
Period of such a planet may be considered, in a way, to be a period when evil is likely to happen. Some examples to confirm this are given further.
Example 1: Child Birth: 8-Jul-2010 00:15AM 75E49 26N55
Death: 19-Jul-2010 in Su/Ma/Sa
This child born in Pisces Lagna has Lagna Lord Jupiter in Lagna itself in birth lagna chart and is with Rahu in 8H in Navamsh. The child became ill from birth. On investigation infection was found in the blood. The child came home after a few days in the hospital. On problems happening again the child was shifted to hospital in the ICU and died on 19-Jul-2010. Sun dasa was running at death with Mars antardasa and Saturn pratyantar dasa. Some astrologers mentioned a possibility of recovery because of the presence of Lagna Lord in the Lagna. According to Jaimini
- Lagna Lord and 8HL being in dual-natured and fixed signs indicate long life.
- Saturn and Moon being in dual-natured and movable signs indicate short life.
- Lagna and Hora Lagna being dual-natured and movable signs indicate short life.
Short life appearing twice means the child will have a short life.
If we look at Trishansh then mahadasa lord Sun being 6HL in birth lagna chart is exalted in Navamsh. In Trishansh chart mahadasa lord Sun in Vargottam (Sun in Ge in D1 & D3) in Trik house indicates evil. Antardasa lord Mars, in Trishansh, is with D30 8HL Sun in 6H, this Sun is Vargottam. Pratyantar dasa lord Saturn is 11HL and 12HL and placed in Virgo in 7H in birth lagna chart. Saturn, in Navamsh, is the Lagna Lord and placed in Lagna. In Trishansh, Saturn is Vargottam and with 12HL indicating evil. Dasa-antardasa lords have shown evil for child and short life in their periods by being Vargottam in Trishansh and association with Trik houses.
Example 2: Male. Expert In Bone Diseases 31-Oct-1953 05:40 AM 75E49 26N55 – Knee problems & knee removal.
This person is born in Vargottam Libra Lagna, has debilitated Lagna Lord in 12H with 2HL and 7HL Mars. Lagna has debilitated Sun with exalted Saturn. He suffered severe pain in the knee on Nov-1996 in the dasa of Mars, antardasa of Mars and pratyantardasa of Mercury (Ma/Ma/Me). He is himself a specialist in bone diseases and an orthoeopadic surgeon. There was no relief even after three operations and finally one of the knees had to be removed due to infection. Since then, he is wheel chair bound and dependent on crutches. Markesh of birth lagna chart and Lagna Lord of Trishansh both being Mars is placed in 6H in Trishansh, is Vargottam and with exalted Mercury. In Trishansha, dasa-antardasa lord Mars is Vargottam and pratyantar dasa lord is exalted Mercury with both in Trik house thereby giving evil results.
To find out the affected body part, see that the 10H has Ketu along with Gulik. Capricorn, the 10H of Kaalpurush has Rahu and the lord of Capricorn Saturn is combust. Like this, Capricorn related part knees shows pain and disease in the knees.
Example 3: Female Child 26-Feb-2009 04:07AM 76E36 27N34 – Food pipe missing since birth
This female child born on 26-Feb-2009 in Saggitarius Lagna with Gulik had debilitated Lagna Lord Jupiter placed with Mercury, Mars on Rahu Ketus axis. She had Jupiter major period running at birth who is Lagna Lord and also Rajayogakarak. The severe illness of the child was confirmed immediately after birth when she could not swallow the milk fed to her. An examination revealed absence of food pipe. A pipe was inserted through a hole made in the stomach and she was fed through that. After some months on 21-Dec-2009 a food pipe was transplanted after an operation. A day later on 22-Dec-2009 at 00:30 AM in the major period of Jupiter, antardasa of Mercury and pratyantardasa of Venus the child died. In the Trishansh chart birth Lagna Lord Jupiter in own sign, debilitated markesh, badhakesh Mercury and the exalted pratyantardasa lord Venus are pointing towards the events. In addition, the Balarishta yoga of malefically associated Lagna Lord Jupiter and Moon in the birth chart is confirmed and taken to conclusion by the Trishansh. In the natal chart of the child the fourth sign Cancer of the Kaalpurush has Ketu, the lord of Cancer Moon is combust and aspected by Saturn, 4H has 6HL Venus and 4HL Jupiter is debilitated; all of these indicate body part related to the fourth house. Fourth house also indicates food pipe, so the food pipe was missing.
Example 4: Female 07-Sep-1958 07:30AM 77E35 27N38 – Both Kidneys Damaged
This female of Virgo Lagna has Lagna Lord Mercury in 12H with 12HL. Lagna Lord in 12H is considered not good for health. Lagna Lord has aspects of 3HL Mars, Ketu and Saturn who is 6HL i.e. lord of the house of illness. The female got Diabetes in Saturn mahadasa and Moon antardasa and in April 2009 in Ketu pratyantardasa under Sa/Mo both the kidneys were damaged. Now she has to continuously go for Dialysis.
The Lagna Lord of Trishansh chart is in 8H in Trishansh. In Trishansh, the major dasa lord Saturn is Vargottam, the antardasa lord Moon is debilitated and with 6HL, the pratyantardasa lord Ketu is Vargottam in 8H all confirming a serious illness. In the birth chart the sixth sign of Kaalpurush Virgo is between cruel malefics and benefics, the sign lord Mercury is malefically associated, the 6HL has aspect of Rahu and 12HL, also the aspect of 8HL on Saturn who is the 6HL indicate disease related to sixth house. Thus, the female had kidney problems.
Example 5: Female 15-Jun-1955 07:46:11 75E49 26N55 – Death due to tumour in the head
Death due to tumour in the head on 22-Sep-2009 Mo/Ve/Ma pratyantar
This person was born in Gemini Lagna with Lagna Lord Mercury in the Lagna alongwith 6HL Mars on the Rahu Ketu axis. She faced severe pain in the head from Moon mahadasa and Venus antardasa from April 2009 (note position of both planets in D30). When general medicines failed an examination revealed tumour in the head and it was operated upon. The disease increased again from August 2009 and was operated once again. She died on 22-Sep-2009 in Moon mahada, Venus antardasa and Mars pratyantardasa. Her Trishansha Lagna Lord Venus is in 12H in Trishansh chart and is debilitated. Mahadasa lord Moon is Vargottam in birth and Trishansh charts in Pisces and is in Trik house in Trishansh. Antardasa lord Venus is in own sign in natal chart and is debilitated in Trishansh while pratyantardasa lord Mars is Vargottam indicating severe evil.
Lagna has 6HL Mars and Ketu while Aries in Kaalpurush has aspects of Saturn and Rahu indicating illnesss related to the head.
Study of such other natal charts shows inauspicious results in the dasa-antardasa periods of the planets that are vargottam, exalted, in own sign or associated with Trik houses in Trishansh. I believe that whenever trouble is indicated in the natal chart it should necessarily be confirmed in Trishansh. Properly conducted astrological remedies may be useful if there is a possibility of inauspiciousness.
General Remedies
- Do keep in mind that medical procedures are continued even when astrological remedies are being conducted. Remedies adopted alongwith medical treatment may be specially useful.
- In dasa-antardasa of whichever planet disease or problems begin, the mantras of the dasa-antardasa lords should be regularly chanted as per capabilities and the objects of the planets should be given in charity to needy people. It has been tested a number of times that the remedies for reducing evils mentioned for each dasa-antardasa in Dasaphaladhyaya – the chapter on dasa results – in Parashar Hora Shastra are very useful.
- In case of illness the patiend should be in the room in the North-East direction of the house and should sleep with his head towards East. If there is no room in North-East direction of the house then the patient should lie in the North-East direction of any room. The energies so received seem to provide quick relief.
- Medicines should also be kept in North-East direction. This enriches the medicine with auspicious energies. Before taking the medicine or while taking the medicine if the patient or his close relatives chant the following mantra it is experienced that the medicine provides faster relief.
शरीरं च नवछिद्रं व्याधि ग्रस्तं निरन्तम्।
औषधं जाह्नवी तोयं वैद्यो नारायणों हरिः॥
ॐ अच्युत्यायै नमः , ॐ अननतायै नमः , ॐगोविन्दायै नमः
śarīraṁ ca navachidraṁ vyādhi grastaṁ nirantam|
auṣadhaṁ jāhnavī toyaṁ vaidyo nārāyaṇoṁ hariḥ||
om acyutyāyai namaḥ , om ananatāyai namaḥ , om govindāyai namaḥ
- Other than all this, chants of nectar like effective Mahamrityunjaya mantra definitely provide quick relief to the patient.
ॐ त्रयम्बकं यजामहे सुगन्धिंपुष्टिवर्धनम।
ऊर्वारुकमिव बन्धनान्मृत्योर्मुक्षीय माऽमृतात्॥
om trayambakaṁ yajāmahe sugandhiṁpuṣṭavardhanama|
ūrvārukamiva bandhanānmṛtyormukṣīya mā’mṛtāt||
- In order to strenghthen the birth Lagna wearing of the stone of the Lagna Lord, clothes of the colour of Lagna Lord and good use of food items of the planet increases the immunity.
- It is experienced that good relief is obtained in illness like Cancer on worship of Mother Goddess Durga and reading of Durga Saptashati. As per scriptures Mother Durga had killed Raktabeej. It is said about Raktabeej that each drop of his blood use to produce another Raktabeej on touching the ground. A disease is also the same, it aggravates if even a small portion of it remains. Worship of Mother Durga can destroy it.
About Author: Born in a family of Goldsmiths, Rakesh Soni has acquired MA in Social Sciences and B.Ed education. Jyotish Visharad from ICAS Jaipur Chapter, Soni is, for the past fourteen years, engaged full time in Astrology, Palmistry and Vastu consultation and in research works. In astrology, other than subjects of marriage, children, education and employment, he is specially interested in research on untouched dimensions. His research articles are published at various times in prominent newspapers and astrological journals. He has written five successful and popular books on astrology and palmistry. Three books on unique and novel subjects of astrology are in progress. At present he is also Assistant Editor of a Astro Vastu journal.
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