Article by Chandrashekhar Sharma
clearly pronounce or tell the time of death of father, deities worshipped and the deities (that need) to be worshipped.
ipt&kmRkrTv< c àaeCyte ÉagRve mte,
SvdezkalÉeden Svdez n&pl][m!. 26 .
pitåkarmakaratvaà ca procyate bhärgave mate|
svadeçakälabhedena svadeça nåpalakñaëam||26||
and whether the jataka will perform the last rites of his father and annual rites for his ancestors is (to be) told by the astrologer.
Svdezraò+saEOy< c prc³agm< twa,
ÊiÉR]< c suiÉ]< c mharaegaid s<Évm!. 27.
svadeçaräñörasaukhyaà ca paracakrägamaà tathä|
durbhikñaà ca subhikñaà ca mahärogädi sambhavam||27||
Possibility of great epidemics, droughts, production of plenty of grains, happiness of own country and invasion by enemy of the country
mhavataiÉ”at< c àae´< saMbizve mte,
zkaBdaip gte JyaeitivRramevaepdezt>. 28.
mahävätäbhighätaà ca proktaà sämbaçive mate|
çakäbdäpi gate jyotirvirämevopadeçataù||28||
and tell about possibility of devastating winds (typhons, tempests,hurricanes etc) and, finally advising about the shaka year (years of shalivahana shaka or any hindu year, but this perhaps refers to calculations of ahargana that is needed to calculate mean posiion of different planets at a given time ) per calculation of movement of astronomical bodies, in accordance with the principles given by Lord Sambashiva.
SvdezkalÉeden . 29.
Svadeçakälabhedena ||29||
This is to be done on the basis of longitude ad lattitude of the country (place) about which the prediction is to be given.
pÒaiÔcNÔai¶yuta> zkaBd> kilvTsra>.
kLya<BdakRgtaemasyutaiôoaiÔ ze;t>. 30.
padmädricandrägniyutäù çakäbdaù kalivatsaräù||
kalyämbdärkagatomäsayutästrikhädri çeñataù||30||
It is 3179, (YudhiSThira samvat) years from beginning of Kaliyuga to the first Shalivahan shaka. Multiply the years past (shalivahan shaka, which in the example appears to be 58) this by 12 (these are months past from beginning of Kaliyuga) and add to this the months past (from Chaitra shukla Pratipada and numbering7) which gives balance as 703.
Chandrashekhar’s Comment:
It is obvious that some shlokas are missing before this shloka appears. Some calculations are being given and they are perhaps trying to tell about how to calculate ahargana.
58X12 = 696 +7 =703 (strikhadri).
Back calculations from the figure of 703, which is obviously the number of Surya bhagana (Solar months) suggests that Achyuta is illustrating how to take out either Ahargana or nadi, perhaps the former, with the target year as 58 and month as Kartika that is obtained as the 7th month past from Chaitra. This could also be an indication that the treatise was written in Kartika month of the 58th Shaka.
The next five shlokas detail the calculations regarding ahargna and nadis and though I have tried to decipher them to the best of my ability, I am not very sure if the shlokas appear in order and there are no shlokas or lines missing. Thus my interpretation is subject to correction. I would therefore appeal to the learned in Sanskrit and Jyotish to try to correct my translation of these shloka, should they be found to be incorrect and attribute the mistake to my lack of knowledge and pardon me graciously.
It is fortunate that the subsequent shlokas, from shloka 6 here after onwards, talk about different results of nadi amshas and do not depend on these calcualtions for their interpretation.
lBxyutaSturyuta< smasErips<yut>,
o<vSva¹aeidnyut> iÖzzevai¶ÉaiôiÉ>. 31.
labdhayutästurayutäà samäsairapisaàyutaù|
khaàvasväghnodinayutaù dviçaçevägnibhästribhiù||31||
to the balance add 7
Now to this resultant (703), add Tura (7) giving us 710 and 6 giving us 709. To the first figure add KhaM (0) Vasu (8) that is 80 multiplied by 15 that is 1200. This gives us 1909. To the next figure that is 709 add DvishahI (2), Agni (3) Bhā (27) Tri (3) that is 32732, giving us 33441.
llBxe] nEhIRn< zu³varaidk< idn<.
*ug[< g[nEihRTva Éajyedip ÉajkE>. 32.
lalabdhekña nairhénaà çukravärädikaà dinaà||
dyugaëaà gaëanairhitvä bhäjayedapi bhäjakaiù||32||
33441 divided by 1909 will give us 17 as dividend and 988 as the balance. Divide 17 and 1909 by 12. Count from Friday the figure obtained by dividing 17 to get the rasi. So 17 divided by 12 will give 5 as balance, which counted from Friday shall give us Tuesday as the day of ahargana.
lBx< raizùt< ze;< oi¶iÉÉaRjnavuRta,
Éagze;< otkR¹< ùtharEkda pun>. 33.
labdhaà räçihåtaà çeñaà khagnibhirbhäjanäirvutä|
bhägaçeñaà khatarkaghnaà håtahäraikadä punaù||33||
Remove 12 (multiples of) from what is obtained (1909) and to what remains 30 is to be added. This will give 159 as dividend and 1 as the remainder. Add the remainder to Kha (0) Agni (3) Bhā (27). This will give 1+2731 = 2734 this is to be divided by 12 again to obtain 227 as dividend and 7 as remainder. Now multiply this by Kha (0) Tarka (6) that is 60 to obtain 420. This is again to be divided by the divisor that is 12. This means we divide 420 by 12 to obtain 35.
ivklaíÉvNTyev my< SyaNmXy oecra>,
gu[karae rveÉaR[ zIreNÊhaRrk Sm&t>. 34.
vikaläçcabhavantyeva mayaà syänmadhya khecaräù|
guëakäro raverbhäëa çérendurhäraka småtaù||
These are the vikalas upto which the mean position of grahas are to be calculated. The multiplier Khe (0) 270 is to be divided by 18 (Shīra=8 Indu=1). This would give us the number 15.
Chandrashekhar’s Comment:
I think something is certainly missing here. The focus shifts from ahargana to vikalas and mean planets. It is also likely that in the last sholka the reference is to how to calculate kalas and the author now wants to tell about vikalas.
zreNÊ tkR;fœÉagae ooaÉaRR¶IivRxae gu[>,
zrdkRinixíNÔ vsvaeharkSm&t>. 35.
çarendu tarkañaòbhägo khakhärrbhägnérvidho guëaù|
çaradarkanidhiçcandra vasavohärakasmåtaù||35||
6615 part of 132700. 20 is the dividend and 400 is the remainder. Sharat (6) arka (12) nidhi (9) chandra (1) =19126 are to be divided by 8. This gives us 2402. Deducting 400 from this gives us 2002 and deducting 200 ( guna to the bhaga 20) from this gives us 1802.
Chandrashehar’s Coment:
Here the author might be telling us about the total number of nadis in the zodiac as they happen to be 1800, though here they come at 1802. However that could be due to some mistake in interpretation by me. I think that this could be the number of nadis as the next shloka does tell about how to corelate the names of nadis to chara (Cardinal), sthira (Fixed) and dviswabhava (Dual) rasis.
I would like to reiterate here that if there is any mistake in this translation, it squarely lies at my doorsteps due to my ignorance of Sanskrit bhoot sankhya interpretation. I once again call upon the learned to undertake the translation of the foregoing 5 shlokas for benefit of astrology world, should I be incorrect.
I also promise to pursue this further with those scholars of Sanskrit whom I know and try to find any mistakes that might have occurred here.
äüaBdINÊ imtanaf(> crÉeVyTyyaiSwre,
;qœ sÝit<smar_y iÖSvÉave;u razI;u. 36.
brahmäbdéndu mitänäòyaù carabhevyatyayästhire|
ñaö saptatiàsamärabhya dvisvabhäveñu räçéñu||36||
There are a total of 150 nadis in a fixed order. (These are to be counted) for chara rasi (cardinal) the order is regular, in reverse order for sthira rasi (Fixed sign) and for the Dwisva bhava rasis (Mutable of Dual signs) they are to be counted from 76th nadi (amsha).
Chandrashekhar’s Comment:
The word brahmābdindu does not make any sense in bhoot sankhya, which is in line with the known jyotish terms, neither it matches with the names of nadis given after this shloka. If it is interpreted as a bhoot sankhya it would mean 111 (Brahma =1 Year = 1 Indu =1) or 13651 (Brahma =1 Year = 365 days Indu = 1). If we consider the word as BrahmābdhIndu it would translate as 141. Both of these words do not make any astrological sense. This word is apparently a corruption of whatever is written in the original text and hence I have taken the liberty to translate it as 150. If some learned thinks it to be otherwise, he/she may kindly correct this.
vsuxa< vE:[vI— äaüI kalkªqa c z<krI,
suxakrI sma saMya sura mya. 37.
vasudhäà vaiñëavéà brähmé kälaküöä ca çaìkaré|
sudhäkaré samä sämyä surä mayä ||37||
(The names of the nadis are) Vasudhā, VaiSanavI, brāhmI, KālakUTā, (and) ShankarI, SudhaākarI, Samaā, Sāmyā, Surā, Mayā.
mnaehra maXvI mÃuSvna “aera k…iMÉnI,
kMbla< àÉa vIra pyiSvnI mUlm!. 38.
manoharä mädhvé maïjusvanä ghorä kumbhiné|
kambaläà prabhä vérä payasviné mülam||38||
Manoharā, MādhvI, Manjuswanā, Ghorā, KumbhinI, Kambalā, Prabhā, VIrā, PayasvinI, Mulam (Or Mūlā).
jgit jHRra Øuva musla muGdra,
paza cMpka yaimnI mhI kl;a. 39.
jagati jarjharä dhruvä musalä mugdarä|
päçä campakä yäminé mahé kalañä||39||
JagatI, Jarjharā, Dhruvā, Musalā, Mugdarā, Pāshā, Champakā, YāminI, MahI, KalaShā.
kmla ka<ta kala pirkra ]ma,
ÊdRra ÊÉRga ivña ivzIna ivkq . 40.
kamalä käntä kälä parikarä kñamä|
durdarä durbhagä viçvä viçénä vikaöa ||40||
Kamalā, KaMtā, Kālā, Parikarā, Kshamā, Durdharā, Durbhagā, Vishwā, VishInā, VikaTa.
A<igra ivæma suoda iõGxa saedra,
sursuNdrI Am&tPlaivnI kala kamx&kœ. 41.
aìgirä vibhramä sukhadä snigdhä sodarä|
surasundarI amåtapläviné kälä kämadhåk||41||
Angirā, Vibhramā, Sukhadā, Snighdhā, Sodarā, SurasundarI, AmritaplāvinI, Kālā, Kāmadhruka.
krvIrI[I g<hra k…iqnI taÔ ivzaOya,
iv;naiznI zmRda zItla inça. 42.
karavéréëé gaàharä kuöiné tädra viçäkhyä|
viñanäçiné çarmadäa çétalä nimnä ||42||
KaravIrINI, GaMharā, KuTinI, Tādra, Vishākhyā, ViSanāshinI, Sharmadā, ShItalā, Nimnā.
iÇta iàyvixRnI man¹I ÊÉRga,
icÄa iciÇ[I icrÃIiv ÉUpa gdhra. 43.
tritä priyavardhiné mänaghné durbhagä|
cittä citriëé ciraïjévié bhüpä gadaharä||43||
Tritā, PriyavardhinI, MānaghnI, Durbhagā, Chittā, ChitriNi, ChiranjIvI, Bhupā, Gadharā.
nala nilnI inmRla nid suxam&ta<zukilka,
halahl iv;a<k…ra ÇElaeKyMmaehnkrI mhazUrI. 44.
nälä naliné nirmalä nadi sudhämåtäàçukalikä|
hälähala viñäìkurä trailokyammohanakaré mahäçüré||44||
Nālā, NalinI, Nirmalā, Nadi, SudhāmritāMshukalikā, Hālāhala, ViSāMkurā, TrailokyamohanakarI, MahāshUrI.
suxIlta suoda suàÉa zaeÉa zaeÉna,
zItda zIla sla Jvala sra raxa. 45.
sudhélatä sukhadä suprabhä çobhä çobhanä|
çétadä çélä salä jvälä sarä rädhä ||45||
SudhIlatā, Sukhadā, Suprabhā, Shobhā, Shobhanā, ShItadā, ShIlā, Salā, Jwālā, Sarā, Rādhā.
sUtna sumtI ista saemvtIR saemlta,
m<gla muiÔka ]uxa melvga iv¼lya. 46.
sütanä sumaté sitä somavarté somalatä|
maìgalä mudrikä kñudhä melavagä viìgalayä||46||
Sūtanā, SumatI, Sitā, SomavartI, Somalatā, Mangalā, Mudrikā, Kshudhā, Melavagā, Vinglayā.
nvnIta inzacrI inv&ÄI narda sara,
samga saemga sma ivñMÉra k…marI c. 47.
navanétä niçäcaré nivåtté näradä särä|
sämagä somagä samä viçvambharä kumäré ca||47||
NavanItā, NishācarI, NivrittI, Nāradā, Sārā, Sāmagā, Somagā, Samā, Vishwmbharā and KumārI.
kaeikla k…Ãrak«it @eNÔI Svaha Svxa,
vSvI àet r] jlPlva< daéñ midramEÇI. 48.
kokilä kuïjaräkåti aindré svähä svadhä|
vasvé preta rakña jalaplaväà däruçva madirämaitré||48||
Kokilā, Kunjarākriti, AindrI, Svahā, Svadhā, VasvI Preta, raksha, JalaplavāM, Dārushva, MadirāmaitrI.
hir[I hair[I mét xn y}a<xnkrI,
xnda kCDpa AMbuja $zac zuilnI. 49 .
hariëé häriëé maruta dhana yajïändhanakaré|
dhanadä kacchapä ambujä éçäca çuliné||49||
HariNI, HāriNI, Maruta, Dhana, YadhnyankarI, Dhanadā, KacChapā, Ambujā, Ishā and ShulinI.
taÔI izva izvkralta k…Nda cEv muk…Ndac,
Éista kdrI Smra kdlI kaeiklalapa. 50.
tädré çivä çivakarälatä kundä caiva mukundäca|
bhasitä kadaré smarä kadalé kokiläläpä ||50||
TādrI, Shivā, Shivakarālatā, Kundā and Mukundā, Bhasitā, kadarI, Smarā, KadalI, Kokilālāpā.
kaimnI klzaeÑva vIra àSta s<grac,
zty}a ztavrI öGvI paqilnI n¶a p<kja prmeñrI. 51.
käminé kalaçodbhavä vérä prastä saìgaräca|
çatayajïä çatävaré sragvé päöaliné nagnä paìkajä parameçvaré||51||
KāminI, Kalashodbhavā, VIrā, Prastā, and Sangarā, Shatayadhnā, SragvI, PtTalinI, Nagnā, PaMkajā, ParameshvarI.
@tavLyaSsmaOyata> àae´a ya äü[a pura,
nafI)sma}ay n zKyae l¶in[Ry>. 1 nafISsma}ay . 52 .
etävalyässamäkhyätäù proktä yä brahmaëä purä|
näòéphasamäjïäya na çakyo lagnanirëayaù || 1 näòéssamäjïäya ||52||
Brahma said that it is not possible to decide correct lagna (interpretaion/prediction) without knowing the nadis, in times long gone by.
Aiv}ate punlR¶e m&;avadev ivNyset!,
tSmaÚafI— prI]Ev k…yaR¾atkin[Rym!. 53.
avijïäte punarlagne måñävädeva vinyaset |
tasmännäòéà parékñaiva kuryäjjätakanirëayam ||53||
It is necessary to examine (match) the results of Nadi before declaring the results of a chart of a Jataka since a prediction made without knowing the time of birth, fails.
Chandrashekhar’s Comment:
I think the author is saying that one should match the 12’ arc of the zodiac in which a jataka is born by tallying the results of the nadi amshas with whatever is know of his life when he approaches the astrologer, including the number of his siblings, his body structure, colour etc.
It will be observed by the learned that the names of the nadis given in Guru Nadi differ from some of the names given by both C. G. Rajan an authority on Nadi and also in Deva keralam that is translated by R. Santanam. I have given a table of the names of nadis as given in all the three texts, below for easy reference of the learned.[1]
Names of Nādis, as they appear in the texts of C. G. Rajan, Deva Keralam (Chandrakalā nādi) and Guru Nādi.
In the opinion of Santhānam a nādi is 150th division of a rasi, of 12 minutes each, and the divisions are equal, whereas in the opinion of C. S. Patel they are superimposition of the 16 vargas and are uneven.
Personally, I think the divisions are even as the nādi names are to be allotted in regular order for Cardinal or movable (Chara) rasis, reverse for Fixed (Sthira) Rasis and from 76th nādi in regular order for Mutable or Dual (Ubhaya) rasis.
Nadi Number
For Chara Rasi |
Nadi Number
For Sthira Rasi |
Nadi Number
For Ubhaya Rasi |
C. G. Rajan | Deva Keralam* | Guru Nadi |
1 | 150 | 76 | Vasudhā | Vasudhā | Vasudhā |
2 | 149 | 77 | Vaishnavi | Vaishnavi | Vaishnavi |
3 | 148 | 78 | Brāhmi | Brāhmi | Brāhmi |
4 | 147 | 79 | KālkooTa | KālkooTa | KālkooTa |
5 | 146 | 80 | ShankarI | ShankarI | ShankarI |
6 | 145 | 81 | SadākarI | Sudhākarāmsha | SudhākarI |
7 | 144 | 82 | Samā | Saumya | Samā |
8 | 143 | 83 | Saumya | Surā | Sāmyā |
9 | 142 | 84 | Surā | Mayā | Surā |
10 | 141 | 85 | Mayā | Manoharā | Mayā |
11 | 140 | 86 | Manoharā | MādhavI | Manoharā |
12 | 139 | 87 | MādhavI | Manjuswanā | MādhavI |
13 | 138 | 88 | Manjuswanā | Ghorā | Manjuswanā |
14 | 137 | 89 | Ghorā | KumbhinI | Ghorā |
15 | 136 | 90 | KumbhinI | KuTilā | KumbhinI |
16 | 135 | 91 | KuTilā | Prabhā | Kambalā |
17 | 134 | 92 | Prabhā | Parā | Prabhā |
18 | 133 | 93 | Parā | PayaswinI | VIrā |
19 | 132 | 94 | PayaswinI | Mālā | PayaswinI |
20 | 131 | 95 | Mālā | Jagati | Moolam |
21 | 130 | 96 | JagatI | JarjharI | Jagati |
22 | 129 | 97 | Jarjharā | Dhruvā | Jarjharā |
23 | 128 | 98 | Dhruvā | Musalā | Dhruvā |
24 | 127 | 99 | Musalā | Mudgalā | Musalā |
25 | 126 | 100 | Mudgarā | Pāshā | Mudgarā |
26 | 125 | 101 | Pāshā | Chambakā | Pāshā |
27 | 124 | 102 | Champakā | DāminI | Champakā |
28 | 123 | 103 | DāminI | MahI | YāminI |
29 | 122 | 104 | MahI | Kalushā | MahI |
30 | 121 | 105 | Kalushā | Kamalā | Kalashā |
31 | 120 | 106 | Kamalā | Kāntā | Kamalā |
32 | 119 | 107 | Kāntā | Kālā | Kāntā |
33 | 118 | 108 | Kālā | Karikarā | Kālā |
34 | 117 | 109 | Karikarā | Kshamā | Parikarā |
35 | 116 | 110 | Kshamā | Durdharā | Kshamā |
36 | 115 | 111 | Durdharā | Durbhagā | Durdarā |
37 | 114 | 112 | Durbhagā | Vishwā | Durbhagā |
38 | 113 | 113 | Vishwā | Vishirnā | Vishwā |
39 | 112 | 114 | Vishirnā | Vihvalā | Vishinā |
40 | 111 | 115 | VikaTa Vishvalā | Anilā | VikaTa |
41 | 110 | 116 | Aavilā | BhImā | Angirā |
42 | 109 | 117 | Vidrumā | Sukhpradā | Vibhramā |
43 | 108 | 118 | Sukhadā | Snighdhā | Sukhadā |
44 | 107 | 119 | Snighdhā | Sodarā | Snighdhā |
45 | 106 | 120 | Sodarā | SurasundarI | Sodarā |
46 | 105 | 121 | SurasundarI | AmritaprāshinI | SurasundarI |
47 | 104 | 122 | AmritaplāvinI | Kālā (Karālā) | AmritaplāvinI |
48 | 103 | 123 | Karālā | KamadrukkaravirinI | Kālā |
49 | 102 | 124 | Kāmadhuka | Gahawarā | Kāmadhruka |
50 | 101 | 125 | KaravIrinI | KundinI | KaravIrinI |
51 | 100 | 126 | Gahavrā | Kāntā | GaMharā |
52 | 99 | 127 | KundinI | Vishākhyā (Vishā) | KuTinI |
53 | 98 | 128 | Raudra (Kāntā) | VishanāshinI | Tādra |
54 | 97 | 129 | Vishā | Nirmadā | Vishākhyā |
55 | 96 | 130 | VishavināshinI | ShItalā | VishavināshinI |
56 | 95 | 131 | Nirmadā | Nimnā | Sharmadā |
57 | 94 | 132 | ShItalā | PrItā | ShItalā |
58 | 93 | 133 | Nimnā | PriyavardhinI | Nimnā |
59 | 92 | 134 | Piridā (PrItā) | Mānadā (Managhnā) | Tritā |
60 | 91 | 135 | PriyavāsinI | Durbhagā | PriyavardhinI |
61 | 90 | 136 | Managhnā | Chitrā | ManaghnI |
62 | 89 | 137 | Durbhagā | Vichitrā | Durbhagā |
63 | 88 | 138 | Chitrā (Chittā) | ChiranjIvinI | Chittā |
64 | 87 | 139 | ChitriNi | Bhoopā | ChitriNi |
65 | 86 | 140 | ChiranjIvanI | Gadāharā | ChiranjIvinI |
66 | 85 | 141 | Virupā/ Bhoopā | Nāla | Bhoopā |
67 | 84 | 142 | Gadaharā | Gālavee | Gadaharā |
68 | 83 | 143 | Nāla | Nirmalā | Nālā |
69 | 82 | 144 | NalinI | Nadi | NalinI |
70 | 81 | 145 | Nirmalā | Sudhā | Nirmalā |
71 | 80 | 146 | Nadi | Mritamshuka | Nadi |
72 | 79 | 147 | Sadāmritamsukala | KālI | SudhaamritāMshukalikā |
73 | 78 | 148 | Chapalā | Kālikā | Hālāhala |
74 | 77 | 149 | Shankurā | Kalushankarā | ViShaMkurā |
75 | 76 | 150 | TrailokyamohanakarI | TrailokyamohanakarI | TrailokyamohanakarI |
76 | 75 | 1 | MahāmārI | Mahāmāyā | MahāshUrI |
77 | 74 | 2 | SushItalā | SushItalā | SudhIlatā |
78 | 73 | 3 | Sumatā/ Subhagā | Sukhadā | Sukhadā |
79 | 72 | 4 | Suprabhā | Suprabhā | Suprabhā |
80 | 71 | 5 | Shobhā | Shobhā | Shobhā |
81 | 70 | 6 | Shobhanā | Shobhanā | Shobhanā |
82 | 69 | 7 | Shivadā | Shivadā | ShItadā |
83 | 68 | 8 | Shivā | Shivā | Shilā |
84 | 67 | 9 | Bālā | Bālā | Sālā |
85 | 66 | 10 | Jwālā | Jwālā | Jwālā |
86 | 65 | 11 | Gadā | Gadā | Sarā |
87 | 64 | 12 | Gādā | Gādā | Rādhā |
88 | 63 | 13 | Nootanā | Sootanā (Nootanā) | Sootanā |
89 | 62 | 14 | Sumanoharā | Sumanoharā | SumatI |
90 | 61 | 15 | Somavalli | Somavalli | Sitā |
91 | 60 | 16 | Somalatā | Somalatā | SomavartI |
92 | 59 | 17 | Mangalā | Mangalā | Somalatā |
93 | 58 | 18 | Mudrikā | Mudrikā | Mangalā |
94 | 57 | 19 | Sootā | Sudhā | Mudrikā |
95 | 56 | 20 | Moksha parvagā | Melā | Kshudhā |
96 | 55 | 21 | Valayā | Apavargā | Melavagā |
97 | 54 | 22 | Navaneetā | Pashyatā | Vingalayā |
98 | 53 | 23 | NishācharI | Navaneetā | Navaneetā |
99 | 52 | 24 | NivrittI | NishācharI | NishācharI |
100 | 51 | 25 | Nigadā | NivrittI | NivrittI |
101 | 50 | 26 | Sārā/ Saurā | Nirgatā | Naradā |
102 | 49 | 27 | Sangeetā | Sārā | Sārā |
103 | 48 | 28 | Sumatā | Samagā | Sāmagā |
104 | 47 | 29 | Vishwmbharā | Samadā | Somagā |
105 | 46 | 30 | KumārI | Samā | Samā |
106 | 45 | 31 | Kokilā | Vishwambharā | Vishwambharā |
107 | 44 | 32 | KunjarakIrtI | KumārI | KumārI |
108 | 43 | 33 | Aindrā | Kokilā | Kokilā |
109 | 42 | 34 | Swāhā | KunjarakIrtI | KunjarakrutI |
110 | 41 | 35 | Swarā | Indrā | AindrI |
111 | 40 | 36 | Vanhi | Swāhā | Swāhā |
112 | 39 | 37 | PreetI | Swadhā | Swadhā |
113 | 38 | 38 | Rakshajala | VanhI | VaswI |
114 | 37 | 39 | Plavā | Peethā | Preta |
115 | 36 | 40 | VāruNI | YakshI | Raksha |
116 | 35 | 41 | Madirā | Achalaprabhā | Jalaplavā |
117 | 34 | 42 | MaitrI | SāriNI | Dārushva |
118 | 33 | 43 | HāriNi | Madhurā | MadirāmaitrI |
119 | 32 | 44 | HariNi | Maitri | DhariNi |
120 | 31 | 45 | Maruta | HariNi | HāriNi |
121 | 30 | 46 | Dhananjaya | HāriNi | Maruta |
122 | 29 | 47 | DhanakarI | Mārutā | Dhana |
123 | 28 | 48 | Dhanadā | Dhananjaya | Yadhna DhanakarI |
124 | 27 | 49 | Mricchya | DhanakarI | Dhanadā |
125 | 26 | 50 | Ambujā | Dhanadā | KacHapā |
126 | 25 | 51 | IshānI | KacHapā | Ambujā |
127 | 24 | 52 | ToolinI | Ambujā | Ishā |
128 | 23 | 53 | Raudri | IshānI | ShUlinI |
129 | 22 | 54 | Shivā | ShoolinI | TadrI |
130 | 21 | 55 | ShivakarI | Raudri | Shivā |
131 | 20 | 56 | Kalā | ShivāshivakarI | Shivakarālatā |
132 | 19 | 57 | Kundā | Kalā | Kundā |
133 | 18 | 58 | Mukundā | Kundā | Mukundā |
134 | 17 | 59 | Bhāratā | Mukundā | Bhasitā |
135 | 16 | 60 | Pasitā | Pāratā/ Bhāratā | KadarI |
136 | 15 | 61 | KandinI | KadalI | Smarā |
137 | 14 | 62 | Smarā | Smarā | KadalI |
138 | 13 | 63 | Kuntalā | Bhāsitā | Kokilālāpā |
139 | 12 | 64 | Kokilā | Kodalā | KāminI |
140 | 11 | 65 | Pāpā | Kokilāmshā | Kalashodbhavā |
141 | 10 | 66 | KāminI | KāminI | VIrā |
142 | 9 | 67 | Kalashodbhavā | Kalashodbhavā | Prastā |
143 | 8 | 68 | VIraprasoo | VIraprasoo | Sangarā |
144 | 7 | 69 | Shankarā | Sangarā | Shatayadhnyā |
145 | 6 | 70 | Shatayadhnyā | Shatayadhnyā | ShatāvarI |
146 | 5 | 71 | Shadāvari | ShatāvarI | SragvI |
147 | 4 | 72 | BrahvI/ Virahapā | SragvI | PāTalinI |
148 | 3 | 73 | PāTalinI | PāTalinI | Nagnā |
149 | 2 | 74 | Pankajā | Nāgapankajā | Pankajā |
150 | 1 | 75 | ParameshwarI | ParameshwarI | ParameshwarI |
vsuxa<zk )lm!
1st NadiAmsha – Vasudhäìçaka Phalam
Results of Vasudha Amsha.
Note: For Vasudha Amsha this means
- 0° 00′ to 0° 12′ for Moveable Ascendants
- 29° 48′ to 30°00′, for Fixed Ascendants &
- 15° 00′ to 15° 12′ for Dual Sign Ascendants.
vsuxa<zaeÑvaemTyR> gaEràa<zuttZzuic>,
ivÖaNmxuraÉa;I ivnItaexmRvTsl>. 54.
vasudhäàçodbhavomartyaù gaurapräàçutataççuciù |
vidvänmadhuräbhäñé vinétodharmavatsalaù ||54||
A person born in VasudhaMsha (one whose degrees of lagna fall in VasudhaMsha), is Fair of colour and of a brilliant (or very fair) complexion, polite, follower of Dharma, knowledgeable and talks in a sweet manner.
äaü[aexinkïae[I mexavI klhiày>,
saedra> p te;a< ÖaE àÉlaE rajv‘ÉaE. 55.
brähmaëodhanikaçroëé medhävé kalahapriyaù |
sodaräù païca teñäà dvau prabhalau räjavallabhau ||55||
He is a brahmin by birth, wealthy follower of middle path of Dharma, possessed of great intellligence and contentious (likes to argue or quarrel). He has five siblings of whom two are favourites of the King.
;qpuÇa> kNyka tSy Çy> puÇa mhaxna>,
kNyEka pqut àJvI ÖaiÇ<zevahnaiNvt>. 56.
ñaöaputräù kanyakä tasya trayaù puträ mahädhanäù |
kanyaikä paöuta prajvé dvätriàçevähanänvitaù ||56||
He has 6 sons and a daughter who is very clever and beautiful and three of his sons are very wealthy. He gets a vehicle at the age of 32.
SvBd iÖsÝtervakR nkdaicÎirÔtam!,
tIwRyaÇa rtEròa mharaj smaïy>. 57.
svabda dvisaptateravärka nakadäciddaridratäm |
térthayäträ ratairañöä mahäräja samäçrayaù ||57||
In his 72 years of life, he gets the royal patronage of kings, does pilgrimage 8 times and rarely (does not) faces poverty.
gaeraecna pÒv[aR ivÖan! zamaeÑvaÉvet!,
àa<zu> iSwr> k«za<gí 1 iÖBdSte ièyte mata. 1 ÉUpaBde ièyte mata . 58.
gorocanä padmavarëä vidvän çämodbhaväbhavet |
präàçuù sthiraù kåçäìgaçca 1 dvibdaste mriyate mätä || 1 bhüpäbde mriyate mätä||58||
He is of a yellowish shade or of the colour of Lotus (pink), learned and has ability to cure (others). He is tall, steady (by nature) lean and in his 2nd year (16th year if we consider the word “bhUpaabde” as right one) his mother dies.
pake rahe ta mNdÉu´a mharaeg smiNvt>,
svaRsuc dzaiSvNÊ guéÉ®yaïyaiNvt>. 59.
päke rähe tä mandabhuktä mahäroga samanvitaù |
sarväsuca daçäsvindu gurubhaktyäçrayänvitaù ||59||
During the entire dasha of Moon, he will be devoted to a Guru. In the dasha of Rahu and bhukti (antardasha) of Shani he contacts severe illness.
vE:[va<z )lm!
2nd NadiAmsha – Vaiñëaväàça Phalam
Results of Vaishnavämsha
Note: For Vaishnavi Amsha this means
- 0° 12′ to 0° 24′ for Moveable Ascendants
- 29° 36′ to 29° 48′ for Fixed Ascendants &
- 15° 12′ to 15° 24′ for Dual Ascendants.
vE:[va<zaeÑvaemTyRSsaiTvkae mxuriày>,
gaeraecna pÒv[R> iv*a< zamaewva Évet!. 60.
vaiñëaväàçodbhavomartyassätviko madhurapriyaù |
gorocanä padmavarëaù vidyäà çämothavä bhavet ||60||
A Jätaka born in Vaishnavämsha is pious and likes sweets. He is of yellowish colour or Lotus colour and is able to cure or help others through his learning.
àa<zu iSwr> k«za<gí pÒpÇinÉe][>,
iv*aivny s<yu´íaévaŠ…zlaem&Ê>. 61.
präàçu sthiraù kåçäìgaçca padmapatranibhekñaëaù |
vidyävinaya saàyuktaçcäruväkkuçalomåduù ||61||
He is tall steady and lean and has eyes that resemble lotus (or looks like Lotus leaf). He is possessed of learning, humility, pleasing speech and is soft in nature.
Chandrashekhar’s Comment:
I think “padmapatranibhexana” means one who resembles Lotus leaf as the jataka is already said to be lean and being delicate looking like a lotus leaf is an apt simile.
iÖÉayaeR mat&Éi´í b÷æat&smaiNvt>,
AÉu´ Éaegae ièyte jeóae balSy ca¢t>. 62.
dvibhäryo mätåbhaktiçca bahubhrätåsamänvitaù |
abhukta bhogo mriyate jeñöho bälasya cägrataù ||62||
He has two wives, is devoted to his mother and has many siblings. When the jätaka is young, his elder sibling, who has not enjoyed the pleasures of life (quite young) dies.
1 k…ôIc raeig[> píadvaRk ;aefz vTsra>, 1 SvôI
ÉigNyí ctöStu @ka SvaxIna v‘Éa. 63.
1 kustréca rogiëaù paçcädarväka ñoòaça vatsaräù | 1 svastré
bhaginyaçca catasrastu ekä svädhénä vallabhä ||63||
His wife is sickly at 16 years and of his four sisters one has her husband under her control.
Chandrashekhar’s Comment:
I think SvastrI is the right word and not KustrI and have hence translated it as jataka’s wife.
SvbNxu pae;[e z´a ivÊ;ae zuÉl][a,
puiÇ[I pitÉ´ac Êv&RÄaí twa pra. 64.
svabandhu poñaëe çaktä viduño çubhalakñaëä |
putriëé patibhaktäca durvåttäçca tathä parä ||64||
Capable of rearing his siblings and a learned person with auspicious marks, one of his daughters is devoted to her husband while other one is of bad tendencies/habits (character?)
æatacEkaeSy Êv&RÄ> lBx> kamI zQ> ipta,
;qpÂaze mharaegTSvy< nZyit yaenit. 65.
bhrätäcaikosya durvåttaù labdhaù kämé çaöhaù pitä |
ñaöapaïcäçe mahärogatsvayaà naçyati yonati ||65||
One of his brothers is of bad character, unfaithful and lustful. His father is shrewd (crook ?). In the 56 year of age he becomes seriously ill due to his own mistakes.
Chandrashekhar’s Comment:
YonayH means source and I have therefore translated this to mean the jataka is the source of his own great disease. Now the Jataka being a learned man and with all good qualities as indicated in earlier shlokas, it is not likely that he will invite this great disease due to addictions. Therefore I think the reference might be to either food poisioning or something like gastroenteritis. The next shloks also seems to confirm his fondeness to food and the likelihood of serious health problems due to his own carelessness appears likely.
iÖsÝitsme m&Tyu AjI[Rm AixgCDt>,
b÷puÇa æat& puÇ> ÉagaTvòe suoIÉvet!. 66.
dvisaptatisame måtyu ajérëama adhigacchataù |
bahuputrä bhrätå putraù bhägätvañöe sukhébhavet ||66||
He will die at Seventy two years of age due to indigestion. He has many sons and nephews lives happily due to inheritance (Jataka earns well and has landed property).
3rd NadiAmsha – Brähmyäàçam
Results of Brahmäàsha
Note: For Brahmi Amsha this means
- 0° 24′
äaü(a<ze gaErgaÇí sma<zae gUFmTsr>,
gUFkayae mhaàa}> mhaivÖaNmhayza>. 67.
brähmyäàçe gauragätraçca samäàço güòhamatsaraù |
güòhakäyo mahäpräjïaù mahävidvänmahäyaçäù ||67||
One born in BrahmI amsha is of fair, of proportionate body, difficult to understand, jealous, of stout body, great intellectual and very learned and is of a noble disposition.
b÷æata æat&yutae æata jeóae=viz:yte,
@kiÇ<ze ièyte mata ÖaiÇ<ze ièyte ipta. 68.
bahubhrätä bhrätåyuto bhrätä jeñöho’vaçiñyate |
ekatriàçe mriyate mätä dvätriàçe mriyate pitä ||68||
His mother dies when he is of 31 years of age and father dies at 32nd years.
He has many brothers and of these only the eldest one survives.
Chandrashekhar’s Comment:
It seems there is some corruption of the shlokas here in the first line. It talks of his having many brothers. However it could also mean that he has many friends and brothers and his elder brother is the only one left (survives).
pÂiÇ<ze puÇyut> ra}<iàyae mhadars Svjnri]t>. 69.
païcatriàçe putrayutaù räjïampriyo mahädärasa svajanarakñitaù ||69||
He gets a son at the age or 35, is the favourite of king, has many wives and is protected by his kiths and kins.
mhaJvr ÉyatRí ÖaiÇ<ze guévTsl>,
;qiÇ<zaTprtaeir´> AòiÇ<ze suoI Évet!. 70.
mahäjvara bhayärtaçca dvätriàçe guruvatsalaù |
ñaöatriàçätparatoriktaù añöatriàçe sukhé bhavet ||70||
He faces many difficulties and contracts high fever at the age of 32, becomes devotee of his Guru (is accepted as shishya by a Guru) after 36 years of age and becomes contented by 38 years of age.
tt> pr< xnaF(í punvaRhn s<yut>,
AÚdata inTymev g<gayait zicnEyuRt>. 71.
tataù paraà dhanäòhyaçca punarvähana saàyutaù |
annadätä nityameva gaìgäyäti çacinairyutaù ||71||
After this he becomes very wealthy and gets vehicles etc. again. He regularly feeds many and crosses river Ganga (leaves for distant lands) and does not indulge in coitus (actually is not involved with women other than his wife).
pÂcTvair<zkeBde punreit Svdezkm!,
iÇiÉrBdESttae ra}a s³tu õayupae;k>. 72.
païcacatväriàçakebde punareti svadeçakam |
tribhirabdaistato räjïä sakratu snäyupoñakaù ||72||
He returns to his motherland at the age of 45 and in 3 years there after becomes a King due to his intelligence and is a supporter of bow string (perhaps this means that he becomes a king due to his intelligence and support of his archers that is the army that he rears).
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