Article by P.V.R. Narasimha Rao
Under the Vimsottari dasa scheme, one’s life is divided into phases controlled by 9 planets. Rasi dasas such as Chara dasa and Sthira dasa are based on zodiacal signs instead of planets, i.e. one’s life is divided into phases controlled by 12 signs. Rasi dasas received some attention in the last few decades in the Jyotish world. However, it is debatable if rasi dasas, as understood by today’s scholars, work with any consistency or brilliance, including Chara dasa, which was the primary rasi dasa taught by Maharshi Parasara.
For example, if dasa of a sign gives marriage, it is justified based on 7th house or 7th lord or upapada lagna or dara karaka being in or aspecting the dasa sign. That’s a total of 16 candidate signs and there are no clear and unambiguous rules to prioritize them! It seems more arbitrary than compelling or brilliant!
The main issue is that Chara dasa is computed and judged by today’s scholars based only on the rasi chart. We know that everybody born in a 2-hour period has the same rasi chart. Twins, triplets and others born closely may share the same rasi chart and yet lead totally different lives with major life events being totally different. These differences are often explainable from the differences between their divisional charts. Is it then logical to think that major life events can be seen from a dasa computed just from rasi chart? Shouldn’t divisional charts play a bigger role even in the calculation of dasas?
Importance of Divisional Charts
It is simply unscientific to believe that someone’s qualities and life events can be inferred just from one’s rasi chart, given that people with thousands of totally different sets of qualities and fortunes share the same rasi chart! That fact clearly establishes the importance of divisional charts.
True, some make excellent predictions just with rasi chart, but then some make excellent predictions without even a chart, with spiritual ability and intuition. We need to separate the art/divination part from the scientific part. Scientifically speaking, rasi chart stays the same for about 2 hours and simply cannot be sufficient for inferring major life events.
Thus, divisional charts are far more important than acknowledged by some modern scholars who have popularized them without doing them any real justice. They claim to use them, but merely pay lip service to them. For example, they say “use divisional charts to confirm what rasi chart already shows – they cannot override what rasi chart shows”. After all, if I cannot override what my wife says and can only confirm what she already said, do I really count? 🙂
Instead, if my wife makes decisions in some areas and I in some, that is more reasonable and we both count. Similarly, rasi chart is important in some areas, navamsa in some, dasamsa in some, vimsamsa in some, and so on. They neither compete with each other nor merely confirm what one superior (rasi) chart shows. Instead, they complement each other. This approach is lacking in modern astrologers.
Practically speaking, ayanamsa errors and errors in interpreting Parasara’s verses on the calculation of divisional charts may have prevented scholars from truly realizing the utility of divisional charts. When working with incorrect data, one may not find compelling correlations and hence may brush divisional charts aside saying that they only confirm what rasi chart shows already!
Pushya-paksha ayanamsa and correcting errors in the definitions of divisional charts enabled this author to rely on divisional charts a lot more than anybody ever did.
Of course, the complication with the use of divisional charts is that it requires a reasonably accurate birth time. But then, wanting to make predictions without having an accurate birth time is silly and unscientific, given that people with thousands of totally different fortunes are born every few minutes! One needs to use known life events to rectify the birth time before making predictions. There is no other way (apart from, of course, guessing or throwing a stone in the dark and praying that it hits its target, which it may if one prays hard enough! But then, we are talking about the “science of astrology” here and not astrology that relies on prayers).
Some breakthroughs were made by this author during 2011-2013 in unlocking the power of Pararsara’s Chara dasa:
- Discovery of Pushya-paksha ayanamsa and refinement of some divisional chart definitions was the first breakthrough. Using divisional charts for Chara dasa computation, events happened in some charts in really compelling dasas. For example, if 5th lord is in 5th house in D-7, we expect childbirth in the dasa of that sign. If an exalted 9th lord is in 5th house in D-10, we expect promotion or power in the dasa of that sign. If a political leader has Ruchaka yoga, we expect great rise in the sign containing Mars. Such things happened consistently in some charts, though not all.
- Second breakthrough was the use of Moon and Sun in addition to lagna. It was observed that starting Chara dasa from the sign containing Moon or Sun in some charts made it far more compelling (see a later section for the justification of this innovation).
But there was no consistent method to pick the starting point. After identifying several examples where lagna, Moon or Sun gave compelling dasa line-ups, no pattern could be detected regarding which reference should be picked when. Considering the strength of the reference or 9th house from there did not give any interesting results.
- Third breakthrough was the discovery that the strengths of the lords of the signs containing lagna, Moon and Sun were the key to picking the seed.
After this, there was a consistent method of finding the starting point of the dasa and then computing the dasas. The next step was to find enough corner case examples to conclusively resolve some issues, such as
- how to find the stronger lord of lagna, Moon and Sun
- how to find the stronger lord of Aquarius and Scorpio
- whether to add/subtract 1 year from dasa years if the lord is exalted/debilitated
- whether to reverse the dasa order if Ketu (or Rahu) occupies the starting sign
Once enough corner case examples were found, conclusions were drawn on various issues. Though it still does not give compelling dasa lineups in 100% cases, it is a lot more compelling than anything this author has ever seen on Chara dasa until now.
Replicating Calculations
You can download “Jagannatha Hora” software from and select Pushya-paksha ayanamsa. In addition, you will need to set some divisional chart calculation options to follow this write-up. Some divisional charts are computed incorrectly by people now-a-days.
In the main menu of “Jagannatha Hora” software (version 7.66 or higher), you can select “Preferences”, “Related to Calculations” and “Set Calculation Options as recommended by author”, to set divisional chart calculations as used in this write-up.
Chara Dasa Calculation
Dasa Calculation
Use the following steps to calculate Chara dasa:
- Take the signs occupied by lagna, Moon and Sun. Take the one with the strongest lord. Strengths of lords are judged based on rules to be mentioned in another section.
- Start from that sign and go zodiacally or anti-zodiacally based on whether the 9th house from that sign is odd-footed or even-footed. There will be 12 dasas corresponding to those 12 signs.
Note: Ar, Ta, Ge, Li, Sc and Sg are odd-footed. Cn, Le, Vi, Cp, Aq and Pi are even-footed.
3. To count the dasa length in years, count signs starting from the dasa sign and ending in the sign containing its lord. Then subtract 1 from it and dasa will be of that many years. Counting from sign to its lord is zodiacal or anti-zodiacal based on whether the sign is odd-footed or even-footed.
4. If the lord is exalted or debilitated, there is no adjustment to be made.
Note: Some people add/subtract one year for exaltation/debilitation. We get better results by avoiding it.
Stronger Co-lord of Sc and Aq for dasa years
For Sc and Aq, there are 2 co-lords – Mars/Ketu and Saturn/Rahu. Find dasa years from the stronger co-lord using the following rules until there is a resolution:
- If both lords are in the sign, dasa is of 12 years.
- If one of them is in the sign, take dasa years from the other co-lord.
- If both are outside the sign, take the stronger planet.
- One conjoining more planets is stronger.
- A planet in a movable sign (Ar, Cn, Li, Cp) is stronger than a planet in a fixed sign (Ta, Le, Sc, Aq) and a planet in a fixed sign is stronger than a planet in a dual sign (Ge, Vi, Sg, Pi).
- A planet giving more dasa years is stronger.
Strongest Seed Reference
Strongest seed reference from among lagna, Moon and Sun is used as the seed for starting Chara dasa. As mentioned before, we take the signs occupied by them and compare the strengths of their lords. We use the following rules in this order, until we have a single winner.
(a) A sign whose lord is in his exaltation sign or moolatrikona or own sign is stronger.
(b) A sign whose lord joins more planets is stronger.
(c) A sign whose lord is in a trine from it is stronger.
(d) A sign whose lord is in a quadrant from it is stronger.
(e) A sign whose lord is more advanced in the sign he occupies is stronger.
(f) Exception: If the lord of a sign is deeply combust or defeated in a planetary war or in deep gandanta or in deep debilitation, he is deemed weak.
(g) If 2 references are in 2 signs owned by the same planet and the above rules do not resolve the tie, the sign with a different oddity than that of the sign occupied by lord will be stronger (e.g. if Mercury is in Cn, an even sign, then Ge, an odd sign, is stronger than Vi, an even sign).
Antardasa Calculation
We will leave out antardasa calculation in this write-up and focus only on mahadasas (also known as just “dasas”).
Judgment of Dasas
Find Chara dasa based on the divisional chart relevant to the matter of interest (e.g. D-7 for childbirth, D-9 for marriage, D-10 for career, D-20 for spiritual progress, D-24 for education etc). Dasa of a sign gives the results of the house and planets occupying it. It can also give the results of the house occupied by its lord.
In general, dasa of a sign containing a house of interest or its lord can bring events relevant to that house. Dasa of an empty sign whose lord is well-placed in the house of interest can also give the events.
To give a specific example, dasa of the 5th house or a sign containing 5th lord in D-7 can give a child. Dasa of an empty sign whose lord is well-placed in 5th house can also give a child.
Dasa of the sign containing lagna can bring auspicious and important events in the area of life shown by the divisional chart.
Out of all possible candidates, dasa of the most compelling candidate should give the result if it comes at an appropriate age.
One can also check the planetary position at the time a dasa starts. See the position of planets with respect to the dasa sign. If 1st house or the house of interest or their lords are well-placed in the rasi chart or the relevant divisional chart, with respect to the dasa sign, it can be conducive to an event. Some examples will make this clearer. However, this principle does not seem to work consistently.
Note: True tropical solar years are recommended in dasa calculations.
Justifying the Innovations
Use of Divisional Charts
Some may question reckoning Chara dasa in divisional charts. Parasara never taught us to find it only in rasi chart. Moreover, given that people with significantly different lives share the same rasi chart and their differences are explained by divisional charts, it makes sense to consider divisional charts.
Moreover, Parasara taught the very definitions of various divisional charts in response to Maitreya’s request to “elaborate on the different kinds of houses”. When asked about different kinds of houses, Parasara first described the calculation of various divisional charts, then described which matters are seen from which divisional chart and then in the end talked about various meanings of houses. Obviously, he meant that houses in rasi chart, houses in hora chart, houses in drekkana chart etc are the “different kinds of houses”. Though 4th house may stand for heart, mother, education, lands, vehicle etc, it shows them in different divisional charts.
So a dasa that starts from lagna and covers 12 houses could be found in any divisional chart, as 12 houses exist in all of them.
Use of Moon and Sun
Some may question taking the strongest of lagna, Moon and Sun. This is indeed the biggest deviation in this research, and the one that enabled the most compelling and brilliant results!
In the chapter on Sudarsana Chakra dasa, Parasara very clearly taught Maitreya that houses must be seen from lagna, Chandra lagna (Moon taken as lagna) and Surya lagna (Sun taken as lagna) always, although many scholars only consider houses from regular lagna. He did not say this only in the context of Sudarsana Chakra dasa, but said that houses must be seen from all these references for clarity on the matters shown by them.
If Chara dasa goes from lagna and covers 12 houses, it could then logically use lagna or Chandra lagna or Surya lagna. This is entirely consistent with Parasara’s fundamental teaching that houses must be reckoned from lagna, Chandra lagna and Surya lagna to see any matter.
One of them could dominate in a given chart for a given purpose, but all of them are valid references. Thus, using them in Chara dasa is not too radical. Moreover, Maharshi Lomasha specifically mentioned starting Chara dasa from the stronger of lagna and Sun!
Again, as mentioned before, use of Moon and Sun gives radically more compelling results in many examples with Chara dasa of divisional charts.
Examples with Natal Charts
We will see some examples of Chara dasa with natal charts.
Example 1: Childbirth
Birthdata: 1963 August 7, 9:14:34 pm (IST), Sambalpur, India (83e58, 21n27)
Event: He had 2 children in 1992 December and 1995 June.
D-7 (saptamsa) chart shows children. D-7 of natal chart is shown below.
- Lagna and Moon are in Ge and lord Mercury is alone.
- Sun is in Le and its lord Sun is in own sign, in a trine from Le.
- Clearly, Sun is the strongest reference out of lagna, Moon and Sun. So start dasas from Le.
The 9th from Le is Ar, an odd-footed sign. So go forward from Le. Dasa sequence is Le, Vi, Li, Sc, …, Ge, Cn.
As lord of Le is in Le itself, Le dasa is of 12 years. As Vi is an even-footed sign, we count from it to its lord Mercury anti-zodiacally and Mercury is in 11th house from Vi. So Vi dasa is of 10 years. When it comes to Sc, Sc co-lords are Mars and Ketu. Mars and Ketu are both with 1 planet. They are both in dual signs. So we take the one who gives more years. Sc is odd-footed and we count forward. Mars in 2nd house from Sc gives 1 year, while Ketu in 8th gives 7 years. So we take Ketu and Sc dasa is of 7 years. When it comes to Aq, Rahu is with another planet and Saturn is alone. So we take Rahu. Aq is an even-footed sign and counting from it to Rahu anti-zodiacally, we get 3. So Aq dasa is of 2 years. Here are the dasa calculations.
Le: 1963-08-07 – 1975-08-07 Vi: 1975-08-07 – 1985-08-07
Li: 1985-08-07 – 1997-08-07 <=====
Sc: 1997-08-07 – 2004-08-06 Sg: 2004-08-06 – 2007-08-07
Cp: 2007-08-07 – 2019-08-07 Aq: 2019-08-07 – 2021-08-06
Pi: 2021-08-06 – 2033-08-06 Ar: 2033-08-06 – 2041-08-06
Ta: 2041-08-06 – 2046-08-06 Ge: 2046-08-06 – 2051-08-07
Cn: 2051-08-07 – 2052-08-06
Both children were born in Li dasa. Li is the 5th house containing 5th lord in his moolatrikona. Naturally this is the strongest candidate in this chart to give children!
When Li dasa started on 1985 August 7, Saturn was exalted in Li and Venus was in Ge. Lagna lord in 9th house and 5th lord exalted in lagna shows auspicious results in the dasa.
Example 2: Childbirth
Birthdata: 1970 April 4, 5:50:40 pm (IST), Machilipatnam, India (81e08, 16n10)
Event: He had 2 children in 1996 February and 1998 August.
D-7 (saptamsa) chart shows children. D-7 of natal chart is shown below.
- Lagna is in Sg and lord Jupiter is in moolatrikona with another planet, in a trine from Sg.
- Moon is in Le and lord Sun is exalted and with another planet, in a trine from Le.
- Sun is in Ar and lord Mars is alone, in a quadrant from Ar.
- As Sun is more advanced in sign than Jupiter, Sun is the strongest lord and Moon is the strongest reference. So start dasas from Leo.
The 9th from Le is Ar, an odd-footed sign. So go forward from Le. Dasa sequence is Le, Vi, Li, Sc, …, Ge, Cn. Here are the dasa calculations:
Le: 1970-04-04 – 1974-04-04 Vi: 1974-04-04 – 1979-04-04
Li: 1979-04-04 – 1987-04-04 Sc: 1987-04-04 – 1988-04-04
Sg: 1988-04-04 – 2000-04-04 <=====
Sg is the lagna containing lagna lord and natural significator of children, Jupiter. He aspects the 5th house and 9th house. In this chart, Sg and Ar are the best candidates for giving a child and Sg dasa comes at an appropriate age.
When Sg dasa started on 1988 April 4, lagna lord Jupiter was in 5th house Ar and 5th lord Mars was exalted. In D-7, dasa sign lord Jupiter was exalted, 5th lord Mars aspected dasa sign from Ge and 5th contained exalted 9th lord Sun. These factors show auspicious results in the dasa.
Example 3: Childbirth
Birthdata: 1971 September 12, 8:25 am (IST), Guntur, India (80e27, 16n18)
Event: She had 2 children in 1996 February and 1998 August.
D-7 (saptamsa) chart shows children. D-7 of natal chart is shown below.
- Lagna is in Li and lord Venus exalted and with another planet.
- Moon is in Ge and lord Mercury is exalted and alone, in a quadrant from Ge.
- Sun is in Aq and one lord Rahu is in own sign with another planet and another lord Saturn is with another planet.
- Overall, Venus is the strongest of these planets and hence lagna dominates. We start dasas from Li.
The 9th from Li is Ge, an odd-footed sign. So go forward from Li. Dasa sequence is Li, Sc, Sg, Cp, …, Le, Vi. Here are the dasa calculations:
Li: 1971-09-12 – 1976-09-11 Sc: 1976-09-11 – 1985-09-11
Sg: 1985-09-11 – 1989-09-11 Cp: 1989-09-11 – 1994-09-11
Aq: 1994-09-11 – 2000-09-11 <=====
Aq is the 5th house containing one 5th lord and aspected by another 5th lord. It is a perfect candidate for giving childbirth.
When Aq dasa started on 1994 Sept 11, one lagna lord Saturn was in lagna, other lord Rahu was in 9th with 9th lord in his moolatrikona and 5th lord was exalted. In D-7, dasa sign lord Saturn and 5th lord Mercury were in samasaptaka. This shows auspicious results in the dasa.
Example 4: Childbirth (Barack Obama)
Birthdata: 1961 August 4, 7:24:20 pm (10 hrs west of GMT), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA (157w52, 21n18)
Event: He had 2 children in 1998 July and 2001 June.
D-7 (saptamsa) chart shows children. D-7 of natal chart is shown below.
- Lagna is in Cp and lord Saturn is alone, in a quadrant from Cp.
- Moon and Sun are in Vi and lord Mercury is alone.
- As Saturn is in a qudrant from Cp, while Mercury is in 3rd from Vi, Cp is stronger.
- We start dasas from Cp.
The 9th from Cp is Vi, an even-footed sign. So go backward from Cp. Dasa sequence is Cp, Sg, Sc, Li, …, Pi, Aq. Here are the dasa calculations:
Cp: 1961-08-04 – 1967-08-05 Sg: 1967-08-05 – 1972-08-04
Sc: 1972-08-04 – 1976-08-04 Li: 1976-08-04 – 1986-08-04
Vi: 1986-08-04 – 1996-08-04 Le: 1996-08-04 – 2007-08-04 <=====
Cn: 2007-08-04 – 2017-08-04
Venus is the 5th lord and yogakaraka. He is also the dispositor of Jupiter. He is in Le. In this chart, best candidates for giving children are Ta, the 5th house, and Le containing 5th lord and yogakaraka.
When Le dasa started on 1996 Aug 4, 5th lord (from Le) Jupiter was in 5th house in his moolatrikona, in samasaptaka from 9th lord Mars. In D-7, 5th lord Jupiter was in own sign in samasaptaka from lagna lord Sun and 9th lord Mars. This shows auspicious results in the dasa.
Example 5: Childbirth
Birthdata: 1973 July 26, 9:48:10 pm (IST), Guntur, India (80e27, 16n18)
Event: She had 2 children in 2000 September and 2003 June.
D-7 (saptamsa) chart shows children. D-7 of natal chart is shown below.
- Lagna is in Le and lord Sun is alone, in a quadrant from Le.
- Moon is in Ta and lord Venus is alone in moolatrikona, but in marana karaka sthana from Ta.
- Sun is in Sc and lord Mars is with another planet, in a trine from Sc.
- Mars is the strongest planet (with another planet). We start dasas from Sc.
The 9th from Sc is Cn, an even-footed sign. So go backward from Sc. Dasa sequence is Sc, Li, Vi, Le, …, Cp, Sg. Here are the dasa calculations:
Sc: 1973-07-26 – 1977-07-26
Li: 1977-07-26 – 1989-07-26
Vi: 1989-07-26 – 1997-07-26
Le: 1997-07-26 – 2006-07-26 <=====
Cn: 2006-07-26 – 2008-07-26
Ge: 2008-07-26 – 2015-07-27
Le is the unafflicted lagna and can give auspicious events. Le and Ar are the best candidates in this chart.
Positions of planets from dasa sign at the time dasa started are not compelling enough to mention in this example.
Example 6: Childbirth
Birthdata: 1976 April 25, 2:32 am (IST), Vijayawada, India (80e37, 16n31)
Event: He had 2 children in 2004 May and 2006 May.
D-7 (saptamsa) chart shows children. D-7 of natal chart is shown below.
- Lagna is in Ar and lord Mar is with another planet, in a trine from Ar.
- Moon is in Cn and lord Moon is in own sign with another planet.
- Sun is in Ge and lord Mercury is alone.
- Clearly Moon is the strongest of these lords. We start dasas from Cn.
The 9th from Cn is Pi, an even-footed sign. So go backward from Cn. Here are the dasa calculations:
Cn: 1976-04-25 – 1988-04-25
Ge: 1988-04-25 – 1993-04-25
Ta: 1993-04-25 – 2003-04-25
Ar: 2003-04-25 – 2011-04-25 <=====
Pi: 2011-04-25 – 2019-04-25
Ar is the unafflicted lagna and can give auspicious events.
When Ar dasa started on 2003 April 25, 5th lord (from Ar) was exalted in 1st house and dasa sign lord Mars was exalted. This shows auspicious results in the dasa.
Example 7: Childbirth
Birthdata: 1971 March 31, 4: 56 am (IST), Amaravati, India (80e22, 16n35)
Event: She had 2 children in 2000 January and 2001 December.
D-7 (saptamsa) chart shows children. D-7 of natal chart is shown below.
- Lagna is in Cn and lord Moon is with another planet.
- Moon is in Le and lord Sun is with another planet, in a quadrant from Le.
- Sun is in Ta and lord Venus is with another planet.
- Moon is the strongest reference and we start dasas from Le.
The 9th from Le is Ar, an odd-footed sign. So go forward from Le. Here are the dasa calculations:
Le: 1971-03-31 – 1974-03-30 Vi: 1974-03-30 – 1978-03-30
Li: 1978-03-30 – 1984-03-30 Sc: 1984-03-30 – 1989-03-30
Sg: 1989-03-30 – 1991-03-31 Cp: 1991-03-31 – 1994-03-30
Aq: 1994-03-30 – 1998-03-30 Pi: 1998-03-30 – 1999-03-31
Ar: 1999-03-31 – 2011-03-30 <=====
Ar contains 5th lord and yogakaraka Mars in his moolatrikona. It is an excellent candidate for giving childbirth.
When Ar dasa started on 1999 March 31, 5th lord Sun and 9th lord Jupiter conjoined. In D-7, lagna lord Mars aspected 5th from 11th. This can enhance the indications.
Example 8: Childbirth
Birthdata: 1971 April 27, 6:31 am (IST), Andheri (Bombay), India (72e50, 19n07)
Event: He had a child in early April 2012.
D-7 (saptamsa) chart shows children. D-7 of natal chart is shown below.
- Lagna is in Le and lord Sun is with 3 planets.
- Moon is in Vi and lord Mercury is alone.
- Sun is in Cn and lord Moon is alone.
- Sun is the strongest lord and lagna the strongest reference. We start dasas from Le.
The 9th from Le is Ar, an odd-footed sign. So go forward from Le. Here are the dasa calculations:
Le: 1971-04-27 – 1972-04-26 Vi: 1972-04-26 – 1977-04-26
Li: 1977-04-26 – 1986-04-26 Sc: 1986-04-26 – 1994-04-26
Sg: 1994-04-26 – 1997-04-26 Cp: 1997-04-26 – 1999-04-27
Aq: 1999-04-27 – 2000-04-26 Pi: 2000-04-26 – 2012-04-26 <=====
Pi contains the 5th lord and significator, Jupiter, in his own sign. It is an excellent candidate for giving childbirth.
With the 5th house unaspected, 5th lord decides the results of 5th house. Though he is strong in own house, he is in the 8th house. So there was a delay in getting a child.
Example 9: Childbirth (former Indian cricketer Sourav Ganguly)
Birthdata: 1972 July 8, 8:30 am (IST), Kolkata, India (88e22, 22n34)
Event: He had a child in November 2011.
D-7 (saptamsa) chart shows children. D-7 of natal chart is shown below.
- Lagna is in Li and lord Venus is alone in own sign, in a trine from Li (longitude wise).
- Moon is in Cn and lord Moon is alone (based on longitudes, Rahu is in 12th house from Moon and not with Moon) in own sign, in a trine from Cn.
- Sun is in Sc and lord Mars is alone.
- Venus and Moon are stronger than Mars. Based on longitude in sign, Venus is stronger than Moon. We start dasas from Li.
The 9th from Li is Ge, an odd-footed sign. So go forward from Li. Here are the dasa calculations:
Li: 1972-07-08 – 1979-07-09
Sc: 1979-07-09 – 1990-07-08
Sg: 1990-07-08 – 1992-07-08
Cp: 1992-07-08 – 1999-07-08
Aq: 1999-07-08 – 2006-07-08 <=====
Aq is the 5th house and contains significator, Jupiter. It is an excellent candidate for giving childbirth.
Example 10: Going abroad
Birthdata: 1970 April 4, 5:50:40 pm (IST), Machilipatnam, India (81e08, 16n10)
Event: He went abroad in 1991 August.
D-4 (chaturthamsa) chart shows residence. D-4 of natal chart is shown below.
- Lagna is in Pi and lord Jupiter is debilitated and with another planet.
- Moon is in Sc and lord Mars is exalted and with another planet.
- Sun is in Vi and lord Mercury is alone.
- Clearly, Mars is the strongest lord and Moon is the strongest reference. So start dasas from Sc.
The 9th from Sc is Cn, an even-footed sign. So go backward from Sc. Here are the dasa calculations:
Sc: 1970-04-04 – 1972-04-04
Li: 1972-04-04 – 1981-04-04
Vi: 1981-04-04 – 1986-04-04
Le: 1986-04-04 – 1997-04-04 <=====
Cn: 1997-04-04 – 2005-04-04
Le contains the 12th co-lord and significator of going abroad, Rahu. Its lord is in badhaka sthana. It is a great candidate for taking abroad, apart from Aq.
When Le dasa started on 1986 April 4, 7th lord Rahu was in the 9th house from Le. In D-4, 7th lord Rahu was in 12th and 12th lord Moon aspected 9th from Li. That can enhance the indication.
Example 11: Going abroad
Birthdata: 1976 April 25, 2:32 am (IST), Vijayawada, India (80e37, 16n31)
Event: He went abroad in 1997 August.
D-4 (chaturthamsa) chart shows residence. D-4 of natal chart is shown below.
- Lagna is in Ta and lord Venus is alone.
- Moon is in Sc and lord Mars is alone, in a trine from Sc.
- Sun is in Cn and lord Moon is alone, in a trine from Cn.
- Mars at 13Pi27 is more advanced in sign than Moon at 1Sc56. Mars is the strongest lord and Moon is the strongest reference. So start dasas from Sc.
The 9th from Sc is Cn, an even-footed sign. So go backward from Sc. Here are the dasa calculations:
Sc: 1976-04-25 – 1987-04-25
Li: 1987-04-25 – 1989-04-25
Vi: 1989-04-25 – 1993-04-25
Le: 1993-04-25 – 1994-04-25
Cn: 1994-04-25 – 2002-04-25 <=====
Ge: 2002-04-25 – 2013-04-25
Cn contains the 9th lord Saturn aspecting the 9th house. Its lord Moon is in the 7th house of long journeys.
When Cn dasa started on 1994 April 25, dasa sign lord Moon conjoined 9th lord Jupiter and 12th lord Mercury was in samasaptaka from him. In D-4, 9th lord Jupiter and 12th lord were together and in samasaptaka from dasa sign lord Moon. That can enhance the indications.
Example 12: Going abroad
Birthdata: 1973 July 26, 9:48:10 pm (IST), Guntur, India (80e27, 16n18)
Event: She went abroad in 1999 February.
D-4 (chaturthamsa) chart shows residence. D-4 of natal chart is shown below.
- Lagna is in Pi and lord Jupiter is exalted and with another planet, in a trine from Pi.
- Moon is in Aq and lord Saturn is with another planet, in a trine from Aq.
- Sun is in Li and lord Venus is alone.
- Jupiter is the strongest lord and lagna is the strongest reference. So start dasas from Pi.
The 9th from Pi is Sc, an odd-footed sign. So go forward from Pi. Here are the dasa calculations:
Pi: 1973-07-26 – 1981-07-26
Ar: 1981-07-26 – 1989-07-26
Ta: 1989-07-26 – 1995-07-27
Ge: 1995-07-27 – 1996-07-26
Cn: 1996-07-26 – 2001-07-26 <=====
Cn contains the 7th lord of long journeys, Mercury. He is badhaka lord too. Moreover, its lord Moon is in the 12th house of leaving motherland.
When Cn dasa started on 1996 July 26, 12th lord Mercury was in 1st house and 9th house contained 7th lord Saturn in close samasaptaka with significator of going abroad, Rahu. In D-4, 7th lord Saturn and 9th lord Jupiter were in 12th from dasa sign and Rahu was in 9th. That can enhance the indications.
Example 13: Going abroad
Birthdata: 1971 September 12, 8:25 am (IST), Guntur, India (80e27, 16n18)
Event: She went abroad in 1995 January.
D-4 (chaturthamsa) chart shows residence. D-4 of natal chart is shown below.
- Lagna is in Li and lord Venus is alone.
- Moon is in Ge and lord Mercury is alone.
- Sun is in Ta and lord Venus is alone and in a trine from Ta.
- Sun is the strongest reference, as its lord is in a trine from it. So start dasas from Ta.
The 9th from Ta is Cp, an even-footed sign. So go backward from Ta. Here are the dasa calculations:
Ta: 1971-09-12 – 1975-09-12
Ar: 1975-09-12 – 1978-09-12
Pi: 1978-09-12 – 1979-09-12
Aq: 1979-09-12 – 1986-09-11
Cp: 1986-09-11 – 1991-09-12
Sg: 1991-09-12 – 1993-09-11
Sc: 1993-09-11 – 2001-09-11 <=====
Sc contains the 9th and 12th lord Mercury aspecting the 9th house. Its lord Mars is with significator of going abroad, Rahu.
When Sc dasa started on 1993 Sept 11, dasa sign lord contained the significator of going abroad, Rahu. The 7th and 12th lord Venus was in 9th. That can enhance the indication.
Example 14: Going abroad
Birthdata: 1960 March 18, 4:55 am (IST), Hyderabad, India (78e28, 17n23)
Event: He went abroad in mid-1982.
D-4 (chaturthamsa) chart shows residence. D-4 of natal chart is shown below.
- Lagna is in Aq and lord Saturn is with another planet (same with other lord Rahu).
- Moon is in Sc and lord Mars is alone. The other lord Ketu is with 2 planets, in a trine from Sc.
- Sun is in Pi and lord Jupiter is in own sign with 2 planets, in a trine from Pi.
- Clearly, Jupiter is the strongest lord and Sun is the strongest reference. So start dasas from Pi.
The 9th from Pi is Sc, an odd-footed sign. So go forward from Pi. Here are the dasa calculations:
Pi: 1960-03-18 – 1972-03-18
Ar: 1972-03-18 – 1978-03-18
Ta: 1978-03-18 – 1990-03-18 <=====
Ge: 1990-03-18 – 1992-03-17
Ta contains the 9th lord and badhaka lord Venus in own house, clearly a strong candidate for taking abroad.
When Ta dasa started on 1978 March 18, in D-4, the 12th lord Mars aspected the 9th house. That can enhance the indication.
Example 15: Marriage
Birthdata: 1970 April 4, 5:50:40 pm (IST), Machilipatnam, India (81e08, 16n10)
Event: He got married in 1993 August.
D-9 (navamsa) chart shows marriage. D-9 of natal chart is shown below.
- Lagna is in Ta and lord Venus is with another planet.
- Moon is in Ge and lord Mercury is alone.
- Sun is in Cp and lord Saturn is alone.
- Clearly, Venus is the strongest lord and lagna is the strongest reference. So start dasas from Ta.
The 9th from Ta is Cp, an even-footed sign. So go backward from Ta. Here are the dasa calculations:
Ta: 1970-04-04 – 1971-04-04
Ar: 1971-04-04 – 1979-04-04
Pi: 1979-04-04 – 1981-04-04
Aq: 1981-04-04 – 1987-04-04
Cp: 1987-04-04 – 1992-04-04
Sg: 1992-04-04 – 1993-04-04
Sc: 1993-04-04 – 2003-04-04 <=====
Sc is the 7th house of marriage. Its dasa can certainly give marriage.
When Sc dasa started on 1993 April 4, dasa sign lord Ketu was in the 7th house of maariage and 7th lord was exalted. That can enhance the indication.
Example 16: Marriage
Birthdata: 1963 August 7, 9:14:34 pm (IST), Sambalpur, India (83e58, 21n27)
Event: He got married in 1991 August.
D-9 (navamsa) chart shows marriage. D-9 of natal chart is shown below.
- Lagna is in Sc and lord Mars is alone in a quadrant and other lord Ketu is alone.
- Moon is in Ar and lord Mars is alone.
- Sun is in Cp and lord Saturn is alone, in a trine from Cp.
- Saturn is the strongest lord and Sun is the strongest reference. So start dasas from Cp.
The 9th from Cp is Vi, an even-footed sign. So go backward from Cp. Here are the dasa calculations:
Cp: 1963-08-07 – 1967-08-07 Sg: 1967-08-07 – 1970-08-07
Sc: 1970-08-07 – 1976-08-07 Li: 1976-08-07 – 1977-08-07
Vi: 1977-08-07 – 1978-08-07 Le: 1978-08-07 – 1985-08-07
Cn: 1985-08-07 – 1988-08-06 Ge: 1988-08-06 – 1990-08-07
Ta: 1990-08-07 – 1996-08-06 <=====
Ta is the 7th house of marriage and it contains lagna lord while its lord Venus is in lagna aspecting it. This dasa is a good candidate for giving marriage.
When Ta dasa started on 1990 August 7, dasa sign was hemmed between lagna lord Venus in Ge and 7th lord Mars in Ar (both alone, unafflicted and strong). The 7th lord Mars aspects the 7th house by the 8th aspect. That can enhance the indication.
Example 17: Marriage (Barack Obama)
Birthdata: 1961 August 4, 7:24:20 pm (10 hrs west of GMT), Honolulu, Hwaii, USA (157w52, 21n18)
Event: He got married in 1992 October.
D-9 (navamsa) chart shows marriage. D-9 of natal chart is shown below.
- Lagna is in Le and lord Sun is with 2 planets.
- Moon is in Ar and lord Mars is exalted and with 2 planets, in a quadrant from Ar. But he is deeply combust (within quarter degree from Sun).
- Sun is in Cp and lord Saturn is in own sign with 2 planets, in a trine from Cp.
- Saturn is the strongest lord and Sun is the strongest reference. So start dasas from Cp.
The 9th from Cp is Vi, an even-footed sign. So go backward from Cp. Here are the dasa calculations:
Cp: 1961-08-04 – 1973-08-04
Sg: 1973-08-04 – 1976-08-04
Sc: 1976-08-04 – 1978-08-04
Li: 1978-08-04 – 1980-08-04
Vi: 1980-08-04 – 1991-08-05
Le: 1991-08-05 – 1998-08-04 <=====
Le contains empty and unafflicted lagna (with full aspect only from yogakaraka) and can give auspicious results.
When Le dasa started on 1991 August 5, 7th lord Saturn was in own sign and in samasaptaka from lagna lord and 5th lord. That can enhance the indication.
Example 18: Marriage
Birthdata: 1976 April 25, 2:32 am (IST), Vijayawada, India (80e37, 16n31)
Event: He got married in 2001 February.
D-9 (navamsa) chart shows marriage. D-9 of natal chart is shown below.
- Lagna is in Cp and lord Saturn is with another planet.
- Moon is in Ar and lord Mars is alone.
- Sun is in Cn and lord Moon is with another planet, in a quadrant from Cn.
- Because of the placement, Moon is the strongest lord and Sun is the strongest reference. So start dasas from Cn.
The 9th from Cn is Pi, an even-footed sign. So go backward from Cn. Here are the dasa calculations:
Cn: 1976-04-25 – 1979-04-25
Ge: 1979-04-25 – 1986-04-25
Ta: 1986-04-25 – 1996-04-24
Ar: 1996-04-24 – 1997-04-25
Pi: 1997-04-25 – 2004-04-24 <=====
Exalted Venus, yogakaraka and the strongest planet in this chart, is in Pi. Its lord Jupiter is in 7th house (longitude-wise). Exalted Venus is the 5th lord and this was a love marriage.
When Pi dasa started on 1997 April 25, in D-9, 7th lord Mercury and 5th lord Moon had an exchange and that can enhance the indication for a love marriage.
Example 19: Marriage
Birthdata: 1978 December 29, 4:15 pm (IST), Vijayawada, India (80e37, 16n31)
Event: She got married in 1999 March.
D-9 (navamsa) chart shows marriage. D-9 of natal chart is shown below.
- Lagna and Sun are in Le and lord Sun is alone in own sign, in a trine from Le.
- Moon is in Ge and lord Mercury is alone, in a trine from Ge.
- Clearly, Sun is the strongest lord and lagna/Sun is the strongest reference. So start dasas from Le.
The 9th from Le is Ar, an odd-footed sign. So go forward from Ar. Here are the dasa calculations:
Le: 1978-12-29 – 1990-12-29
Vi: 1990-12-29 – 1997-12-29
Li: 1997-12-29 – 2005-12-29 <=====
Li contains the 7th lord Saturn. He is in a rajayoga with the 9th lord (and yogakaraka) Mars.
When Li dasa started on 1997 December 29, 7th lord Mars was exalted and joined the dasa sign lord Venus. In D-9, dasa sign lord Venus was in 7th. That can enhance the indication.
Example 20: Marriage
Birthdata: 1975 January 23, 9:45 am (IST), Bombay Santa Cruz, India (72e50, 19n05)
Event: She got married in 2007 June.
D-9 (navamsa) chart shows marriage. D-9 of natal chart is shown below.
- Lagna, Sun and Moon are all in Ar. So start dasas from Ar.
The 9th from Ar is Sg, an odd-footed sign. So go forward from Ar. Here are the dasa calculations:
Ar: 1975-01-23 – 1977-01-22
Ta: 1977-01-22 – 1981-01-22
Ge: 1981-01-22 – 1984-01-23
Cn: 1984-01-23 – 1987-01-23
Le: 1987-01-23 – 1991-01-23
Vi: 1991-01-23 – 2003-01-23
Li: 2003-01-23 – 2014-01-22 <=====
Li contains the 7th house. It can give marriage.
When Li dasa started on 2003 January 23, 7th lord from dasa sign, Mars, was placed in dasa sign along with the yogakaraka from dasa sign, Saturn. That can enhance the indication.
Example 21: Political Power (George W Bush)
Birthdata: 1946 July 6, 7:25:30 am (EDT – 4:00 west of GMT), New Haven, CT, USA (72w56, 41n18)
Event: He was elected in 2000 December.
D-10 (dasamsa) chart shows career. D-10 of natal chart is shown below.
- Lagna is in Ge and lord Mercury is with another planet in own sign, in a trine from Ge.
- Moon is in Ta and lord Venus is alone, in a quadrant from Ta.
- Sun is in Cp and lord Saturn is alone and exalted, in a quadrant from Cp.
- Mercury is the strongest lord and lagna is the strongest reference. So start dasas from Ge.
The 9th from Ge is Aq, an even-footed sign. So go backward from Ge. Here are the dasa calculations:
Ge: 1946-07-06 – 1958-07-06 Ta: 1958-07-06 – 1967-07-06
Ar: 1967-07-06 – 1976-07-05 Pi: 1976-07-05 – 1986-07-05
Aq: 1986-07-05 – 1990-07-05 Cp: 1990-07-05 – 1993-07-05
Sg: 1993-07-05 – 1998-07-05 Sc: 1998-07-05 – 2000-07-05
Li: 2000-07-05 – 2004-07-05 <=====
Li is the 5th house and contains the exalted 9th lord Saturn, while its lord is in 9th. It clearly shows political power.
When Li dasa started on 2000 July 5, dasa sign lord Venus was exalted in D-10 and there was an exalted planet in the 10th house. The 5th lord Saturn was in 11th and aspected 5th. That can enhance the indication.
Example 22: Political Power (John F Kennedy)
Birthdata: 1917 May 29, 3:59 pm (4 hrs west of GMT), Brookline, Massachusetts, USA (71w07, 42n20)
Event: He was elected as the President of USA in the first week of 1960 November.
D-10 (dasamsa) chart shows career. D-10 of natal chart is shown below.
- Lagna, Sun and Moon are in Ar.
- So start dasas from Ar.
The 9th from Ar is Sg, an odd-footed sign. So go backward from Ar. Here are the dasa calculations:
Ar: 1917-05-29 – 1925-05-29
Ta: 1925-05-29 – 1933-05-29
Ge: 1933-05-29 – 1940-05-29
Cn: 1940-05-29 – 1943-05-29
Le: 1943-05-29 – 1947-05-29
Vi: 1947-05-29 – 1955-05-29
Li: 1955-05-29 – 1958-05-29
Sc: 1958-05-29 – 1959-05-29
Sg: 1959-05-29 – 1968-05-28 <=====
Sg is the 9th house of fortune contains the lagna lord Mars, who is the dispositor of a powerful raja yoga between 4th and 5th lords. Ar dasa would have been a better candidate, but it comes too early in life. Next is the Sg dasa.
When Sg dasa started on 1959 May 29, 5th from dasa sign Sg, in D-10, had exalted 9th lord Sun, while 5th lord Mars was in 10th aspecting lagna and 10th lord Mercury was in own sign in the 7th house aspecting lagna. That can enhance the indication.
Example 23: Political Power (Ronald Reagan)
Birthdata: 1911 February 6, 2:03:15 am (6:00 west of GMT), Tampico, Illinois, USA (89w47’10”, 41n37’49”)
Event: He was California governor during 1967-1975 and was elected as US President in 1980 November.
D-10 (dasamsa) chart shows career. D-10 of natal chart is shown below.
- Lagna is in Cp and lord Saturn is alone, in a quadrant from Cp.
- Moon is in Li and lord Venus is alone, in a trine from Li.
- Sun is in Vi and lord Mercury is exalted with another planet, in a trine from Vi.
- Mercury is the strongest lord. Start dasas from Vi.
The 9th from Cp is Vi, an even-footed sign. So go backward from Cp. Here are the dasa calculations:
Vi: 1911-02-06 – 1923-02-05 Li: 1923-02-05 – 1931-02-05
Sc: 1931-02-05 – 1937-02-05 Sg: 1937-02-05 – 1942-02-05
Cp: 1942-02-05 – 1948-02-06 Aq: 1948-02-06 – 1955-02-05
Pi: 1955-02-05 – 1965-02-05 Ar: 1965-02-05 – 1977-02-05 <=====
Ta: 1977-02-05 – 1978-02-05 Ge: 1978-02-05 – 1981-02-05 <=====
Ar contains the strongest planet in the chart, Mars, who gives Ruchaka mahapurusha yoga. He rose as a strong leader in Ar dasa. Though Ta is the 5th house, it contains functional malefics and its dasa did not bring power. Lord of Ge is exalted in 9th and Ge contains 5th lord and yogakaraka, Venus. Ge dasa made him president of US.
When Ge dasa started on 1978 February 5, 1st and 5th lords from dasa sign were conjoined in rasi chart and in samasaptaka in D-10. That enhances the indications.
Example 24: Political Power (Indira Gandhi)
Birthdata: 1917 November 19, 11:05 pm (IST), Allahabad, India (81e51, 25n27)
Event: She was the Prime Minister of India during 1966-1977. She strengthened her hold on the ruling party in the second half of her first term.
D-10 (dasamsa) chart shows career. D-10 of natal chart is shown below.
- Lagna is in Ar and lord Mars is exalted and alone, in a quadrant from Ar.
- Moon is in Pi and lord Jupiter is with another planet.
- Sun is in Aq and lord Rahu is with another planet.
- Mars is the strongest lord being exalted and lagna is the strongest reference. Start dasas from Ar.
The 9th from Ar is Sg, an odd-footed sign. So go forward from Ar. Here are the dasa calculations:
Ar: 1917-11-19 – 1926-11-20 Ta: 1926-11-20 – 1928-11-19
Ge: 1928-11-19 – 1933-11-19 Cn: 1933-11-19 – 1937-11-19
Le: 1937-11-19 – 1943-11-20 Vi: 1943-11-20 – 1953-11-19
Li: 1953-11-19 – 1962-11-19 Sc: 1962-11-19 – 1964-11-19
Sg: 1964-11-19 – 1968-11-19 Cp: 1968-11-19 – 1977-11-19 <=====
Cp contains exalted Mars giving Ruchaka mahapurusha yoga. Mars is exalted lagna lord in 10th house and also the dispositor of the raja yoga between 9th and 10th lords. Moreover, he aspects the 5th house of power. He is the key planet in this chart. This dasa saw her ruthlessly taking on rivals and consolidating her power.
When Cp dasa started on 1968 November 19, lord of dasa sign, Saturn, was exalted in 10th from it in D-10.
Example 25: Limelight
Birthdata: 1863 January 12, 6:32:58 am (LMT, 5:54 east of GMT), Calcutta, India (88e30, 22n40)
Events: He came to limelight with a famous speech at the parliament of religions on 1893 September 11 and he established Ramakrishna Mission in January 1897.
D-10 (dasamsa) chart shows career. D-10 of natal chart is shown below.
- Lagna is in Le and lord Sun is alone, in a quadrant from Le.
- Moon is in Cn and lord Moon is with another planet in own sign, in a trine from Cn.
- Sun is in Ta and lord Venus is exalted.
- Being exalted, Venus is the strongest lord and Sun is the strongest reference. So start dasas from Le.
The 9th from Ta is Cp, an even-footed sign. So go backward from Ta. Here are the dasa calculations:
Ta: 1863-01-12 – 1873-01-11
Ar: 1873-01-11 – 1875-01-12
Pi: 1875-01-12 – 1879-01-12
Aq: 1879-01-12 – 1886-01-11
Cp: 1886-01-11 – 1890-01-11
Sg: 1890-01-11 – 1901-01-12 <=====
Sg is the 5th house aspected by 9th lord and yogakaraka Mars. That can show fame and limelight. As the lord of Sg is in the 4th house and 4th lord aspects Sg, this dasa can also result in creating an institution.
When Sg dasa started on 1890 January 11, dasa sign contained lord Jupiter, while the 5th lord Mars aspected 5th from 11th. This can show limelight. The 9th and 10th lords conjoined in 2nd and that can show a lot of dharmik work.
Example 26: Limelight
Birthdata: 1893 January 5, 8:16 pm (LMT, 5:33 east of GMT), Calcutta, India (83e22, 26n45)
Events: He went to US in 1920. When he embarked on a cross-continental speaking tour in 1924, he became famous and thousands came to his lectures including celebrity followers.
D-10 (dasamsa) chart shows career. D-10 of natal chart is shown below.
- Lagna and Sun are in Le and lord Sun is in own sign, in a trine from Le.
- Moon is in Vi and lord Mercury is alone, in a quadrant from Vi.
- Being in own sign, Sun is the strongest lord. So start dasas from Le.
The 9th from Le is Ar, an odd-footed sign. So go forward from Le. Here are the dasa calculations:
Le: 1893-01-05 – 1905-01-06
Vi: 1905-01-06 – 1914-01-06
Li: 1914-01-06 – 1923-01-07
Sc: 1923-01-07 – 1926-01-06 <=====
Sg: 1926-01-06 – 1937-01-06
Sc contains the 5th lord Jupiter, who can give limelight (5th) related to spiritual wisdom (Jupiter). It continued in the next dasa of Sg also, as Sg is the 5th house.
When Sc dasa started on 1923 January 7, dasa sign Sc contained lord Mars in D-10, while the 5th lord Jupiter was in 7th. This samasaptaka of 1st and 5th lords on 1st house axis can show limelight.
Example 27: Limelight in Politics (Bobby Jindal)
Birthdata: 1931 October 12, 7:55:22 am (IST), Machilipatnam, India (81e08, 16n10) [from birth cirtificate]
Event: He became a US congressman in 2005 and became Louisiana Governor in 2008. Soon he became a prominent voice in the Republican party.
D-10 (dasamsa) chart shows career. D-10 of natal chart is shown below.
- Lagna is in Aq and lord Saturn is alone.
- Moon is in Ge and lord Mercury is alone.
- Sun is in Cp and lord Saturn is alone, in a quadrant from it.
- Saturn is the strongest lord being in a quadrant and Sun is the strongest reference. Start dasas from Cp.
The 9th from Cp is Vi, an even-footed sign. So go backward from Cp. Here are the dasa calculations:
Cp: 1971-06-10 – 1977-06-09 Sg: 1977-06-09 – 1978-06-10
Sc: 1978-06-10 – 1983-06-10 Li: 1983-06-10 – 1993-06-09
Vi: 1993-06-09 – 1997-06-09 Le: 1997-06-09 – 2004-06-09
Cn: 2004-06-09 – 2005-06-09 Ge: 2005-06-09 – 2016-06-09 <=====
Ta: 2016-06-09 – 2019-06-10
Ge is the 5th house. Though 6th lord Moon is in it, he is on the border and not effective. Dasas of 5th house Ge and Ta (occupied by 5th lord) can give limelight.
When Ge dasa started on 2005 June 9, 1st and 5th lords from dasa sign conjoined. That can enhance the indications. When Ta dasa starts on 2016 June 9, 1st and 5th lords from dasa sign will conjoin in 1st house along with Sun. In D-10, 5th lord will be in 5th in exaltation with 9th lord and lagna lord in 9th. He may be in a bigger limelight during 2016-2019.
Example 28: Success as an actor (Bill Cosby)
Birthdata: 1937 July 12, 12:28:50 am (5:00 west of GMT), Philadelphia, USA (75w9’51”, 39n57’8”)
Event: His acting career started in 1962. He shot to fame in 1965 with TV series “I Spy” and won several Emmy & Grammy awards in mid-to-late 1960s. He co-produced and starred in iconic TV series “Cosby Show”, which was #1 on TV for 5 seasons in a row in mid-to-late 1980s and got him much wealth in 1990s re-runs.
D-10 (dasamsa) chart shows career. D-10 of natal chart is shown below.
- Lagna is in Li and lord Venus is in own sign with another planet.
- Moon is in Aq and lord Saturn is with another planet.
- Sun is in Pi and lord Jupiter is with another planet.
- Venus is the strongest lord being in own sign and lagna the strongest reference. Start dasas from Li.
The 9th from Li is Ge, an odd-footed sign. So go forward from Li. Here are the dasa calculations:
Li: 1937-07-12 – 1944-07-11 Sc: 1944-07-11 – 1947-07-12
Sg: 1947-07-12 – 1952-07-11 Cp: 1952-07-11 – 1962-07-12
Aq: 1962-07-12 – 1973-07-11 <=====
Pi: 1973-07-11 – 1983-07-12 Ar: 1983-07-12 – 1986-07-11
Ta: 1986-07-11 – 1998-07-11 <=====
The 10th lord Moon can show acting career. He is in the 5th house of fame and that dasa established him as a successful actor. Lagna lord Venus is in own sign in 8th (risk taking) and gives a Raja Yoga with 9th lord Mercury (fortune). Ta dasa containing Venus made him co-produce a successful show and gave a fortune.
When Aq dasa started on 1962 July 12, 5th lord was in 5th joined by the 7th lord, from dasa sign.
Example 29: Rise in Financial Analysis Career (Warren Buffett)
Birthdata: 1930 August 30, 3 pm (6:00 hrs west of GMT), Omaha, Nebraska, USA (95 w 56′ 15”, 41 n 15′ 31”)
Event: After earning his masters in 1951, he worked at financial services companies and had a swift rise in career, becoming a millionaire by January 1962.
D-10 (dasamsa) chart shows career. D-10 of natal chart is shown below.
- Lagna is in Cp and lord Saturn is alone, in a quadrant from Cp.
- Moon is in Sc and lord Mars is alone.
- Sun is in Sg and lord Jupiter is alone.
- Saturn is the strongest lord being in a quadrant and lagna is the strongest reference. Start dasas from Cp.
The 9th from Cp is Vi, an even-footed sign. So go backward from Cp. Here are the dasa calculations:
Cp: 1930-08-30 – 1939-08-30
Sg: 1939-08-30 – 1940-08-30
Sc: 1940-08-30 – 1950-08-30
Li: 1950-08-30 – 1962-08-30 <=====
Li is the 10th house containing a Raja Yoga between the 9th and 10th lords Mercury and Venus, latter in moolatrikona. This dasa triggered a swift rise in career. Previously, he started his first partnership business in 1945 in Sc dasa and earned profits. Sc is the 11th house of profits, with its own lord and the 7th lord of business and partnerships.
When Li dasa started on 1950 August 30, dasa sign lord Venus, in D-10, was exalted and 9th lord Mercury was in dasa sign. That can enhance the indication.
Example 30: Leaving a successful career (Swami Sivananda)
Birthdata: 1887 September 8, 4:15:15 am (LMT, 5:11 east of GMT), 77e40, 8n48
Events: He was a successful physician in Malaysia, but gave it all up in 1923 and became a monk in 1924.
D-10 (dasamsa) chart shows career. D-10 of natal chart is shown below.
- Lagna is in Aq and lord Saturn is with another planet, in a quadrant from Aq.
- Moon is in Sc and lord Mars is alone.
- Sun is in Pi and lord Jupiter is with another planet.
- Saturn is the strongest lord being in a quadrant and start dasas from Aq.
The 9th from Aq is Li, an odd-footed sign. So go forward from Aq. Here are the dasa calculations:
Aq: 1887-09-08 – 1893-09-07 Pi: 1893-09-07 – 1894-09-07
Ar: 1894-09-07 – 1896-09-07 Ta: 1896-09-07 – 1900-09-08
Ge: 1900-09-08 – 1909-09-08 Cn: 1909-09-08 – 1917-09-08
Le: 1917-09-08 – 1922-09-08 Vi: 1922-09-08 – 1928-09-08 <=====
Vi is the 8th house of retirement. Its lord Mercury joins the 7th lord in 2nd and conjunction of 7th and 8th lords is a maraka combination (retirement in D-10).
When Vi dasa started on 1922 Sept 8, 7th lord from dasa sign, Jupiter, was in 8th from it. Placement of 7th lord in 8th in D-10 can enhance the indication.
Example 31: Fame as an astrologer (Sri KN Rao)
Birthdata: 1931 October 12, 7:55:22 am (IST), Machilipatnam, India (81e08, 16n10)
Event: He became famous as an astrologer and went on 5 astrology lecture tours to US during 1993-1995.
D-10 (dasamsa) chart shows career. D-10 of natal chart is shown below.
- Lagna and Sun are in Ta and lord Venus is with another planet, in a quadrant from Ta.
- Moon is in Sc and lord Mars is with another planet.
- Ta is stronger as Venus is in a quadrant from it. Start dasas from Cp.
Ta: 1931-10-12 – 1937-10-11 Ar: 1937-10-11 – 1939-10-12
Pi: 1939-10-12 – 1951-10-12 Aq: 1951-10-12 – 1962-10-11
Cp: 1962-10-11 – 1967-10-12 Sg: 1967-10-12 – 1970-10-11
Sc: 1970-10-11 – 1977-10-11 Li: 1977-10-11 – 1978-10-11
Vi: 1978-10-11 – 1981-10-11 Le: 1981-10-11 – 1984-10-11
Cn: 1984-10-11 – 1992-10-11 Ge: 1992-10-11 – 2004-10-11 <=====
Ge is the 2nd house of speech and astrology. It contains its lord Mercury and is strong. As the 5th lord Mercury and 7th lord Mars are in Ge, it gives a raja yoga that shows fame (5th) by interaction (7th), relating to predictions (2nd).
His started his career as a bureaucrat after success in a competitive exam in 1957. The 10th house Aq is aspected by its lord and is strong. Its dasa started his career. Its lord Saturn is yogakaraka and occupies Le. In Le dasa, he came to limelight in Jyotish world. Cn is the 3rd house of communications and he started writing many articles and books during Cn dasa. In Ge dasa having raja yoga with 5th lord, he became famous.
When Ge dasa started on 1992 October 11, 1st lord Sun and 5th lord Jupiter, from dasa sign, conjoined in the 2nd house of speech and astrology. That enhances the indication of fame as an astrologer.
Example 32: Mystical Experiences (Baba Muktananda)
Birthdata: 1908 May 16, 5:11 am (IST), Dharmastala, India (75e23, 12n57)
Event: On 1947 August 15, Bhagavan Nithyananda gave him a shaktipat diksha. When he was touched, he experienced an awakening and rise of Kundalini.
D-20 (vimsamsa) chart shows spiritual practice and evolution. D-20 of natal chart is shown below.
- Lagna is in Pi and lord Jupiter is with another planet.
- Moon is in Sg and lord Jupiter is with another planet.
- Sun is in Aq and lord Rahu is exalted and with another planet, in a quadrant from Aq.
- Rahu is the strongest lord and Sun is the strongest reference. So start dasas from Aq.
The 9th from Aq is Li, an odd-footed sign. So go forward from Aq. Here are the dasa calculations:
Aq: 1908-05-16 – 1917-05-16 Pi: 1917-05-16 – 1918-05-16
Ar: 1918-05-16 – 1924-05-16 Ta: 1924-05-16 – 1926-05-16
Ge: 1926-05-16 – 1928-05-16 Cn: 1928-05-16 – 1935-05-16
Le: 1935-05-16 – 1941-05-16 Vi: 1941-05-16 – 1942-05-16
Li: 1942-05-16 – 1951-05-16 <=====
Li is the 8th house of Kundalini and mystical experiences. With Li containing the 9th lord, it also brought his guru to him.
When Li dasa started on 1942 May 16, 8th house from dasa sign contained Sun, exalted Moon, Mercury and Saturn, while their dispositor was exalted. That can enhance the indication. Jupiter in the 9th from dasa sign can show the coming of guru.
Example 33: Mystical Experiences (Sri Aurobindo)
Birthdata: 1872 August 15, 5:11 am (LMT: 5:53 east of GMT), 88e22, 22n32
Event: He had many mystical experiences starting in 1908.
D-20 (vimsamsa) chart shows spiritual practice and evolution. D-20 of natal chart is shown below.
- Lagna is in Le and lord Sun is with 4 planets, in a trine from Le.
- Moon and Sun are in Sg and lord Jupiter is exalted and alone.
- Though Jupiter is exalted, we will take Sun with 4 planets to be stronger. So start dasas from Le.
The 9th from Le is Ar, an odd-footed sign. So go forward from Le. Here are the dasa calculations:
Le: 1872-08-15 – 1880-08-15 Vi: 1880-08-15 – 1885-08-15
Li: 1885-08-15 – 1893-08-15 Sc: 1893-08-15 – 1894-08-15
Sg: 1894-08-15 – 1901-08-16 Cp: 1901-08-16 – 1902-08-16
Aq: 1902-08-16 – 1904-08-15 Pi: 1904-08-15 – 1912-08-15 <=====
Pi is the 8th house. Its lord is exalted in 12th. It can certainly give mystical experiences. He met a Maharashtrain yogi in 1907 and started yoga practice. He had mystical experiences in prison in 1908.
When Cn dasa started on 1904 August 15, the 12th from dasa sign had Ketu and 8th lord joined Rahu. That can enhance the indication.
Example 34: Mystical Experiences
Birthdata: 1970 November 4, 3:12:34 pm (IST), Lucknow, India (80e55, 26n51)
Event: He had sudden Kundalini rise and mystical experiences in 1992.
D-20 (vimsamsa) chart shows spiritual practice and evolution. D-20 of natal chart is shown below.
- Lagna is in Sg and lord Jupiter is exalted and with another planet.
- Moon is in Li and lord Venus is alone.
- Sun is in Ar and lord Mars is with another planet.
- Being exalted, Jupiter is the strongest lord and lagna is the strongest reference. So start dasas from Sg.
The 9th from Sg is Le, an even-footed sign. So go backward from Sg. Here are the dasa calculations:
Sg: 1970-11-04 – 1977-11-04
Sc: 1977-11-04 – 1982-11-04
Li: 1982-11-04 – 1983-11-04
Vi: 1983-11-04 – 1984-11-04
Le: 1984-11-04 – 1988-11-04
Cn: 1988-11-04 – 1997-11-04 <=====
Cn is the 8th house containing the 12th lord and conducive to mystical experiences and detachment. As in the previous charts, the 8th house is crucial for Kundalini rise and mystical experiences.
When Cn dasa started on 1988 Nov 4, 8th house from dasa sign had lord Rahu in it. That can enhance the indication.
Example 35: Mystical Experiences
Birthdata: 1970 April 4, 5:50:40 pm (IST), Machilipatnam, India (81e08, 16n10)
Event: He had mystical experiences starting from mid-2005.
D-20 (vimsamsa) chart shows spiritual practice and evolution. D-20 of natal chart is shown below.
- Lagna is in Ge and lord Mercury is alone in own sign, in a trine from Ge.
- Moon is in Cn and lord Moon is alone in own sign, in a trine from Cn.
- Sun is in Li and lord Venus is with 2 planets in moolatrikona, in a trine from Li.
- Venus is the strongest lord and Sun is the strongest reference. So start dasas from Li.
The 9th from Li is Ge, an odd-footed sign. So go forward from Li. Here are the dasa calculations:
Li: 1970-04-04 – 1982-04-04
Sc: 1982-04-04 – 1993-04-04
Sg: 1993-04-04 – 2004-04-03
Cp: 2004-04-03 – 2015-04-04 <=====
Cp is the 8th house of mystical experiences and its lord in his moolatrikona.
When Cp dasa started on 2004 April 3, the 8th from dasa sign had 12th lord Jupiter with Moon. That can enhance the indication.
Example 36: Mystical Experiences
Birthdata: 1976 December 15, 8:31 am (IST), New Delhi, India (77e12, 28n36)
Event: He had his first mystical experience in July 2003.
D-20 (vimsamsa) chart shows spiritual practice and evolution. D-20 of natal chart is shown below.
- Lagna is in Vi and lord Mercury is exalted, alone and in a trine from Vi.
- Moon is in Aq and lord Saturn is with another planet in a quadrant from it.
- Sun is in Le and lord Sun is in own sign with another planet, in a trine from Le.
- Being with another planet, Sun is stronger than Mercury. So start dasas from Le.
The 9th from Le is Ar, an odd-footed sign. So go forward from Le. Here are the dasa calculations:
Le: 1976-12-15 – 1988-12-15
Vi: 1988-12-15 – 2000-12-15
Li: 2000-12-15 – 2003-12-15 <=====
Li is aspected by the 8th lord Mars in 8th house. Moreover, it contains karakas of mystical experiences – Rahu & Ketu. Thus, this dasa is an excellent candidate for mystical experiences.
Note: In previous 4 examples, mystical experiences started during D-20 Chara dasa of the 8th house. Here 8th house dasa comes late in life and dasa of the sign containing nodes and aspected by 8th lord gave it instead.
Chara Dasa vs Other Rasi Dasas
There are several other rasi dasa taught by Parasara, such as Sthira dasa, Yogardha dasa, Trikona dasa, Drigdasa etc. There may be cases where one of them may dominate over Chara dasa. More study is needed in this area, but one should realize that there may be charts where Chara dasa does not yield brilliant results. This author recommends not finding some explanation based on Chara dasa then, but to instead look for a better dasa. In general, if some past events related to an area of life shown by a divisional charts are seen clearly from a dasa (e.g. Chara dasa), one can use it confidently for future predictions. Otherwise, it is better to find a better dasa or not use rasi dasas at all.
Though more work is needed in this area, an example can be given. After one finds the stronger of lagna, Moon and Sun, one can see the stronger of that sign and 9th from it. If 9th is stronger, Parasara’s Drigdasa can be considered. An example will illustrate this.
Example 37: Childbirth (Rajiv Gandhi – Drigdasa Example)
Birthdata: 1944 August 20, 7:12 am (IST), 72e49, 18n58
Event: He had a son in June 1970 and a daughter in January 1972.
D-7 (saptamsa) chart shows progeny. D-7 of natal chart is shown below.
Of lagna, Moon and Sun here, lagna is the strongest (with lord Mars in a trine). If one finds Chara dasa of D-7 as described in this write-up, one gets childbirth in Le and Cn dasas. Some case can be made. For example, one can say in the case of Le dasa that its lord Sun is in the 11th house of gains aspecting 5th house. But 5th house is not empty and why should this aspect dominate? In the case of Cn dasa, one can say that it is the 9th house of fortune aspected by karaka Jupiter and containing putra pada (arudha pada of the 5th house). Again, this is not such a strong candidate.
If we accept creative and weak justifications like that, we can pretty much justify any dasa! Unfortunately, however, that is exactly what we find in a lot of contemporary Jyotish literature on various predictive techniques.
Clearly the best dasas for giving children in this D-7 are:
- dasa of Sc containing 5th lord and karaka Jupiter
- dasa of Pi containing 5th house
As mentioned before, lagna is stronger than Sun and Moon. However, 9th from it is much stronger as the lord is with 2 other planets. Thus, we can use Drigdasa instead of Chara dasa.
Here are Drigdasa calculations for this D-7 as taught by Parasara:
Cn: 1944-08-20 – 1951-08-20
Ta: 1951-08-20 – 1959-08-20
Aq: 1959-08-20 – 1967-08-20
Sc: 1967-08-20 – 1975-08-20 <=====
Sc is lagna and contains the 5th lord and karaka Jupiter. It is a great candidate for giving children.
Moreover, when Sc dasa started on 1967 August 20, the 5th lord from dasa sign, Jupiter, was exalted in 9th from dasa sign and that enhances the indication.
Example 38: Amassing Wealth (Bill Gates – Mandooka Dasa Example)
Birthdata: 1944 August 20, 7:12 am (IST), 72e49, 18n58
Event: He amassed great wealth in late 1990s and 2000s, when he was the wealthiest person in the world.
D-2 (hora) chart shows wealth. D-2 of natal chart is shown below.
Of lagna, Moon and Sun here, Sun is the strongest (Mars is more advanced in his sign than Mercury and Saturn is with fewer planets). If one finds Chara dasa of D-2 as described in this write-up, one gets Le, Vi and Li dasas in 1990’s and 2000’s. With a powerful raja yoga between 5th and 9th lords in 9th house, Ta dasa has to be the peak of his financial life.
As mentioned before, Sun is stronger than lagna and Moon. But the 9th from lagna is stronger, with its lord Jupiter occupying moolatrikona. However, the 7th house from Sun is even stronger, with its lord Venus in own sign with another planet. When the 7th house is stronger, we can use Mandooka dasa. It starts from Li (7th from Sun). As Li is an odd sign, it goes forward. It covers quadrants, then panapharas and then apoklimas.
Here are Mandooka dasa calculations for this D-2 as taught by Parasara:
Li: 1955-10-28 – 1962-10-28 Cp: 1962-10-28 – 1969-10-28
Ar: 1969-10-28 – 1976-10-28 Cn: 1976-10-28 – 1983-10-28
Sc: 1983-10-28 – 1991-10-28 Aq: 1991-10-28 – 1999-10-28
Ta: 1999-10-28 – 2007-10-27 <=====
Le: 2007-10-27 – 2015-10-28
With Sc being the 3rd house of venture and initiative, he took a lot of initiatives in his business in Sc dasa. With Aq containing the 6th house with 2 natural malefics, he fought hard to amass wealth in that dasa. The peak came in Ta dasa during 1999-2007. Ta contains the 2rd and 9th lord Venus in own sign and 5th lord Saturn, conjoined very closely. There is a powerful maharaja yoga between them. As Le is the 12th house of loss/giving, there was a lot of activity on behalf of his charitable foundation during Le dasa.
Parasara’s Mandooka dasa lines up with real events far better than Parasara’s Chara dasa or any other rasi dasa, in this D-2.
It is this author’s belief that using Pushya-paksha ayanamsa, correct definitions of divisional charts and correct rasi dasa for a chart, will result in very clear indications of major events, without a need to fudge facts and simply accept any dasa that aspects a relevant house or house lord or arudha pada or chara karaka.
More work is needed to reliably know ahead which dasa to apply in which chart. While the research continues, one may use Chara dasa in cases where it is found to work well based on previous events.
Chara dasa taught by Parasara is applied to divisional charts and made to work in a more powerful and consistent manner by enhancing its computation with a couple of innovative ideas.
One can see that dasa of the sign containing the 5th house or 5th lord in D-7 gives children; dasa of a sign containing a powerful yoga in D-10 gives important rise in career; and so on. This was demonstrated in a simple and consistent manner using basic factors, without even considering chara karakas, arudha padas, sign aspects etc and complicating things!!!
This is just the tip of the iceberg. Parasara clearly taught how to compute antardasas in rasi dasas such as Chara dasa and his teachings are different from what various modern scholars have taught with Chara dasa, Narayana dasa and other rasi dasas. Only mahadasas were discussed in this write-up to keep things simple and demonstrate consistent patterns.
The purpose of this write-up will have been served if some readers can see that Pushya-paksha ayanamsa has some worth in it and that divisional charts are more important and reliable than acknowledged by scholars who claim to use them but only pay lip service to them.
The purpose of this write-up will have been served if some readers can see that finding rasi dasas in divisional charts gives far better results than just trying to see everything from rasi chart.
It is hoped that intelligent and sincere students and researchers of this divine subject will take this knowledge further and contribute to a renaissance in Jyotish and other knowledge related to Rishis.
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