Article by R.G. Krishnan, USA
‘Old Turkey Buzzard’ the famous background theme of Mackenna’s Gold still lingers in one’s mind as we think of Gold, Gold, Gold. The most precious metal still, though there have been other metals which have gone beyond the yellow one in price.
Economists generally attribute the price variations in Gold that occur from time to time to the theory of supply & demand. But they generally are unable to understand as to when the demand and supply situations will change. As such they are also unable to forecast when the demand situation will go up or when the supply situation will go up. Commonsense will tell us that the demand for Gold will always go up around time of Diwali and around the time of other festivals and also during those months when large numbers of marriages get celebrated. However in actual practice we find that the price of Gold is not necessarily related to these factors as sometimes the price fluctuations seem to be at variance with these factors.
Here Vedic astrology seems to hold the key. We astrologers have observed that transits of some key planets do have an effect on price fluctuations of Gold. These Key planets are Sun, Jupiter & Mars. They are the ‘Karakas’ or significators of Gold in astrological parlance.
This author has been watching Gold prices and co-relating them with the transiting planets for the past several years and has been trying to arrive at conclusions. We now share with the readers the various conclusions drawn. Based on these conclusions (principles) we have worked out the High & Low Months in Gold prices for the years 2006, 2007 & 2008 and had published them as e-books. Various clients who have bought these e-books have gotten back saying these forecasts were proved true in most of the months. God willing, I propose writing such e-books on price trends in Gold for the years 2009 and the years ahead also.
It has been observed that the following astrological factors have an effect on the fluctuations both upward & downward in the price of Gold:
Bullish trends generally occur in the price of Gold in the following situations:
- When transit Mars or transit Jupiter or transit Sun transit their own signs or exaltation signs or friendly signs.
- When transit Sun in a friendly sign, own sign or exaltation sign is subject to aspect by Jupiter.
- When transit Sun is conjunct with a benefic like Jupiter or Venus in a friendly sign.
- When transit Mars or transit Saturn or transit Jupiter becomes retrograde, bullish trends in the price of Gold are likely during the period of retrogression. These effects are likely to get more pronounced when more than one planet are in retrogression simultaneously.
- When transit Rahu or transit Saturn transit watery signs (Cancer Scorpio & Pisces).
- When transit Sun or transit Mars or transit Jupiter becomes in trine with Rahu or becomes conjunct with Rahu in the same sign.
Bearish trends generally occur in the price of Gold in the following situations:
- When the karaka for Gold namely transit Sun or transit Jupiter or transit Mars transit their debilitation signs or their inimical signs.
- When transit Sun or transit Mars or transit Jupiter is subject to aspects by malefic like Saturn or Ketu.
- When transit Sun or transit Mars or transit Jupiter is conjunct in any sign with a malefic like Saturn & Ketu.
- When transit Ketu transits watery signs (Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces).
- When transit Sun or transit Mars or transit Jupiter becomes in trine with transit Ketu or conjuncts with Ketu in any sign.
To make the above points clear, we analyze some past situations in the price of Gold and the planetary transits that happened at that point of time :-
A) The price of Gold went up to $850/ ounce on the international market on Jan 21 1980. The planetary position on that day may be seen from Chart #1 below :-
It will be seen from the chart that on that day
- Rahu was trine Jupiter & Mars.
- Jupiter, Mars, Saturn were all retrograde.
- Jupiter & Mars were transiting friendly sign (Leo)
- Rahu transited Scorpio sign (watery sign) from March 20 1974 to Sep 18 1975.
In this period the price of Gold which was $95.46 /ounce on Nov 1, 1973 (Chart no: 2) shot up to $186.05/ounce on Dec 2, 1974 (chart no:3)
Both the charts are given below
It will be seen from Chart #3 that
- Rahu transited a watery sign and Sun
- Mars transited friendly Scorpio sign
- Mars was conjunct Rahu in that sign on that date.
This satisfying our rules enumerated at the start of this research paper.
C) On Sep 2, 1980 Gold price was $640/ounce Chart #4 and the price of Gold on Aug 18, 1980 was $612/ounce. Chart #5. It will be seen that Gold price in this period was bullish.
It will be seen from above situation in both the charts that
- Rahu had transited a watery sign (cancer) thus favoring bullish trends in this period.
- In chart # 5 Mars was conjunct Saturn and was also in trine with Ketu which was a factor which had a suppressing effect on the bullish trend.
- Once Mars moved over to Libra as seen in Chart # 4 the price of Gold went up further as the situation became more conducive to bullish trends.
D) Gold price was $425/ounce on April 1 2005 (Chart #6) and it went up to $458/ounce on September 16 2005(Chart # 7) due to Saturn’s transit of Cancer (watery sign) and went up further to $497.20 on Nov 29, 2005 (Chart # 8) due to Mars & Saturn becoming retrograde.
In the above chart it will be seen that
- Rahu had transited a watery sign
- Mars was in exaltation sign.
In the above chart it will be seen that both Rahu & Saturn transited watery signs, Sun & Mars strongly placed in their own signs
It will be seen from the above chart that
- Saturn & Mars were retrograde
- Rahu and Saturn transited watery signs,
- Sun transited a watery sign and a friendly sign & Mars transited its own sign.
E) Gold price went up further to $561.70/ounce on Jan 17, 2006 (Chart #9) due to Mars aspect on Saturn and due to Saturn & Venus being retrograde simultaneously and due to Saturn being in trine with Rahu as will be seen from chart below
F) Gold price went up further to $721/ounce on May 11 2006 (Chart # 10) due to Sun’s transit in Aries and due to Jupiter being retrograde.
It will be seen from above that
- Saturn and Rahu had transited watery signs
- Jupiter was retrograde
- Sun was in exaltation sign
G) Jupiter was retrograde from July 7 1974 to Nov 2 1974. During this period the price of Gold was $141/ounce on Jul 16 1974 and it went upto to $168/ounce on Nov 1, 1974.
H) Saturn was retrograde from May 29, 1992 to Oct 15 1992. During this period the price of Gold was $336.3 on May 29, 1992 and it went up to $358.8/ounce on Jul 28, 1992.
I) Mars was retrograde from Nov 29, 1992 to Feb 15 1993. In this period the price of Gold was $334.25 on Nov 30, 1992 and it went up to $338.on Dec 17, 1992.
These are the few instances quoted to make the above points clear. It has been observed that these principles enumerated above hold true in about 70% of the cases. Since the planetary transits keep happening again and again, it was possible to corroborate these principles.
How does the above information help to forecast Gold prices in the future?
A) In the immediate future Mars will be retrograde from Nov 16 2007 to Jan 29 2008. Saturn will be retrograde from Dec 21 2007 to May 2, 2008.Jupiter will be retrograde from May 10, 2008 to September 7, 2008. Ketu will transit Cancer a watery sign from April 26, 2008 onwards for 18 months. Mercury will become retrograde from Jan 29, 2008 to Feb 18, 2008. Further Retrograde Mars will also be in trine with Rahu
All these indicate that the price of Gold is likely to become continuously bullish in the period from Nov 16, 2007 to April 26, 2008 and is likely to reach a new high in the period Dec 21 2007 and January 29, 2008. After April 2, 2008 there is likely to be a bearish trend in the price of Gold and during the period July 17, 2008 to Aug 17, 2008 when Sun will be conjunct Ketu in the sign of Cancer the price of Gold is likely to dip to a very low level.
About Author: Mr. R.G. Krishnan is a renowned International Astrologer. After predicting the Stock Market Crash of Jan 2008 as published in Dr Raman’s Magazine, he was pressed by many to write his yearly stock market report for India. In this, he predicts the stock market performance through planetary movements from June to Dec 2008. Astrology is one of the tools which a serious investor could use. It provides a solid reference for predicting the stock market performance.
He has reached the heights of Astrology by even predicting the victory of Honorable Moraji Desai to be the Prime Minister of India.
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