Article by Saptarishis Astrology
Lord Brahma said to Kali ‘Alphabet (GU) means Siddha and (R) and (U) imply Shri Ganesh who is Guru. Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma & Parents are all Gurus of this Earth. Knowledge imbibed with devotion and rational thinking (vivek) is seen in the heart of the Guru. Study of Dharma and Shastras without Guru is futile. He directs in action, thought, devotion and disintegration. One cannot surpass worldly miseries without the help and guidance of Guru. He throws a flash light on the dark illusionary path. Service to the Guru makes one pure in body, speech and thinking’. – Chapter 2, Shri Guru Charitra
Shri C. S. Patel (Chandulal Sarkarilal Patel) whom we loved and respected expired on 14th Aug 2007 at age of 92. He was more than a Guru and more than a father.
Scribe could learn hardly any jyotish from him but could get so much love that it is indescribable. The deep love & fondness for each other was so immense that though scribe used to call him ‘Chandubhai’ (C.S.Patel: Chandulal Sarkarilal Patel) his daughter once said that he should be now Dada (grand-dad) by me as our relationship had changed. Though he passed away at the age of 92, scribe felt betrayed by him for going so early. From the moment the news of his death has come in, all the old timers in astrology have written and paid tribute to the marvelous & most important ‘Pioneering Work’ he did in Navamsa, Nadi Jyotisha, Ashtakvarga & Arudhas. How he taught us to use Navamsa dispositors in transits, 64th Navamsa, Pushkara Navamsa etc was path breaking to say the least. Even Bhrigu Bindu that was mentioned in an English translation of Bhrigu Nandi Nadi, no one knew how to apply it. When Patel Saheb wrote about how to use it, he became so famous that in the West & certain parts of India they called it the Patel Bindu (instead of Bhrigu Bindu). It was in 2006 I realized that what he had written about this Bindu in his books was far less than what he knew about it when he taught few new methods on its application.
He had a trademark, he would only write on such topics in astrology which were unknown or no one had ever written on it, always the 1st to venture. This is a dangerous pattern & only few masters have exhibited this trend. He took only those works of Nadi which no before him had worked on. This earned him the awe feeling of genuine respect from even his seniors. One may call it that he marketed himself well but scribe sees that his mission in life was to unearth secrets for us. Before his book on Ashtakvarga was published (1957), the general populace did not even know how to calculate and use Ashtakvarga effectively. This also warrants a special mention on his work on Nadi Jyotisha which remains unparalled; till date no astrologer has removed so many verses from rare manuscripts practically unheard of and taught us their applicability. Patels standing as a scholar is so genuine that that a chennai based astrologer recently wrote a book on nadi jyotisha and made a one line remark negatively on Patels work, thereby his manuscript has been rejected by all publishers.
He could orally calculate and announce SAV bindus just by seeing chart in 2 secs. Scribe would feel that’s miraculous but he would shout back saying that it means I have not read his work properly. He often would repeat, to understand his work one must re-read it minimum 3 times. Later when scribe travelled over India it was realized even big time scholars had this same view that to understand the depth of Patels work minimum thrice reading is essential. At times one would find that even singular verses in his book deserved more thought & hard work. In 2004 we worked on few verses from Patels works and realized that many of them had potential for a full fledged system. Scribe secretly worked on this and shared it with his personal friends. The worst part of his life was he never got the full recognition that he deserved, many current breed of authors wrote articles on those methods expounded by him e.g ‘Rasi Tulya Navamsa’ ‘64th Navamsa’ ‘Pushkara Navamsa’ ‘Bhrigu Bindu’ but never gave him the credit. This kind of plagiarism is often found in an unregulated industry like astrology, though the same astrologers fail to under how come Mercury is troubling them in certain periods when it should be a good period instead.
Many of us do not even know that R.Santhanam’s translation of Devakerelam (Chandra Kala Nadi) would not have been possible if not for Patel Saheb who gave him the Part 1 of Devakerelam. Before Patel Saheb could finish the edit of the translation by Santhanam it had already gone into the press. Patel Saheb was one of the first people who taught Devakerelam in his classes, decades back; even the great legend Narendra Desai had learnt it from him. Many decades later Santhanam translated this epic work wherein Patel’s soul was there. Often scribe had to face disgust when scribe asked his Guru Shri Patel to teach him Dhruva Nadi, Budha Nadi & Guru Nadi, Patel would say first master Chandrakala Nadi (Devakerelam) it is the best, the best & the best.
Let us take Patel Sahebs chart and see few events of his life from some different not so used methods. We shall stress more on the event of his death from a liberal point of view, also scribe here would not expound from the traditional angle of yogas etc:-
Brief Salient Features:-
- Long Life: 8L Saturn is retrograde; this is what he attributed to his long life. This Saturn is 4th from 9H of father denoting his father’s mother; his grandmother also lived above 90 (writing from memory). Later we would see that this retro Saturn which gave him his long life was also to the one who would take it away. It’s obvious the hand who feeds has the ability and more so right to take it away too. By the way of oblique reference it can be said that 8L Saturn ‘Retro’ in 12H would indicate that this knowledge of astrology is specifically coming from previous life & it being retro would mean it was a specific karma that he had to pay back a debt to the astrological society.
2. Unearthing Rare Knowledge: We would look at Jupiter & Rahu.
Jupiter is AK (soul significator) in the 8H, shows that his Atma (soul) is here for Specific Occult Work (8H); also Jupiter in 8H is known to give ability of ‘Mining Out Hidden Knowledge to Light’. Now this Jupiter is in Aq which is noted as a very special sign for Jupiter. Aq is the sign of the Kumba (overflowing pot) in the hands of a maiden; it was the very presence of his daughter (unmarried – maiden) that facilitated him to concentrate on writing so many books even at such an old age of 92. Without his daughters (Kailashben’s) motherly love he would not have completed so many books after the death of his wife. His wife had died many decades back whom he missed quiet a lot and would often tell scribe how great she was. No doubt on 19th of March 2007 when his daughter died, he shouted ‘My Mother is Gone, My Mother is Gone’, after that his speech remain changed till the end of his life & it was not possible for anyone to understand what he was saying. To conclude, this Jupiter is in Aq in the very last degree in Vichakshaymsha in Neer Nadi in Purva Bhadrapada nakshatra
a) Vichakshaymsha – the meaning of it is ‘Extra Ordinary Intelligence’ or ‘Super Natural Intelligence’
b) Neer Nadi which means ‘Flowing Water of Sea (not river or pond) – knowledge of hidden sciences (8H) flowed to him is how we should interpret it in context of this chart.
c) Purva Bhadrapada – Deity is Ajainkyapaad – One of the Names of Sun
- Here Results are due to previous karma, one has to face it compulsory (he could not have avoided not sharing his knowledge)
- Sun is Atma – gives results of SANCHITA KARMA – if it is Good karma, nobody can stop native from getting results or Vice Versa.
Although people take Jupiter for astrology scribe personally take Jupiter for Shastric Knowledge, Venus for Predictions & Rahu for ‘Research, Unearthing Rare Secrets plus Immortal work’ can be seen from Rahu as Rahu drank the nectar (that gives immortality). In Kaliyuga the students of astrology are like Rahu. Let us not forget that Rahu is in Pushkar Navamsa of 9H of higher learning. Pushkar Navamsa has the quality of ‘Immortality’ & of ‘Regeneration’ as we know. Now this Rahu is Bhogyamsha in Amrut Nadi & Sravana Nakshatra.
a) Bhogyamsa: This amsa is defined as Whatever results good or bad this is part of Fixed Karma and the result of it one will have to Endure in this life.
b) Amrut Nadi: Rahu as such is the one who drank the Amrut (nectar) of immortality & here it is in Amrut Nadi making it Doubly Potent.
c) Sravana: The nakshatra lord is Vishnu who has Buddhi (Intelligence) to create & progress, he does hard work with patience. Additionally Vishnu distributes his fruits to the World (remember distribution act of Mohini).
The above characteristics of the nakshatra was profoundly embedded in Patel Saheb: He worked hard strenuously with extreme patience to the extent of apparently being Slow but this was with planning, intelligence & finally he distributed his knowledge as fruits to the world (like Vishnu). Let us reveal this for the first time, another way of looking at the ‘Goal of Life’ in a chart is to superimpose the sign of the Navamsa lagna upon the natal chart; here it is Virgo, which falls in the 3H of writing. He Wrote….
3. Sanskrit Learning: He learnt Sanskrit in school which everyone learns in India, but his mastery on it was so phenomenal that to his absolutely uneducated wife he taught Sanskrit and they would converse not in Hindi but in Sanskrit throughout the day. This stunned many veterans of jyotish when they would come to his house & they actually felt that she was M.A in Sanskrit. Patel had mastered many systems of Sanskrit on which we have written in the ACVA issue of July 2007. His ability to memorize, recite & sing Jyotish Shlokas (in the tone of vedic matras) used to stun everyone. Scribe was witness to all these over the years when we would sit in the living room and discuss Jyotish and then he would say go to library room, pick up so and so book and refer to so and so page number, the shloka would be dot on that page. He would memorize the shlokas while he used to shave, such was his dedication.
Explanation: Jupiter is Sanskrit Language, the 8H Jupiters powerful 9th (God’s blessings) aspect on 4H of learning where Moon the LL having the highest shadbala of 128 shared only by Mars, who is ‘Stationary’ apart from being yogakaraka (Later we would see the other side of Mars) in turns aspects Jupiter, forming a powerful ‘Trident Energy’ Flow. A Chart is all about ‘Synchronization of Energies’. A Stationary Planet is too powerful to be ignored and in this age of Software Astrology, unfortunately no software points that out instantly. This triangular energy coupled with other factors lead to his big rise. Traditionally speaking it was 5L aspecting 9L & 9th 10th Dharmakarmaadipati yoga in 2/8 axis. The Crux of this energy goes into the ‘Phala Varga’ ( Navamsa – Divisional of Fruits’- is referred to as Fruits Bearing in ‘Bhuvan Deepika) and this Mars-Jupiter are conjoined in 10H of Karma in D9 in the sign of Gemini which indicates ‘Writing’ why more so writing – as one has to observe 10L of D1, what it is doing in D9, to indicate ones Karma & Profession’ and here it indicates writing. Mars the 10L conjoint with Jupiter the planet of Shastric Learning in the sign of Gemini indicating a mercury oriented profession, it made him Company Secretary in a famous Textile Mill of India & also gave him the karma of Writing – both governed by Mercury.
4. Fame: This has to be seen from the 5H from Lagna, Lagna Lord, 5H Karaka Jupiter, AK (here it is again Jupiter) & PK (Venus). All these factors need to be combined in a composite manner.
a) Asc: 5H is empty but gets aspected by 5L himself who is stationary & in turns aspects Jupiter (Mark this planet -Jupiter).
b) Lagna Lord: 5H from Moon (powerful LL) has this same Jupiter whose lord is Saturn (Mark this planet – Saturn)
c) Karaka & AK Jupiter: 5H from Jupiter is deposited by a retro Saturn (Mark this planet- Saturn)
d) PK Venus: It is combined with Rahu who is exalted in Navamsa & is in Pushkar Navamsa (if we take True Nodes) like the Asc making it doubly strong (Patel was the first one to highlight the importance & usage of Pushkar Navamsa). 5L from PK is Venus who is again conjoined with Rahu the immortal one (Mark this planet – Rahu)
- In 1957 in Sat/Rahu – (refer marked planets), he released his 1st book on Asthakvarga with his friend/co-writer Mr.Iyer: observe Rahu & Venus are together. Rahu unearthed this rare secret of a topic and being in sravana distributed it to world. Being truthful by nature one day he confided in me 2 mistakes that he made in his Arudha & Astakvarga books.
- Two planets come to our limelight that is Jup & Saturn (refer marked planets), this shows that during Jupiter-Saturn Dasas and antardashas something significant can be expected. In Jup/Saturn he meets 3 yogis of rare quality (Saturn in 12H), got some big gains when he was so young & in Saturn/Jup he got more recognition for his work in Ashtakvarga & started teaching jyotish. (Jupiter AD).
Some UnKnown Methods
Scribe would like to bring to attention here some unknown methods so that it would inspire further probing among readers.
Bhrigu Bindu Progression
This technique is derived from a research done on Devakerelam by my friend & student of Patel Saheb, so till his book comes out scribe can reveal only a part of it:
Now the Rahu-Moon midpoint of 1st Bhrigu Bindu (BB) is 29Ta39’.
Step 1:
Take 1H of BB as the 1st year of life and Progress this Bhrigu Bindu for 1yr per house. So in 2007 it would be his 92nd year, it comes as the 8th house from BB (Bhrighu Bindu) point of Ta which comes to the 6H of the natal chart which is 8H of death from BB.
Step 2:
6H has 2L of maraca Sun & 12L Mercury, aspected by 8L Saturn. The dispositor of this 6H goes into the 8H from Asc, and dispositors dispositor Saturn goes into the 12H completing the ‘Trident of Shivas Energy’. How could he have gone beyond this 92nd year? In March 2005 when he was seriously ill scribe got him admitted in hospital, and was very worried for his longevity, then he told scribe to not worry as it won’t be his 90th year but his 92nd year.
Bhrigu Bindu & a Non-Revealed Method
His Venus Dasa was the worst for him; he faced extreme poverty in this dasa and was hand to mouth as he was retired. Some good friends helped him in this period. Then one day he removed an old piece of paper and taught me a technique which he never could write in his books, he said he got this later. As usual he slept in his Jhula (swinging wooden bench) and scribe sat next to him, following below is just 20% of that technique which scribe has forgotten; my notes of this he unfortunately tore by mistake.
‘Observe the Bhrigu Bindu point, when Tr Rahu will come exactly 90 deg behind it, a very significant Event in Ones Life will happen’
BB is 29Ta, so we have to find when Tr Rahu will be 29Aq in his chart i.e. at distance of 90 deg. This happened on November 22nd 2006, around that time he had gone to Ahmedabad to sell of his bungalow there, he sold it for a whopping figure, and this removed decades of poverty. Scribe had shared his poverty and griefs of life and this news was phenomenal for both of us. Patel Saheb called and shouted ‘I am signing cheques in lakhs[1] now ha ha’. We were all so delighted & when there was not a ray of light this was it, beloved Rahu had lived to his reputation of giving sudden wealth. Let us remember this position will come once in 18 yrs only, when he taught this to scribe, this scribe immediately predicted to him that around Nov 06 something would happen, he gave a big smile as if he anticipating something. Scribes note of caution, every 18 yrs one will not become millionaire, natal yogas will tell which year, then dasa must support it & transit will deliver the promise. Ofcourse there exists a system wherein for timing events, nor dasa nor transits are required but someone needs to work on it.
Tripavana Lagna
Current breed of Jaimini Internet Scholars have not even heard of this lagna, scribe realized this when he asked how to use this in one of the internet Jaimini forums receiving thereby a very rude retort & no guidance. These are the sad moments where divinity of astrology is lost. But scribe pursued on this & is still unearthing it, so request readers to probe more & share back.
Shri Iranganti Rangacharya’s work says: Add longitudes of Lagna Lord & the Moon. If the number of signs exceeds 12, remove the twelve signs. Now add to this again the longitude of Lagna lord to get Tripavana Lagna.
Controversy: Scribe felt why should we add lagna lord twice so he approached his friend Shri Ravindra Bhagavat, who is doing studies in Jaimini since long & who had access Mr. Shiv Kumar, from Andhra Pradesh and student of Shri Iranganti Rangacharya. He clarified that at the end instead of lagna lord add Moon Sign Lord. It made sense but when Shri Bhagavat mentioned the same to Iranganti ji he said no the method as mentioned in his book is correct, so we cannot also ignore such a great scholars words who is considered one of the 1st Pioneers of Jaimini Astrology.
Irangantis Tripavana Lagna:
Lagna lord longitude + Moons longitude + Lagna Lords Longitude = 7 Sc 03 (lets call it TPL 1)
Alternate Tripavana Lagna Calucation:
Lagna lord longitude + Moons longitude + Moon Signs Lords Longitude = 7Aq (lets call it TPL 2)
Results of Tripavana Lagna: This lagna occupied by the benefic planet or by an exalted planet confers Rajayoga, if occupied by malefics gives poverty (ref Pg 42 Jaimini Sutramritam by Shri Iranganti Rangacharya, Sagar Publications, New Delhi.)
TPL 1: 7Sc has aspect of Rahu Venus & Ketu (Ketu is Brahman as per Seshadiri Iyer) in D1
TPL 2: 7Aq in 8H of occult (note this) has aspect of extremely powerful Moon who is lagna lord in D1 & has 9L of elders blessings cum higher learning Jupiter (AK) who is such a unique Jupiter placed there.
No doubt he got Rajayoga as per Tripavana Lagna. Lets time Tripavana Lagna with Chara Dasa.
Chara dasa of K.N.Rao (modified version of a phalita rasi dasa):
- Sc MD: 1953Dec31 – 1961Dec30: In 1957 he published his immortal work on Ashtakvarga – TPL 1 is present here
- Li MD/ Aq AD: 1962 Sept30 – 1962 Dec 31: In Aq AD where TPL 2 is placed, on the 10th Nov 1962 Sri Shankaracharya of Dwaraka Sarada Peetam conferred on him an honorary degree of ‘JyotishAlankara’ at public function. Getting conferred a degree by the Shankaracharya is considered an achievement.
- Ta MD/Aq AD/Sg PD: 1998Oct31 – 1998Nov20
Ta MD has his Bhrigu Bindu, Aq AD has his TPL 2 & Sg PD is where his Divya Lagna (divine rajayoga giver) is present. He got ‘Life Time Achievement Award’ by American Council of Vedic Astrology on 15th Nov 1998 at 10.15 pm
Though the above write up does not give us a clear cut method on which calculation method of Tripavana Lagna to choose finally but it is hoped that it incites stalwarts in real Jaimini Astrology to come out of their hiding & guide us by writing extensively otherwise the real Jaimini astrology will never be known to us.
Ayur Lagna: Longevity Lagna
Shri Iranganti writes ‘Divide the birth ghatikas by 5. Add 1 to the quotient and thus the number counted from the navamsa sign of the Moon gives Ayur Lagna.’
In our chart the Ayur Lagna comes to as Cancer the natal lagna itself & we apply Navamsa Dasa
Navamsa dasa (death):
Ge MD: 2005-12-30 – 2014-12-30
Aq AD: 2007-07-01 – 2008-03-31
Pi PD: 2007-07-24 – 2007-08-16
From Ayur Lagna Asc of Cancer
MD Ge is in 12H of Exit containing Saturn the 8L of death. This gives us a brief hint that this mahadasa would be significant in deciding natives exit. Saturn is in the Shastiamsa of Vamsakshara: means no offspring, we should interpret it as beyond this dasa growth will be obstructed (offspring means growth of oneself).
AD is Aq who is in the 8H of Longevity/Death containing the 6L of disease who is aspected by Krura Stationary Mars placed in Shastiamsa of Kaala (malefic – another name of Yama). Around 5th of Aug 07 it was detected that his throat muscles (Mars in 2H of throat) had given up completely. So the mars that gave him so many things also took things away at the final stage. This Aq gets connected to the Lagna lord Moon and Ketu residing in the head, blood was not flowing properly to the brain is what the doctors detected. Mars & Moon is blood & flow of blood respectively. Moon is in 4H of chest heart region for which he had to be kept on the ventilator.
PD is of Pisces, the final sign in the zodiac, who has rasi drishti from 8L Saturn & Sun Mer who is 2L & 12L, both planets in malefic Shastiamsa.
Certain other areas like usage of Rudra etc which are controversial in the usage of Navamsa dasa scribe has avoided. Whilst scribe was in Ahmadabad and saw him suffer it deduced that Mars & Saturn are the Deciding factors for his death to happen. On 13th Aug scribe was taken to a Hanuman mandir where the statue is supposed to have come out of ground automatically (year 1943) in the army camp in Ahmadabad. Scribe was taken here by a Hanuman bhakt (relative of Patel) who walks every Saturday by foot for 4 hrs to reach to the temple since last 15 yrs. It was here and at the Shani Mandir on 13th scribe prayed that if Ram was suffering would Hanuman have watched it for so long then how come he expects scribe to watch his Guru suffer when the time is already up. In 18 hours Patel Saheb was no more; it took only 3 mins to die when the pipe was removed from the throat (Mars in 2H).
Naisargika Dasa (dasa of the nature):
Scribe has found this dasa very meaningful & cannot be ignored.
DOD: 14th Aug 2007
Sat MD: 1985-12-30 – 2035-12-30
Jup AD: 2005-09-22 – 2013-04-17
Merc PD: 2006-01-04 – 2007-12-31
Jup SD: 2007-05-01 – 2007-10-31
Sat PAD: 2007-08-12 – 2007-08-28
MD: Sat is the 8L in 12H of Exit along with being the 22nd drekkana, AD: Jupiter is the 64th Navamsa lord 6L in 8H of longevity giving chronic condition, PD: Mer is the 12L in 6H of diseases with maraca Sun, Mer additionally is the lord of the Vainashika star causing destruction. Sookshma & Prana dasa are of Jup & Saturn respectively.
- Devakerelam
Predicting through Navamsa & Nadi Astrology by C.S.Patel – Pg 70 gives this verse
‘‘Evil to ones kinsman will result during Saturns transit in the sign identical with navamsa occupied by the 8th lord or trine thereof or in the sign aspected by the 8th lord on the degrees of that sign lord.’’ (Devekeralam book 2 page 241, verse 1772-73)
Additional results: Natives health will suffer, fear of untimely death, one’s own death, calamity in family, native confined to hospital etc’’
All the above is given in Patel Sahebs book & it is how it happened. Now see how it got actualized in his chart:-
- 8L Saturn is in 12H making him a powerful candidate & he is in Aries Navamsa, so trines to that is Ar, Leo, Sagi (Mark these signs Leo & Aries)
- Sat aspects Leo in D1 natal & Libra in D9 from 8H of death (mark these two signs Leo & Libra)
When Saturn transited in leo in its Tritiya Paryaya (3rd fatal round) it activated sign Leo which is Trine to the 8Ls Navamsa position & also the 8Ls Navamsa Dispositor -Mars (another method of Patel) & also Hit the sign (Leo) which is aspected by the 8L in D1 & also activated the sign (Libra) aspected by the 8L in D9 coming in the zone of activation of Mars (creating the paralysis of throat muscles) & on 14th Aug 07 (death date) the blow happened.
- Nakshatra of Destruction : Vainashika Tara
This is the 22nd nakshatra from birth nakshatra but some paramparas (not available on net forums) use it differently and more effectively though it then becomes over simplistic.
- Take the 22nd nakshatra from any planet, if in that nakshatra one finds a house cusp or a planet it gets fertile for Nash (destruction) especially in transits.
- Take the MD lord and/or AD lord, see its natal position, from there count the 22nd nakshatra that becomes the ‘Vainashika Nakshatra for that Dasa’.
- Observe in above nakshatra direct transits of malefic or transitual aspect, if more factors conjoin it gives result producing.
Before we see this on death, let us see an event that created the playground for his death. Often astrologers only see the main event but do not go back to when was the SEED of that event. This seed is most important event as per some elders.
Birth Moons: Vainashika Nak
Moon is in Swati owned by Rahu (note this planet), its 22nd nak would be Ashlesha (Vainashika of Moon) owned by Budha, when Tr Saturn was in Cancer (mother) in Ashlesha it was then on 19th of Mar 07 his elder daughter died, he wept for his mother like daughter who had cared for him since the last 4 decades. Tr Sat was aspecting natal Rahu & was in trine to ‘Navamsa Mer’ the nak lord of the Vainashika star thereby forming the linkage to deliver results.
Sun the MD Lords: Vainashika Nak
Sun is in P.Shad owned by Venus (note this planet), its 22nd nak would be Chitra (Vainashika of Sun) owned by Mars (note). Tr Saturn on 14Aug07 came into Leo close to 5 degrees of Mars his throat muscles gave away (Mars in 2H of throat) causing his death, Tr Saturn aspected Chitra the Vainashika to the degree ‘Activating the Dasa lord Sun to give the Results of Maraca’. Tr Saturn was in trine to the Navamsa position of Ven the nak lord of Sun the MD & was conjoined with Tr Ven, not to forget a month back it was aspecting natal Venus activating it.
Same can be applied to AD lord Jupiter (in Vimshottari) & we must see that some linkage of Tr malefic with nak lord of natal planet plus vainashika nak star plus its nak lord if they are forming linkage in D1 and/or D9 then results will be given, if in D9 in fixed sign then results are confirmed. This is what loosely scribe has been able to take hints from a non English non Hindi speaking traditionalist while he was teaching to his student. Scribe understands only 10-20% of that language so error can happen in understanding it.
Below some mails from old timers & seniors in astrology on Patel Sahebs passing away.
Dear __,
Please accept my condolences – this is very sad. I always felt close to CS Patel as I had read all his books. His memory and work will remain with us forever.
In sadness.
Komilla Sutton
Co-Founder & Chairperson of BAVA (British Astrological Vedic Association)
‘Ohh no, a Legend has left us’ – on phone Shri M.S.Mehta, Sr Astrologer BVB
‘Bhishma Pitamaha of Astrology is no more’ – My Mentor& close friend of Patel Saheb, Delhi.
‘I was so sorry to hear of his leaving his mortal body and I hope we can do 1/10 of the work that he accomplished for Jyotish. – Brendan Feeley, Sr. Astrologer, USA
Dear ___,
I am sorry to learn of Sri Patel’s passing away; I only hope the end was not painful. Yes, I knew Patelji for many years. He even came home to my place for tea once. He was a man of great learning and his knowledge of the difficult Ashtakavarga system and its nuances was phenomenal. His demise is indeed a great loss to the world of astrology.
I pray God to give his family, admirers and students strength to bear this loss.
May his soul rest in peace.
Yours sincerely, Gayatri Devi Vasudev
Daughter of B.V.Raman
Dear ___,
I was very sad to learn about the recent death of our Guru and friend Shree C.S. Patel. No doubt he has done a lot of good service to astrology and he will be greatly missed everywhere. I, for one, read his articles in the different astrological magazines more than 25 years ago. You were very close to him and understood his thoughts and ideas better than anyone else I know, so why don’t you try to carry on his work and finish what he has left unfinished due to old age, sickness etc. What is your opinion about this?
Finn Wandhal
Astrologer from Denmark
Dear ____,
I am grieved to hear about the sad news. We have lost a brilliant astrologer, researcher and a great human being. It is a great and irreparable loss to the world of astrology. I am also aware that it is a personal loss for you for which I am extremely sorry.
Sincerely yours,
K S Charak
Sr.Astrologer – Delhi
Om Gurave Namah
Dear ___,
The world has received great jewels of knowledge from Sri Patel, and hopefully his teachings will live on. I for one will do my best to study, incorporate, and research such teachings and maybe then some marginal service shall have been rendered to that great soul. This is a sad day. Then again, his Atma has been freed from a very difficult physical condition. We lament, but where he is, is likely to be beautiful beyond words.
ACVA previously honored Patel Saheb when he was the keynote speaker and honored guest at their symposium. I was there at the time and had a direct meeting with Sri Patel. He did not know me, but after passing from the room, patted me on the back and looked straight in my eyes, and I felt a Shakti occurring at that moment. He was very kind and a compassionate person, and he loved the astrologers in particular.
All the best,
Robert Koch
Sr Astrologer- USA
Dear ____,
Just a word to say I am very regretful to hear from Gary Gomes of the passing of C.S. Patel and so glad you and Gary created that very interesting article in the last CVA journal. Mr. Patel represents a fund of profound knowledge and is a great worthy and humble jyotishi and a light to all scholars. It is so unfortunate that we are losing him and ironic how the good work you have done in bringing attention to him in our journal has given him some extra recognition in the western world just before he is called on to his next stage of being.
I do hope that his ongoing work and his library will be cared for by people who appreciate their value.
Hope you are doing well and are happy!
Sat Siri Khalsa
Sr.Astrologer from US
Simplicity & Discipline:
When he was young he went to see movie of Lord Rama with a couple friend. As movie started the couple got up and did Shastang Namaskar in the theatre (such was the company he kept). After movie he went to that film studio where the same actors who played Ram & Sita were sitting outside the sets, there he saw them smoking & drinking he was most upset. Then he had disgust for actors & movies for all his life, he often said this story to scribe and said although one can think how silly of him to have such feelings but it lead him to never watch movies but to concentrate every waking minute on Jyotish which was his love. Such was his way of diverting energy from untoward events into productivity which shaped his Jyotish. Another incident that scribe remembers, whilst in 2006 full year scribe worked with him on his book on Retrogression, scribe would take his laptop to type what he said but he refused for it profusely for days and days, saying that if he wants to change a sentence how it will be done. Although I explained to him that this is the way of the computer which his grandson also uses, he said it did not fit into his logic. He took his slate & white pencil (used in olden days), he would write on it & give me his brilliant smile. He never could understand how I passed his message to his dear student Shri R.G.Krishnan through email or to his grandson in an instant. Every day scribe had to reach his house by 3 pm & would often be late by minimum 10 minutes, as soon as I would enter he would say sharply ‘You are Lateee’. I stopped giving excuses and only bowed down. Such was his way of seeing life through the Simple Bioscope of an old man who was isolated from the world as all his friends & jyotish comrades he had outlived beyond time.
As we wind up this homage to HIS lotus feet, scribe would share his guidance that has helped us & others.
- He would repeat & repeat ‘Do not Ever tell a lie if you want your predictions to come true’.
- ‘Do not keep any malice against any astrologer, if not possible keep very little in your heart and head as it corrupts our astrological growth’.
- Often he would scold me not to study many things at the same time, he would say ‘Study only one topic in astrology for years and years, master it till you breathe it – that’s the secret of my success.
- ‘Practice Honest Astrology in deeds, thoughts & do not be a connoisseur of marketing yourself as a Guru & Dollar Astrology, the Rishis watch us & control this science, trust me they watch us. The repercussions of otherwise acts are too fatal’.
- ‘If you can’t respect Time by being on Time, how will you predict others good or bad times’.
Lastly, lets note that he had his strengths and weaknesses as a human being, sometimes the weaknesses hurt scribe very very badly, but our love might make his spirit to be next to us forever saying what he would always say when I daily bowed to him that is ‘Vidyavan Bhava’ (Bless you to be knowledgeable).
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