Article by P.M. Gopalachari
In the first Pada of the 2nd chapter of Jaimini Sutras the methods of calculation of longevity is revealed.
The Lords of lagna and 8th house, Lagna and Chandra and Lagna and Hora Lagna have prominent role.
The numbers 1,2 and 3 represent Chara, Sthira and Ubhaya rasis respectively.
Long Life Medium life Short life
- Lagna lord chara Ubhaya Sthira
Eighth lord chara Ubhaya Sthira
- Lagna lord Sthira chara chara
Eighth lord Ubhaya Sthira Ubhaya
- Lagna lord Ubhaya Sthira Ubhaya
Eighth lord Sthira chara chara
Anushangika Methods
Method 1
If the lord of the 8th from lagna is in a Kendra, long life is assured.
If he is in Panapara middle life is indicated. 2,5,8 and 11 houses.
If he is Apoklima short life is indicated. 3,6,9 and 12 houses.
If the lord of the 8th from the 7th house is in a Kendra long life is indicated.
If he is in Panapara middle life is indicated.
If he is in Apoklima shortlife is indicated.
Decide the term of life indicated by the stronger between these two.
Method 2
If the lord of the 8th from Atmakaraka is in a Kendra, long life is assured.
If he is in Panapara middle life is indicated.
If he is Apoklima short life is indicated.
If the lord of the 8th from the 7th house from Atmakaraka is in a Kendra long life is indicated.
If he is in Panapara middle life is indicated.
If he is in Apoklima shortlife is indicated.
Decide the term of life indicated by the stronger between these two.
Method 3
Factors to ascertain longevity
- Lagna lord and 8thlord
- 8thhouse and 8th lord
- Chandra sign and 8thlord from Chandra sign
Examine the three factors by chara, sthira and ubhaya signs and ascertain longevity indicated by two. If these differ select middle life.
Method 4
This method is applicable only when lagna lord becomes Atmakaraka. The sign occupied by lagna lord is treated as lagna. The sign occupied by 8th lord becomes Horalagna.
If lagna is stronger than Horalagna, count the number of signs from lagna to horalagna and divide this number by 4. If the reminder is 4 then long life. If it is 3 then middle life. If it is 2 then short life. If it is 1 then very short life.
If Horalagna is stronger than lagna, count the number of signs from Horalagna to lagna and divide this number by 4. If the reminder is 4 then long life. If it is 3 then middle life. If it is 2 then short life. If it is 1 then very short life.
We have to asses the term of life by these two i.e. principle and subsidiary methods.
Find wherever Kakshya Vriddhi and Kakshya Hrasa occur. We have to calculate the life span with the help of kakshya years of the planets in kakshya places.
Kakshya Vriddhi
- Occupancy of Jup in Lagna or its 7thhouse.
- Occupancy of the natural benefics only in both lagna and its 7thhouse or in its trikona places.
- Natural benefics with Atmakaraka or in the 5th, 7thor 9th.
- Atmakaraka should be exalted.
- Jupiter should be Atmakaraka.
Kakshya Hrasa
- Saturn should be yoga karaka.
- If Sat is with lagna lord or Hora Lagna lord.
- If Sat occupies the 8thfrom lagna or Horalagna.
- If Sat is with 8thlord lagna or Horalagna.
- Both Lagna and its 7thhouse should be occupied by natural malefics only.
- The 5th and 9thshould be occupied by natural malefics.
- The 5thand 9th 7th from Atmakaraka should be occupied by natural malefics.
- Malefic Atmakaraka should be debilitated.
- Malefic Atmakaraka should be associated with natural malefics in he signs other than the exaltation sign.
Kakshya years
Sun-3, waning Chandra-1,Full Chandra or in his own or exalted place-6, Jup-6 Exalted jup-12, Mercury-3, Venus-6, Saturn 5or 6 or 7, Mars-2 or 3.
Kakshya Places
1 Lagna and its 7th house.
- The 5thand the 9th houses of both lagna and its 7th house.
- Sign occupied by Atmakaraka and its 7thhouse.
- The 5thand the 9th houses of both Atmakaraka and its 7th house.
- The planets associated with Jupiter also should be taken.
- The 5thand the 9th and 7th houses of both Jupiter and its 7th house
- Add the years of he benific planets in Kakshya places shown above.
- Subtract the years of malefic planets in Kakshya places.
- Add if malefics are in own house or exalted in kakshya places.
- Subtract if Atmakaraka is a malefic or debilitated.
- Add if Atmakaraka is a benefic or exalted.
Benefics:: Jup, Ven, Chandra, Merc (even though with malefics).
Malefics:: Sun, Sat, Mars, waning Chandra, Rahu, Ketu.
Vriddhakarika method
Required data
- Day time or night time duration in (gahtikas). D.D. or N.D.
- Ghatikas at the time of birth from sunrise or sunset .
- Sphutas of lagna lord and 8thlord.
- Sphutas of lagna lrd and Hora lagna.
- Chandra sphuta.
Hora lagna
Preparation of horalagna is different in this vriddhkarika method from that of parivrittidwaya method.
For the day birth, divide the D.D. by 12 and by the quotient thus obtained, divide the birth Ghatikas from sunrise. The quotient is plus one is the resultant number. The remainder is to be converted into degrees minutes etc. This will become the longitudes of Hora Lagna.
If lagna belongs to odd group then count directly from it. If it belongs to even group then count in reverse order as we do generally in Jaimini system.
For the night birth, divide the D.D. by 12 and by the quotient thus obtained, divide the birth Ghatikas from sunset. The quotient is plus one is the resultant number. The remainder is to be converted into degrees minutes etc. This will become the longitudes of Hora Lagna.
If lagna belongs to odd group then count directly from it. If it belongs to even group then count in reverse order as we do generally in Jaimini system.
Here a formula is given for better understanding.
D.D or N.D = Quotient (Qt) 1
B.G.R or B.G.S = Qt1 and R1 2
Qt1 + 1 = RN 3
30 * R = Long. Of Hora Lagna 4
Dr. B.V. Raman has given formula in his book ‘Studies in Jaimini Astrology’.
Short life 12yrs + (30-n) * 1.1
Middle life 33yrs + (30-n) * 1.1
Long life 66yrs + (30-n) * 1.1
(Here ‘n’ means degrees of lagna lord, 8th lord, lagna, Hora lagna, or Chandra).
(At first, we have to ascertain the term of longevity by the method given hereunder.
And use Kakshya vriddhi and Kakshyahrasa.
Lagna lord and 8th lord, Lagna and Hora lagna and Lagna and the Chandra are to be considered.
If the planets involved are in the 1st degree of the sign the full term of life is promised.
If they are in the last degree of the sign short life is promised. )
- Judge the term of life using K.V. and K.H. methods.
- Find out which of the three factors indicating that term of life.
- Use the longitudes of those planets involved in the formulae.of the concerned term of life. Take the average of the two as the years of the life-span.
- If the same term of life is indicated by Lagna lord and 8thlord and Lagna and Hora lagna, take the average.
- If the Chandra is in Lagna or its 7thhouse ascertain the term from lagna and the Chandra
Horoscope of Jawaharlal Nehru
Karka: Lagna 24 De. Chandra 17 De, Simha Sani, Kanya Kuja, Tula Budha and Sukra, Vrischika Ravi, Dhanus Guru and Ketu, Mithuna Rahu.
Ratripramana 32 Ghatis Birth Ghatis 14.10
32/12=2, 40. 14-10/2-40 = 5 quotient.
N = 5+1=6. As lagna is an even sign we have to count in reverse order. Kumbha is 6th from Cancer. So Kumbha is Horalagna. As Chandra is in Lagna term of life should be judged from Lagna and the Chandra. Long life is promised. Now work on the formula.
From Lagna degrees 66+(30-24)*1.1=72.6
From Chandra degrees 66+(30-17)*1.1=80.3
Average 72.6 + 80.3 = 152.9 = 76.4 2 2
The Life span is 76 years. Nehru breathed his last at the age of 75.
Horoscope of Mahatma Gandhi
Lagna Tula Kuja 26, Budha and Sukra 24, Vrischika Sani, Makara Ketu, Mesha (A.K.) Guru 29, Karka Rahu, Simha Chandra and Kanya Ravi.
Ahahpramana 28.53 Ghatis Birth Ghatis 4.27 Hora Lagna Vrishila.
By Lagna and the Moon and lagna and Hora lagna middle life is promised. As Guru is Atmakaraka Kakshyavriddhi takes place and middle life extends to long life.
Here 8th house is Mithuna from Horalagna. Venus and Mercury are to be taken.
From Venus degrees 66+(30-24)*1.1 72.6
From Mercury degrees 66+(30-12)*1.1 85.8
Average 72.6 + 85.8 = 158.4 = 79 years 2 2
Gandhiji died at the age of 79 years.
Horoscope of Swami Vivekananda
Lagna Dhanus 26 and Ravi in it, Makara Budha and Sukra, Mesha Kuja, Vrisha Ketu, Kanya Chandra 18 and Sani, Tula Guru, Vrischika Rahu.
Ahahpramana 29.30 Ghatis Birth Ghatis 0-22 Hora Lagna Dhanus 26.
By Lagna and the Moon and lagna and Hora lagna middle life is promised.
By Lagna and the Moon
From Lagna degrees 33+(30-26)*1.1 37.4
From Moon degrees 33+(30-18)*1.1 45.2
Average 37.4 + 45.2 = 82.6 = 41.3 years
2 2
By Lagna and Hora lagna
From Lagna degrees 33+(30-26)*1.1 37.4
From Horalagna degrees 33+(30-26)*1.1 37.4
Average is 37.4
Average from both
41.3 + 37.4 = 78.7 = 39.3 years
2 2
Vivekananda died at the age of 39 years.
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